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Percentages. Percentages are just fractions Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently,

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Presentation on theme: "Percentages. Percentages are just fractions Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Percentages

2 Percentages are just fractions

3 Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently,

4 Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently, so that percentages usually fall in the range from 1 – 100.

5 We seem to find it easier to do this than dealing with the range from 0.01 – 1.00 (or 1/100 – 1)

6 Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently, so that percentages usually fall in the range from 1 – 100. We seem to find it easier to do this than dealing with the range from 0.01 – 1.00 (1/100 – 1) We can look at this conversion from fraction to percentage:

7 Percentages are just fractions. They are designed to describe these numbers differently, so that percentages usually fall in the range from 1 – 100. We seem to find it easier to do this than dealing with the range from 0.01 – 1.00 (1/100 – 1) We can look at this conversion from fraction to percentage: FractionPercentage 1/100 = 0.01  1= 0.01 x 100 5/100 = 0.05  5= 0.05 x 100 1/10 = 0.10  10= 0.10 x 100 5/10 = 0.50  50= 0.50 x 100 10/10 = 1.00  100= 1.00 x 100

8 and so you can see that all we need to do to get a percentage is to multiply the fraction by 100.

9 Here are a few examples:

10 0.47  0.47 x 100  47%

11 Here are a few examples: 0.47  0.47 x 100  47% 14/50 = 0.28  0.28 x 100  28%

12 Here are a few examples: 0.47  0.47 x 100  47% 14/50 = 0.28  0.28 x 100  28% or 14/50 x 100/1 = 28  28%

13 Here are a few examples: 0.47  0.47 x 100  47% 14/50 = 0.28  0.28 x 100  28% or 14/50 x 100/1 = 28  28% 65/87 = 0.701  0.701 x 100  70.1%

14 Here are a few examples: 0.47  0.47 x 100  47% 14/50 = 0.28  0.28 x 100  28% or 14/50 x 100/1 = 28  28% 65/87 = 0.701  0.701 x 100  70.1% 68/25 = 2.72  2.72 x 100  272%

15 Here are a few examples: 0.47  0.47 x 100  47% 14/50 = 0.28  0.28 x 100  28% or 14/50 x 100/1 = 28  28% 65/87 = 0.701  0.701 x 100  70.1% 68/25 = 2.72  2.72 x 100  272% 0.006  0.06 x 100  6%

16 68/25 = 2.72  2.72 x 100  272% 0.006  0.006 x 100  0.6% These last two show that, although it is not so common, we can talk about percentages of any size, we’re not restricted to the 1 – 100 range.

17 Some examples of how we use this idea of percentages in real life.

18 If we need to find a test result, of 23 marks out of 77, as a percentage, we simply find the fraction of the marks gained,

19 If we need to find a test result, of 43 marks out of 77, as a percentage, we simply find the fraction of the marks gained, i.e. 43/77 or 0.558

20 If we need to find a test result, of 43 marks out of 77, as a percentage, we simply find the fraction of the marks gained, i.e. 43/77 or 0.558, and multiply this by 100  0.558 x 100 = 55.8%

21 If we want 8.5% of 63

22 then we want the fraction (8.5/100) of 63

23 If we want 8.5% of 63 then we want the fraction (8.5/100) of 63 = 8.5/100 x 63 = 0.085 x 63 = 5.36.

24 What % profit do shopkeepers make if they buy pomegranates at 32¢ and sell them at a marked price 58¢?

25 Actual profit is 58–32 = 26¢

26 What % profit do shopkeepers make if they buy pomegranates at 32¢ and sell them at a marked price 58¢? Actual profit is 58–32 = 26¢ and so the fraction of the original price is 26/32 = 0.8125

27 What % profit do shopkeepers make if they buy pomegranates at 32¢ and sell them at a marked price 58¢? Actual profit is 58–32 = 26¢ and so the fraction of the original price is 26/32 = 0.8125 = 0.8125 x100% = 81.25%.

28 Life is more complicated than this, since we might have a sales tax of 7.5%.

29 In order to make this 81% profit, the shopkeeper would need to charge the customer his price plus the sales tax

30 Life is more complicated than this, since we might have a sales tax of 7.5%. In order to make this 81% profit, the shopkeeper would need to charge the customer his price plus the sales tax = (58 + 7.5% of 58)¢

31 Life is more complicated than this, since we might have a sales tax of 7.5%. In order to make this 81% profit, the shopkeeper would need to charge the customer his price plus the sales tax = (58 + 7.5% of 58)¢ = 58 + (0.075 x 58)

32 Life is more complicated than this, since we have a sales tax of 7.5%. In order to make this 81% profit, the shopkeeper would need to charge the customer his price plus the sales tax = (58 + 7.5% of 58)¢ = 58 + (0.075 x 58) = 58 + 4.35 = 62.35¢.

33 Life is more complicated than this, since we have a sales tax of 7.5%. In order to make this 81% profit, the shopkeeper would need to charge the customer his price plus the sales tax = (58 + 7.5% of 58)¢ = 58 + (0.075 x 58) = 58 + 4.35 = 62.35¢. This is probably rounded down to 62¢.

34 So now what is the actual % profit made by the shop? The rounding has produced a slightly different profit. Original purchase price 32¢ Selling price 62¢ Sales tax 4.35¢

35 So now what is the actual % profit made by the shop? The rounding has produced a slightly different profit. Customer’s price – sales tax = 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢ which is the amount kept by the shop Original purchase price 32¢ Selling price 62¢ Sales tax 4.35¢ Kept by shop 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢

36 So now what is the actual % profit made by the shop? The rounding has produced a slightly different profit. Customer’s price – sales tax = 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢ which is the amount kept by the shop and this is an actual profit of 57.65 – 32 = 25.65¢ Original purchase price 32¢ Selling price 62¢ Sales tax 4.35¢ Kept by shop 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢ Profit 57.65 – 32 = 25.65¢

37 So now what is the actual % profit made by the shop? The rounding has produced a slightly different profit. Customer’s price – sales tax = 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢ which is the amount kept by the shop and this is an actual profit of 57.65 – 32 = 25.65¢ giving a final % profit of (25.65/32) x 100 % = 80.1% Original purchase price 32¢Original profit calculation = 81.25% Selling price 62¢ Sales tax 4.35¢ Kept by shop 62 – 4.35 = 57.65¢ Profit 57.65 – 32 = 25.65¢ % profit (25.65/32) x 100 % = 80.1%

38 It is a little more tricky to work these problems backwards from the selling price.

39 If you buy an item which costs you $16.79 in a state with a sales tax of 8.5%, how much does the store receive?

40 In this case the price you paid ($16.79) is 108.5% of the store’s price and we want to know the value of 100%.

41 $16.79 ÷ 108.5 will give us the number of dollars per percentage point,

42 In this case the price you paid ($16.79) is 108.5% of the store’s price and we want to know the value of 100%. $16.79 ÷ 108.5 will give us the number of dollars per percentage point, this = $0.1547 and so 100% will be $0.1547x100 = $15.47 which is the amount the store receives.

43 The store wants to make a 15% profit on its sales. How much does it need to buy this item for?

44 This time $15.47 is equal to 115% of the cost and the cost/percentage point is $15.47 ÷ 115

45 The store wants to make a 15% profit on its sales. How much does it need to buy this item for? This time $15.47 is equal to 115% of the cost and the cost/percentage point is $15.47 ÷ 115 and the needed cost price is ($15.47 ÷ 115)x100 = $13.45

46 We have calculated a sale where the customer paid $16.79 and the store received $15.47.

47 The difference between these two figures (16.79 - 15.47 = $1.32) is the sales tax which goes to the state.

48 We have calculated a sale where the customer paid $16.79 and the store received $15.47. The difference between these two figures (16.79 - 15.47 = $1.32) is the sales tax which goes to the state. What % of the sale price goes to the state?

49 We have calculated a sale where the customer paid $16.79 and the store received $15.47. The difference between these two figures (16.79 - 15.47 = $1.32) is the sales tax which goes to the state. What % of the sale price goes to the state? The tax as a fraction of the sale price is 1.32 ÷ 16.79 = 0.079 and so the % is 0.079x100 = 7.9%, slightly less than the 8.5% quoted rate.

50 We have calculated a sale where the customer paid $16.79 and the store received $15.47. The difference between these two figures (16.79 - 15.47 = $1.32) is the sales tax which goes to the state. What % of the sale price goes to the state? The tax as a fraction of the sale price is 1.32 ÷ 16.79 = 0.079 and so the % is 0.079x100 = 7.9%, slightly less than the 8.5% quoted rate. Is this a bargain?

51 Original cost price 13.45 Selling price 16.79 Tax 1.32 Store keeps 16.79 - 1.32 = 15.47 Profit 15.47 - 13.45 = 2.02 Tax as % of store’s income = 1.32 ÷ 15.47 x 100 = 8.5% Tax as % of selling price = 1.32 ÷ 16.79 x 100 = 7.9%

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