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October 2010CERN-Korea J. Schukraft1 ALICE Status 8 th CERN-Korea meeting Collaboration News Korean participation General ALICE status report on Wednesday.

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Presentation on theme: "October 2010CERN-Korea J. Schukraft1 ALICE Status 8 th CERN-Korea meeting Collaboration News Korean participation General ALICE status report on Wednesday."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 2010CERN-Korea J. Schukraft1 ALICE Status 8 th CERN-Korea meeting Collaboration News Korean participation General ALICE status report on Wednesday

2 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 2 Collaboration News New Institutes (since Oct 2009)  Frankfurt Institute of Computer Science (Germany)HLT  Chicago State University (NSF, USA) Physics, EMCAL,Trigger  U Texas Austin (DOE USA) Physics, EMCAL  Comsats (Pakistan) : ‘associate members status’, Physics, Computing Applying (decision in November)  KISTI (Korea) : ‘associate members status’ Computing  Gahauti Univ (Assam) & Bose Institute (Kolkata) Physics, Upgrades Ongoing Discussions  Pinstech (Pakistan) : ‘associate members status’, Physics, Computing  Egypt, Lebanon, … Spokesperson & CB-chair  Spokesperson: P. Giubellino (Torino), starting 1.1.2011 for 3 year term  CB chair : P. Braun-Munzinger (GSI), starting 1.1.2011 for 3 year term

3 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 3 3 Detector: Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons Collaboration: > 1000 Members > 100 Institutes > 30 countries ALICE

4 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 4 Korean Participation in ALICE Participating Groups:  Kangnung:  TOF assembly & commissioning, Muon arm operation, physics  Sejong:  Grid computing, physics  Yonsei:  TRD assembly and commissioning, physics  Pusan (replacing Pohang)  HMPID R&D and operation, physics  Kisti: (now applying as associate member)  ALICE-Korea GRID computing center Activity Report by Prof. IK Yoo

5 CCRC F2F 10/01/200855 ALICE KISTI T2 centre In stable operation since 2009 Providing 180 CPU cores and 30TB of disk storage

6 CCRC F2F 10/01/200866 KISTI Global Data Science Center Provides T1 services for ALICE Setup of centre completed (extremely efficient & quick !) Initial resources 144 CPU cores, 100TB disk, 100TB tapes Bandwidth to CERN (through GLORIAD) 200 MBps Additional Computing very important to ALICE (sign. shortfall of CPU resources expected)

7 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 7 ALICE Status 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 0 1 2 3 4 16 10 2x Installation WS 2010/11 9 week WS : very busy schedule !  install 6 EMCAL & 3 TRD modules  continuous 2 shift operation  contingency: reduced scope  very sign. physics gain !  x 2 for TRD J/   jets in emcal Korean participation commissioning the 3 TRD modules very appreciated

8 Financial issues 2011 Construction Budget Korea has no ongoing construction expenses

9 9 Common Fund, C&I Contributions 1997 - 2010 Institute Fee: Kangnung/Sejong: fully paid: 100 kCHF Yonsei: fully paid: 50 kCHF Associate members don’t pay Common Fund

10 M&O cat. A invoices/income 2002 - 2010 M&O A: ‘02-’10: fully paid

11 ALICE MB 7 October 2010 - RRB-2010-075 draft and RRB-2010-077-draft 11 Sharing of the 2011 M&O-A Budget (unit: kCHF) Rebate from 2009 energy Total Budget 2.592kCHF Spent 513 kCHF (29.75%) 2009 Invoiced to NMS = 771 kCHF 2009 Corrected NMS = 153 kCHF 2010 Rebate = 618 kCHF 11 2011 M&O Budget for Korea 10 scientists: 127.26 kCHF (with Energy rebate bill is 97.4 kCHF)

12 2011 M&O B sharing (kCHF)

13 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 13 ‘Upgrades’ ALICE essentially finished since mid 2008  2 detectors were added later and will be completed by end 2010/early 2011  TRD (Germany, Korea, + …)  EMCAL (US, France, Italy) EMCAL extension (‘DCAL’) (~ 40% of emcal)  approved in August 2010  US DOE, Japan, China, France  construction to be completed for installation in 2012 Longer term upgrade planning  several options are under study  improved vertex dets, forward calo, PID,..  Korean groups interested/participating  concrete plans require first HI data  upgrades to be presented & discussed in 2011

14 Oct 2010 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft 14 Summary Korean participation in ALICE: going very well !  increase in 2010 with 1 new associate member  participation in detector construction/operation/computing very effective  Korea well integrated and active inside the Collaboration

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