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Published byHarry Campbell Modified over 9 years ago
University of Athens, Physics Department Section of Nuclear and Particle Physics & IASA HEP Workshop, Athens, April 17 th 2003 Nikos Giokaris CDF & TEVATRON STATUS
Talk Outline I.TEVATRON Status II.CDF Status Upgraded Detector for RUN II Detector Performance III.Physics with CDF at RUN II IV.Conclusions
Tevatron status – RUN II RUN II Tevatron operations started in March 2001 –Luminosity goals for run IIa: 5-8x10 31 cm -2 sec -1 w/o Recycler 2x10 32 cm -2 sec -1 with Recycler –Achieved: 4.1x10 31 cm -2 sec -1 in March ’03 195 pb -1 delivered until early April’2003 –148 pb -1 are on tape –72 pb -1 used for analyses shown at the Winter conferences Initial Luminosity Integr. Luminosity Delivered On tape 195 pb -1 148 pb -1
Tevatron status – RUN II Short term plans: –Run until October ‘03 Reach luminosity goal w/o Recycler: –5-8x10 31 cm -2 sec -1 –1-2 months shutdown Complete Recycler work –Commission and integrate Recycler during 2003 Extrapolation Back Back to index
The CDF Collaboration Totals ä112 countries ä 58 institutions ä 581 physicists North AmericaEurope Asia 3 Natl. Labs 28 Universities 1 Universities 1 Research Lab 6 Universities 1 University 4 Universities 2 Research Labs 1 University 5 Universities 1 Research Lab 1 University 3 Universities
The Upgraded CDF Detector New Old Partially new Forward muon Endplug calorimeter Silicon and drift chamber trackers Central muonCentral calorimeters Solenoid Front end Trigger DAQ Offline TOF
The Upgraded CDF Detector Major qualitative improvements over Run 1 detector: –Whole detector can run up to 132 nsec interbunch –New full coverage 7-8 layer 3-D Si-tracking up to | | ~ 2 –New faster drift chamber with 96 layers –New TOF system –New plug calorimeter –New forward muon system –New track trigger at Level 1 (XFT) –New impact parameter trigger at Level 2 (SVT) All systems working well –Silicon and L2 took longer to commission Forward region restructured
Detector Performance Silicon detectors: –Typical S/N ~12 –Alignment in R- good R-z ongoing Details
Detector Performance TOF resolution within 10 –20% of design value –Improving calibrations and corrections TOF S/N = 2354/93113 S/N = 1942/4517
Detector Performance XFT: L1 trigger on tracks –full design resolution p T /p 2 T = 1.8% (GeV -1 ) = 8 mrad Efficiency curve: XFT cut at P T = 1.5 GeV/c XFT track Offline track
Detector Performance S econdary V er T ex L2 trigger Online fit of primary Vtx Beam tilt aligned D resolution as planned 48 m (33 m beam spot transverse size) 8 VME crates Find tracks in Si in 20 s with offline accuracy Efficiency Online track impact param. =48 m 80% 90% soon
Detector Performance Commissioning: –L00 > 95% –SVXII > 90% –ISL> 80% Completing cooling work % of silicon ladders powered and read-out by silicon system vs. time Back Back to index
Detector Performance Trigger: –Goal rates for L = 2x10 32 L1/L2/L3 = 50,000/300/50 Hz –Typical now for L ~ 10 31 L1/L2/L3 = 6,000/240/30 Hz DAQ –Logging data at the planned rate of ~ 20 Mbyte/sec Offline: –Data is reconstructed in quasi real time on a dedicated production farm 396 2.5 Back Back to index
Physics with CDF-II Use data to understand the new detector: –energy scales in calorimeter and tracking systems –detector calibrations and resolutions –tune Monte Carlo to data Use data to do physics analyses –Real measurement beyond PR plots –Quality of standard signatures –Rates of basic physics signals –Surprisingly some results are already of relevance in spite of the limited statistics In the following brief/incomplete summary of a lot of work list
EM Calorimeter scale 638 Z e + e in 10 pb -1 – (M) ~ 4 GeV Check Z mass in data and simulation after corrections –Central region: Mean: +1.2% data, -0.6% sim. Resolution: +2% simulation –Forward region (Plug): Mean: +10/6.6% data, +2.0% simulation Resolution: +4% simulation Central-central Central-West plug Central-East plug N Z = 247 N Z (W+E) = 391 FB asymmetry
Measurements with high Et ± Clear evidence of Z + –Signal shown for OS muons detected in both inner and outer muon chambers - 57 candidate events in 66<M inv <116 range - N Z = 53.2±7.5 ±2.7 11 22
Measurements with low Et ± trigger improved –p T > 2.0 1.5 GeV – > 5° 2.5° Observed rates are consistent with expected increase due the lowering of the thresholds 13 pb -1 No Silicon 100k = 21.6 MeV Central muons only 15 MeV with Silicon
Measurements with jets Raw Et only: –Jet 1: ET = 403 GeV –Jet 2: ET = 322 GeV Jet expectations Raw jet distributions
Hadronic Energy Scale Use J/ muons to measure MIP in hadron calorimeters –(Run II)/(Run 1) = 0.96±0.05 Gamma-jet balancing to study jet response f b = (p T jet – p T )/p T Run Ib (central):f b = -0.1980 ± 0.0017 Run II (central):f b = -0.2379 ± 0.0028 Plug region corrections in progress central calor. Plug region q g q
Measurements with jets Jet shapes: –Narrower at higher E T –Calorimeter and tracking consistent –Herwig modeling OK 16 pb -1 used for this study
Measurements with hadronic b triggers Hadronic B decays observed –Yield lower than expected (silicon coverage/SVT efficiency > x 3) –S/N better than expected Better S/N dilution compensates reduced statistics #B + = 56±12 #B = 33±9 B + D 0 + B h + h
W Evidence for typical decay multiplicity in W selections Back to index
Measurements with low Et ± More mass plots: –Bd, Bs B s Back Back to index B d K *0
Hard Physics at Tevatron and LHC Hadron jets, QCD W,Z Elecroweak Physics b-Physics Top Quark First Studies Search for the Higgs Search for the Unknown Find the Higgs Find the Unknown Understand the Top Quark QCD and EW
Which Signatures for Hard Physics? 1.W, Z large p t leptons, large p t jets, missing E t 2.b, t ~large p t leptons, large p t jets, missing E t 3.Higgs bb, WW, ZZ large p t leptons, large p t jets, missing E t 4.SUSY large p t leptons, large p t jets, missing E t THE PHYSICS OF LARGE P T LEPTONS, LARGE P T JETS, MISSING E T
c c c e+e+ oo K +, +,p,… Muon detectors Hadron calorimeter Electromagnetic calorimeter 1.4 T Solenoid Drift Chamber Silicon Detector K o + -, …etc Functional Schematic Time of Flight
RECENT PAST, NEAR FUTURE PAST Data-taking of CDF and D0 ended in February 1996 Integrated luminosity ~ 0.1 fb -1, s = 1.8 TeV FUTURE Run2 started in March 2001 s = 1,98 TeV luminosity goals 2 fb -1 by ~ summer 2004, >15 fb -1 by fall 2007
113 GeV200 GeV Searching for the Higgs Over the last decade, the focus has been on experiments at LEP precision measurements of parameters of W/Z, combined with Fermilab`s top quark mass measurements, set an upper limit of m H ~ 200 GeV direct searches for Higgs production exclude m H < 113,5 GeV Summer and Autumn 2000: Hints of a Higgs –the LEP data may be giving some indication of a Higgs with mass about 115 GeV (right at the limit of sensitivity) All eyes on Fermilab: –until about 2007, we have the playing field to ourselves
CDF+D0 SM Higgs reach in run 2
The standard model works at the 10 -3 level and would be completed by the discovery of the Higgs âbut there are good reasons to believe that the Higgs is in fact the first window on to a new domain of physics at the electroweak scale Strong suggestions that the Higgs is not all we are missing âThis Higgs boson is unlike any other particle in the SM (no other elementary scalars) âa fundamental scalar would have a mass unstable to radiative corrections (quantum effects): m H would become very large m H ~ 10 15 GeV, unless parameters fine tuned at the level of 1 part in 10 26 âthe patterns of the fundamental particles suggest a deeper structure âthe SM looks like a low energy approximation to something larger Theoretically the most attractive option is supersymmetry Beyond the Standard Model Higgs
Complementarity with LHC The Physics goals of the Tevatron and the LHC are not very different, but the discovery reach of the LHC is much greater –SM Higgs: Tevatron < 180 GeV LHC < 1 TeV –SUSY (squark/gluon masses) Tevatron < 400 GeVLHC < 2 TeV Despite the limited reach, the Tevatron has a great chance since Higgs and SUSY “ought to be” light and within reach AND TEVATRON COMES MUCH EARLIER! For Standard Model physics systematics may dominate: –Top mass precision Tevatron ~ 2 GeVLHC ~ 1 GeV? –m W precision Tevatron ~ 20 MeV?LHC ~ 20 MeV?
University of Athens Participation UoA is not a full CDF member yet V. Giakoumopoulou A. Manousakis N. Giokaris one Post-Doc (EC-RTN program) are CDF members through Joint Institute for Nuclear Research - Dubna Our main Physics Interest Study of top quark properties Checks on Standard Model Accurate measurement of top quark mass better localization of the SM Higgs mass
Conclusions The CDF detector is fully functional and accumulating proton anti-proton data Tevatron is moving toward reaching performance goals Understanding of detector is advanced Ready to exploit full Tevatron potential as luminosity increases
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