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Advancing S&T in Service of Health (KRA 1) at HealthCareCAN Communications and Marketing Initiatives focussing on Research & Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing S&T in Service of Health (KRA 1) at HealthCareCAN Communications and Marketing Initiatives focussing on Research & Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing S&T in Service of Health (KRA 1) at HealthCareCAN Communications and Marketing Initiatives focussing on Research & Innovation

2 Advocate for sufficient funding and favourable policy for the generation and use of research and innovation Expedite the spread and translation of research and innovation in collaboration with members and partners Advance national recognition of the leadership, best practice, research excellence and enterprise of HealthCareCAN members Strategic Objectives

3 Communications Approach Celebrate Build receptive audiences and show ROI Innovate Propose novel solutions Explore and identify substantive needs Influence Explain contribution and benefits 1. Expand research capacity 2. Support the spread of innovation 3. National recognition of member excellence Communicate what AHSCs do that’s critical and unique

4 Sample Activities Innovation Sensation ‘e-Dragons’ Den’ Member Statistics (update) Research Priorities (update) Wikipedia Asset Map (CCTAM) Credentialing Indicators Fact Sheets Government Submissions

5 Innovation Sensation Database Database of 6000+ news stories highlighting the research and innovation successes of members Updated quarterly CIHR Community Outreach Award Recipient 2012 Presented on Parliament Hill

6 Innovation Sensation Newsletters Shine a light on “feature” topics monthly Aim for name brand recognition of each member Audiences and mailing lists to be determined Topics to date include Aging, Devices, Apps, Concussions

7 “…Like an ‘e-Dragons’ Den” New (last week) CIHR Community Outreach Award - Institute of Aging, to build on Innovation Sensation stories Member CEOs and Patient Advisory Boards asked to vote on stories by topic Highest voted stories subjected to a “behind the story” interview to examine implementation potential Will need an advisory board…

8 Research Priorities …Update What are the top three research priorities that each HealthCareCAN member is focused on? Request to review the 2009 priorities and advise if any changes…

9 By the Numbers …Update What is the (2014) footprint of Academic Healthcare Organizations and their research institutes (last update 2009)? – Research Budgets – Staff and scientists – Students and trainees – Beds, admissions and visits – Strategic directions – Publications, patents, revenues etc. Explore ability to leverage data protocol of the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario and standardize data for Research Info-source

10 Draft Indicators for Academic Centres CorporateClinicalResearchTraining 1. Mandate: Do you have a publicly stated tripartite mandate of patient care, training and research? 4. Rare and complex care: In the past year, your organization provided care to the 13 most rare or complex patient case mix groups? 7. Research budget: Does your organization have a dedicated budget for research? 11. Faculty of Medicine: Does your organization have a formalized relationship with a faculty of medicine and does it offer training of physician specialists or clinician scientists? 2. Vice President of Health Research: Does your senior most leadership team include a Vice President of Health Research? 5. Regional centre: Does your organization/site serve as a regional centre for specialized care (ex, a regional paediatrics, trauma centre etc.) and/or accept transfers from other levels of care? 8. Spin offs /world 1st: Has your organization launched a significant medical discovery or spin off company in the past year? 12. Other faculties and colleges: Does your organization have formal relationships with other departments or faculties that influence how students are trained? 3. National role: Does your organization hold membership in national associations engaged in academic health sciences? 6. Flagged conditions: In the past year, does your organization has more than X% of patient with flagged conditions OR more than X% of patient with highest level of complexity? 10. Private sector: Does your organization have research related contracts with the private sector? 13. Alternative funding plan: Does your organization have an alternate funding plan to assist in covering the costs of physician training?

11 CCTAM (Asset Map) Recommendation 9 of the Action Plan Promote Canada’s clinical trial assets Provide a publicly available and consolidated source of information Assist in feasibility- type studies

12 Wikipedia Article Wikipedia article for ‘Academic Healthcare Organizations in Canada’ currently in development Link to member organization entries/articles Draft to be circulated

13 What’s in a name? Would it help to have a “Certification”? Tie additional funding to accountability for performance? Calls from HealthCareCAN Board, Clinical Trials Summit Action Plan, AHSN Action Plan Credentialed Cancer Centres, US, Accredited Research Hospital, QC? CIHR grant proposal submitted… CIHI experiences…

14 Interview with a VPR and Blog Tied to Innovation Sensation Monthly “Interview with a VPR” Blog entries for staff and invited guests

15 Interview with a VPR: Proposed Questions 1.Please tell us about yourself, where are you from and how did you come to be VPR at your organization? 2.Do you currently engage directly in health research? What is your own area of research? 3.What is the size and structure of your research institute? How many staff, scientists, students in your organization? Year of establishment? Any special characteristics? 4.What are the top three research priorities of your healthcare organization? 5.Please tell us about any world first or spin off companies that have? 6.What are the top three research/innovation policy challenges that you feel Canada needs to address? 7.How does your research institute differ from that of the university? 8.If you were to have three wishes for the future of health research and innovation in Canada what would they be? 9.Does your organization have a “big hairy audacious idea” that you’d like to see come to life in the next 10 years?

16 Interview with a VPR: Proposed Format

17 Fact Sheets

18 Next Steps Should we simplify language? i.e. Research Hospital? Consider Co-I group for credentialing proposal Ask for update on research priorities Provide input into Wikipedia entry Consider member inclusion in Asset Map (CCTAM) Follow up by Email…

19 Thank you

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