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Jim Thomas - LBL 1 News about RHIC with comments about PHOBOS, BRAHMS and the Upgrade Plans for STAR and PHENIX Jim Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Thomas - LBL 1 News about RHIC with comments about PHOBOS, BRAHMS and the Upgrade Plans for STAR and PHENIX Jim Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Thomas - LBL 1 News about RHIC with comments about PHOBOS, BRAHMS and the Upgrade Plans for STAR and PHENIX Jim Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory SQM ‘06 @ UCLA March 31 st, 2006

2 Jim Thomas - LBL 2 BRAHMS PHOBOS PHENIX News from RHIC RHIC can run at 4.6 GeV – see GSFS Proposal to retire the Tandem accelerators as the HI injector to RHIC An EBIS source will take their place All ions will be possible including U and polarized 3 He Cost of operation will decrease Operational in 2010 h

3 Jim Thomas - LBL 3 Luminosity Upgrade with Electron Cooling Gold collisions (100 GeV/n x 100 GeV/n): w/o e-coolingwith e-cooling Ave. store luminosity [10 26 cm -2 s -1 ] 8 70 Pol. Proton Collision (250 GeV x 250 GeV): Ave. store luminosity [10 32 cm -2 s -1 ] 1.5 5.0 LinacRf Gun Buncher Cavity Cooling Solenoid (26 m, 2-5 T) Debuncher Cavity e-Beam Dump Gold beam Electron cooling reduces the inter-beam Coulomb scattering and reduces the size of the beam at the IP Luminosity leveling through continuously adjusted cooling Store length limited to 4 hours by “burn-off” First collider accelerator to be limited by beam losses due to interactions that are the subject of study by the experiments

4 Jim Thomas - LBL 4 Two “Small” Detectors at RHIC BRAHMS 2 Spectrometers - fixed target geometry Magnets, Tracking Chambers, TOF, RICH Inclusive particle production over a large rapidity and p t range PHOBOS “ Table-top” 2 Arm Spectrometer Magnet, Si  -Strips, Si Multiplicity Rings, TOF Low p t charged hadrons Multiplicity in 4  & Particle Correlations Ring Counters Paddle Trigger Counter Spectrometer TOF Octagon+Vertex

5 Jim Thomas - LBL 5 News from PHOBOS and BRAHMS PHOBOS has completed its data taking mission –Currently being de-commissioned –Analysis of data on tape is still on-going; such as flow observables from the Cu-Cu run BRAHMS’ data taking mission is nearly complete –Request one brief run with polarized protons at 62 GeV –Analysis of data on tape is still on-going Congratulations to the “small” experiments for beautiful physics measurements over a large rapidity interval.

6 Jim Thomas - LBL 6 STAR Solenoidal field Large Solid Angle Tracking TPC’s, Si-Vertex Tracking RICH, EM Cal, TOF Measurements of Hadronic observables using a large acceptance spectrometer PHENIX Axial Field High Resolution & Rates 2 Central Arms, 2 Forward Arms TEC, RICH, EM Cal, Si, TOF,  -ID Leptons, Photons, and Hadrons in selected solid angles (especially muons) News from the “Large” Detectors at RHIC

7 Jim Thomas - LBL 7 Detector Upgrades Each detector discovers a different part of the Elephant’s story The detector upgrades are designed to complete the coverage of the physics program –and open new vistas –the charm and beauty sector … dE/dx, flow, coalescence, NCQ scaling

8 Jim Thomas - LBL 8 Full Barrel MRPC TOF DAQ Upgrade (order of magnitude increase in rate) Tracking upgrade: High precision Heavy Flavor Tracker near the vertex Inner tracker End cap tracker for W sign determination Forward Meson Spectrometer STAR Upgrades

9 Jim Thomas - LBL 9 The TOF Upgrade Multiplate RPC technology Beautiful electron ID 85 ps timing resolution after slewing corrections Each tray has 72 channels 2 full tray this year, with new electronics Proposal funded by the DOE Construction and install in 2006, 2007, and 2008

10 Jim Thomas - LBL 10 One “tray” (2  /60 azimuth, 0<  <1) pK  e Doubles the p T range for PID

11 Jim Thomas - LBL 11 TPC FEE and DAQ Upgrade – DAQ 1000 Faster, smaller, better … ( 10x ) Current TPC FEE and DAQ limited to 100 Hz Replace TPC FEE with next generation CERN based chips … 1 kHz readout Make the FEE smaller to provide space for a forward tracking upgrade Further improvements by only archiving “associated” clusters – build on L3 algorithms … 5 kHz !

12 Jim Thomas - LBL 12 Four steps to an order of magnitude increase in data acquisition rates TPC FEE (BNL&LBL) TPC RDO (BNL) DAQ Transmitter (CERN) DAQ Receiver (CERN) Dual CERN D-RORC with fibers on the board Mezzanine DDL Single D-RORC with 1 fiber mezzanine ALICE FEE & DAQ

13 Jim Thomas - LBL 13 A new detector –30  m silicon pixels to yield 10  m space point resolution –100 M pixels Direct Topological reconstruction of Charm –Detect charm decays with small c , including D 0  K  New physics –Charm collectivity and flow to test thermalization at RHIC –Charm Energy Loss to test pQCD in a hot and dense medium at RHIC Desirable to have it in time for the next long Au-Au run The Heavy Flavor Tracker The HFT: 2 layers of Si at mid rapidity

14 Jim Thomas - LBL 14 Surround the vertex with Si A thin detector using 50  m Si to finesse the limitations imposed by MCS

15 Jim Thomas - LBL 15 Inner & Forward Tracking Upgrades The IST will add high quality space points to tracks in the TPC –Si at  = 0 The FST and FGT add high quality space points at forward η –1 < η < 2 High Rate tracking for heavy flavor physics and W production Add high quality space points to tracks at high rapidity in the TPC by putting a triple-GEM detector in the gap between the TPC electronics and the EEMC 3 layers of Si + 2 layers of GEM at forward rapidity 3 layers of Si at mid rapidity

16 Jim Thomas - LBL 16 Forward Meson Spectrometer Upgrade Study forward  0 production at RHIC ( 2.4 <  < 4.0 ) Expand the existing FPD array for forward physics 2.4 meter square array of PbGl EMCal modules on the West end Use finer segmentation in the middle of the array Study vector mesons that decay into  0 and/or photons. Installation in ‘06

17 Jim Thomas - LBL 17 L.Bland 3.8 cm inner 7.6 cm outer Side View of the East Pole Tip End View of the PbGl Array ~ 2.4 m square, ~ 1500 PMTs The Forward Meson Spectrometer (detail)

18 Jim Thomas - LBL 18 Timeline for STAR Upgrades Fiscal Year20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013 MRPC TOF FEE & DAQ Upgrade Heavy Flavor Tracker Inner Tracker End Cap Tracker Forward Meson Spect. KeyR&DConstructionFirst PhysicsFull System

19 Jim Thomas - LBL 19 PHENIX Upgrade Plan –An aerogel and time-of-flight system to provide complete  /K/p separation for momenta up to 10~GeV/c. –A hadron-blind detector to detect and track electrons near the vertex –A vertex detector to detect displaced vertices from the decay of mesons containing charm or bottom quarks. –A muon trigger upgrade to preserve sensitivity at the highest projected RHIC luminosities. –A forward calorimeter to provide photon+jet studies over a wide kinematic range.

20 Jim Thomas - LBL 20 PHENIX Central Arm Upgrades Enhanced Particle ID – TRD (east) – Aerogel/TOF (west) Vertex Spectrometer –flexible magnetic field –VTX: silicon barrel vertex tracker –HBD and/or TPC High p T phenomena: , K, p separation to 10 GeV/c charm/beauty: TRD e/  above 5 GeV/c charm/beauty: displaced vertex e+e- continuum: Dalitz rejection HBD/TPC VTX HBD/TPCVTX TRD Aerogel/TOF

21 Jim Thomas - LBL 21 Dalitz Rejection: a Hadron Blind Detector signal electron partner positron needed for rejection Cherenkov blobs Dalitz rejection via opening angle –HBD is a proximity focused Cherenkov detector with ~ 50 cm radiator length –Provides minimal signals for charged particle HBD concept: – Windowless Cherenkov detector –CF 4 as radiator and detector gas – CsI reflective photocathode – Triple GEM with pad readout Bandwidth 6-11eV, N 0 ≈ 940cm -1, N pe ≈40 No photon feedback Low granularity, relatively low gain

22 Jim Thomas - LBL 22 Pixel barrel (50  m x 425  m) Strip barrels (80  m x 3 cm) Endcap (extension) (50  m x 2 mm) 1 - 2% X 0 per layer barrel resolution < 50  m endcap resolution < 150  m Silicon Vertex Tracker (VTX) VTX barrel |  |<1.2 Pixel Detectors at R ~ 2.5 & 5 cm Strip Detectors at R ~ 10 & 14 cm Endcap 1.2<|  |<2.7

23 Jim Thomas - LBL 23 Forward Upgrade Components Endcap Vertex Tracker – silicon pixel detectors Nosecone EM Calorimeter –W-silicon (20-50 X/X0) –shower max –tail catcher Cerenkov Nosecone Calorimeter U-Tracker Muon from hadron decays Muon from W Tail Catcher D-Tracker Silicon endcap Muon trigger –U-tracker (MuTr or new) –D-tracker (timing with RPC’s) –Cerenkov charm/beauty & jets: displaced vertex  -jet,W   ,  c : calorimeter W and quarkonium: improved  -trigger rejection

24 Jim Thomas - LBL 24 Nose-Cone Calorimeter Replace existing PHENIX “nose-cones” (hadronic absorbers for muon arms) with Si-W calorimeter (Tungsten with Si readout) Major increase in acceptance for photon+jet studies Prototype silicon wafer –3 different versions of “stri-pixel” detectors for the preshower and shower max layers Extended physics reach –  q/q polarizations via spin dependent W-production –Small x-physics in d-A –Extended A-A program –high p T phenomena:  0 and  -jet

25 Jim Thomas - LBL 25 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Aerogel TOF-W HBD VTX-barrel VTX-endcap NCC MuTrigger DAQ R&D PhaseConstruction Phase Ready for Data PHENIX Upgrades Schedule

26 Jim Thomas - LBL 26 Summary The scientific program at RHIC is rich and diverse –Rare probes and high pt phenomena are a rich source of new discoveries –Strangeness, Charm, and Beauty are likely to yield even more new discoveries –We have promising spin program that is making critical and unique measurements The scientific program at RHIC will keep getting better –The performance of the accelerator is improving each due to a carefully planned set of upgrades. –STAR will explore charm, beauty, and higher pt spectra at ever increasing data acquisition rates. –PHENIX will add sophisticated PID and tracking near the vertex. These upgrades will yield exciting new physics results The Future is Very Bright

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