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Verilog-A Language By William Vides William Vides Modfied by George Engel.

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Presentation on theme: "Verilog-A Language By William Vides William Vides Modfied by George Engel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verilog-A Language By William Vides William Vides Modfied by George Engel

2 Difference between Digital and Analog Design Always @ (enable) begin valid = 1’b0; // do write cycle addr_lines = addr; data_lines = data; @ (negedge clk) begin valid = 1’b1; end Top Down Refined from HDL Level Bottom-Up Transistor level

3 Behavioral Gate Switch Circuit Higher level of abstraction Verilog-A as an extension of Spice

4 Analog System Description and simulation b Structural Description a module is comprised of other child modulesa module is comprised of other child modules b Behavioral Description descriptions in a programmatic fashion with the Verilog-A languagedescriptions in a programmatic fashion with the Verilog-A language The module is defined in terms of the values for each signalThe module is defined in terms of the values for each signal b Mixed-level Descriptions Combine both Structural and Behavioral DescriptionsCombine both Structural and Behavioral Descriptions

5 Modem Example modem modulator channel demodulator The modem system is made up of 1) the modulator 2) a channel 3) the demodulator

6 Structural Description hierarchy Module: qam Instance: mod module: qam_mod Instance: c1 module: channel Instance: demod module: qam_demod

7 Structural Description of the Modem System // Verilog A definition of the modem System `include “” module modem( dout, din)’ inout dout, din; electrical dout, din; parameter real fc = 100.0e6; electrical clk, cin, cout; qam_mod #(.carrier_freq(fc)) mod (cin,din,clk); channel c1 ( cout, cin); qam_demod #(.carrier_freq(fc)) demod (dout,cout,clk); endmodule

8 Structural Description Type of module instance Name of the instance created qam_mod # (.carrier_freq(fc)) mod ( cin, din, clk); Parameter name in child ( qam_mod) module assigned as: carrier_freq = fc

9 16_QAM modem Example 2-bit d2a Serin_parout 2-bit d2a aq A sin( 2pi fct + pi/ 4) di dq ai A cos( 2 pi fct + pi/4) din mout A(t)cos( 2pifct + 0(t))

10 Verilog A mixed Signal definition of 16-QAM modulator module qam_mod( mout, din, clk); inout mout, din, clk; electrical mout, din, clk; parameter real fc = 100.0e6; electrical di1,di2, dq1, dq2; electrical ai, aq; serin_parout sipo( di1,di2,dq1,dq2,din,clk); d2a d2ai(ai, di1,di2,clk); d2a d2aq(aq, dq1,dq2,clk); real phase;

11 Verilog A mixed Signal definition of 16-QAM modulator analog begin phase = 2.0 * `M_PI * fc* $realtime() + `M_PI_4; V(mout) <+ 0.5 * (V(ai) * cos(phase) + V(aq) * sin (phase)); end endmodule The behavioral definition of the QAM modulation is defined The signals ai and aq are the outputs of the 2-bit D/A converters

12 Type of analog systems b Conservative Systems use of Kirchoff’s lawsuse of Kirchoff’s laws Electrical Systems use KVL and KCLElectrical Systems use KVL and KCL Any conservative System use KPL and KFLAny conservative System use KPL and KFL –applied to branches b Signal Flow Systems only potential is associated with every nodeonly potential is associated with every node unidirectionalunidirectional notion of ports ( input / output)notion of ports ( input / output)

13 Conservative Systems Device +- V In a conservative system the charges or signals can enter a particular device in both ways.

14 Signal Flow Systems in Out Amplifier In signal flow systems a signal can only enter a device in one way only.

15 What is Simulation? b simulation is a process in which a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations is solved b this equations are not input directly, but derived from each of the models that are interconnected in the netlist

16 What it means to the user ? b To the user a simulation is essentially a software version of an oscilloscope or logic analyzer. b A simulation is a technique by which the user ask questions and receives answers from a program. b The quality of the answers depends on the quality of the questions.

17 Analog System Simulation b The Standard approach to analog circuit simulation involves formulate the differential-algebraic equations for the circuitformulate the differential-algebraic equations for the circuit applying implicit integration methods to the sequence of nonlinear algebraic equationsapplying implicit integration methods to the sequence of nonlinear algebraic equations iterative methods such as Newton-Raphson to reduce to a set of linear equationsiterative methods such as Newton-Raphson to reduce to a set of linear equations using sparse matrix techniques to solve the linear equationsusing sparse matrix techniques to solve the linear equations

18 Analog Model Properties b The Verilog-A language can be used to represent different types of behaviors these include LinearLinear NonlinearNonlinear Piecewise linearPiecewise linear Integro differentialIntegro differential Event-driven AnalogEvent-driven Analog

19 Analog Operators b The Verilog-A language defines analog operators for Time DerivativeTime Derivative Time IntegralTime Integral Linear time delayLinear time delay Discrete waveform filtersDiscrete waveform filters LaPlace Transform filtersLaPlace Transform filters Z-transform filtersZ-transform filters

20 Time Derivative Operator b The ddt Operator computes the time derivative of its arguments ddt ( expression)ddt ( expression) b In DC analysis the ddt operator returns a zero. b Application of the ddt operator results in a zero at the origin.

21 Time Integral Operator b The idt operator computes the time integral of its arguments idt( expression, ic, reset)idt( expression, ic, reset) b When specified with initial conditions the idt operator returns the value of the initial condition in DC. b Without initial conditions, idt multiplies its argument by infinity in DC analysis.

22 Time Integral Operator b The Optional argument RESET allows resetting of the integrator to the initial condition or IC value. b Application of the idt operator results in a pole at the origin.

23 Delay Operator b Delay operator implements a transport or linear time delay for continuous waveforms delay ( expression, dt)delay ( expression, dt) b The parameter DT must be positive b The effect of the delay operator in the time domain is to provide a direct time translation of the input

24 Transition Operator b The transition operator smooths out piece- wise constant waveforms. b The transition filter is used to imitate transitions and delays on discrete signals transition ( expression, dt, tr, tf)transition ( expression, dt, tr, tf) b The input expression to the transition operator must be defined in terms of discrete states.

25 Transition Operator b The parameters dt, tr, tf are optional tr - transition risetr - transition rise tf - transition falltf - transition fall dt - change in timedt - change in time b if dt is not specified then it is taken to be zero b if the value for tr is specified the simulator will use it for both the rise and fall times.

26 Transition Operator b When rise and fall times are longer than the specified delay if the new final value level is below the current value the transition Operator uses the old destination as the origin.if the new final value level is below the current value the transition Operator uses the old destination as the origin. If the new destination is above the current level the first origin is retainedIf the new destination is above the current level the first origin is retained

27 Transition Operator Translated Origin Old value New value Old origin tr tf Input change A rising transition is interrupted near its midpoint, and the new destination level of the value is below the current value. For the new origin and destination. The transition computes the slope that completes the transition from origin in the specified transition time. It then uses the computed slope to transition from the current value to the new destination.

28 Slew Operator b The slew operator bounds the slope of the waveform b used to generate continuous signals from piece-wise continuous signals slew ( expression, mpsr, mnsr)slew ( expression, mpsr, mnsr) mpsr - maximum positive slew ratempsr - maximum positive slew rate mnsr - minimum negative slew ratemnsr - minimum negative slew rate

29 Slew Operator b The Slew Operator forces all transitions of the input expression faster than mpsr to change at mpsr for positive transitions and limits negative transitions to mnsr b mpsr must be greater than zero b mnsr must be lower than zero b if only one rate is specified, the absolute value will be used for both rates

30 Slew Operator b If no rate is specified the slew operator passes the signal through unchanged. b In DC analyses, the slew operator passes the value of the destination to its output b In AC small-signal analyses the slew function has unity transfer function except when slewing, in that case it has zero transmission through the slew operatorexcept when slewing, in that case it has zero transmission through the slew operator

31 Laplace Transform Operators b The Laplace transform operators implement lumped, continuous-time filters laplace_zp(express, numerator, denominator)laplace_zp(express, numerator, denominator) lapace_zd(express, numerator,denominator)lapace_zd(express, numerator,denominator) lapace_np( express, numerator,denominator)lapace_np( express, numerator,denominator) lapace_nd(express, numerator,denominator)lapace_nd(express, numerator,denominator) – H(s) = N(s)/D(s)

32 Laplace Transform Operator b The laplace transform analog operator take vector arguments that specify the coefficients of the filter b Laplace analog operators represent linear time-Invariant filters b laplace_zp - the zeros and poles are specified as pairs of real numbers specifying the real and imaginary components of each zero or polespecifying the real and imaginary components of each zero or pole

33 Laplace Transform Operator b Laplace_nd - zeros and poles of the filter are specified as polynomial coefficients from lowest order term to highest b Laplace_zd - zeros of the filter are specified as pairs of real numbers and the poles of the filter are specified as polynomial coefficients

34 Laplace Transform Operator b Laplace_np - Zeros of the filter are specified as polynomial coefficients and the poles of the filter are specified as pairs of real numbers

35 Laplace Transform example // Laplace analog operator example of Butterworth low-pass // filter using laplace_nd module laplace_op(out, in); inout out, in; electrical out, in; analog V(out) <+ laplace_nd ( V(in), {1.0}, {1.0, 3.236, 5.236, 5.236, 3.236, 1.0}); endmodule Taken from the equation H(s) = 1/( s^5 + 3.236s^4 +5.236s^3 +5.236s^2 +3.236s +1)

36 Z-Transform Operators b The Z-Transform operators implement linear discrete-time filters zi_zp( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0)zi_zp( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0) zi_zd( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0)zi_zd( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0) zi_np( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0)zi_np( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0) zi_nd( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0)zi_nd( expression, numerator,denominator,T,trf,t0)

37 Z-Transform Operators H( z ) = N( z )/ D( z )H( z ) = N( z )/ D( z ) b the Z-transform analog operator take vector arguments that specify the coefficients of the filter. b All Z-transform share the arguments T, trf, and t0 T -specifies the period of the filterT -specifies the period of the filter –mandatory and must be positive

38 Z-Transform Operators Trf - specifies the optional transition time and must be positiveTrf - specifies the optional transition time and must be positive –if trf is zero, then the output is abruptly discontinuous –a Z-transform filter with zero transition time assigned directly to a source branch can generate discontinuities t0 - specifies the time of the first transition and is optionalt0 - specifies the time of the first transition and is optional –if t0 is not given, the transition occurs at t=0

39 Z-Transform Operators b Zi_zp - zeros and poles of the filter are specified as pairs of real numbers specifying the real and imaginary components of each zero or polespecifying the real and imaginary components of each zero or pole b zi_nd- zeros and poles of the filters are specified as polynomial coefficients from the lowest order term to the highestfrom the lowest order term to the highest

40 Z-Transform Operators b Zi_zd - zeros of the filter are specified as pairs of real numbers and the poles of the filter are specified as polynomial coefficients b zi_np- zeros of the filters are specified as polynomial coefficients and the poles of the filter are specified as pairs of real numbers

41 Capacitor Macromodel // `include "constants.h" `include "discipline.h" module capacitor_macro(top, bot); inout top, bot ; electrical top, bot ; parameter real C = 1p ; analog begin I(top,bot) <+ C * ddt(V(top, bot)) ; end endmodule

42 Resistor Macromodel // `include "discipline.h" `include "constants.h" module resistor_macro(a,b); inout a,b; electrical a,b; branch(a,b) res; parameter real R=10K; analog begin I(res) <+ V(res) / R ; end endmodule

43 Common Emitter amplifier with RC bandpass filter Example gain =25.0 n1 R1 R2 C2 C1 Vin Vout gnd

44 Verilog A behavioral description of ce-amp with RC bandpass filter module mbce_amp_rcn ( in, out, gnd); inout in, out, gnd; electrical in, out, gnd; parameter real gain = 1.0; parameter real r1 = 4k; parameter real c1 = 100n; parameter real r2 = 100k; parameter real c2 = 2.8p; electrical n1, n2;

45 Verilog A behavioral description of ce-amp with RC bandpass filter analog begin I( in, n1) <+ c1 * ddt( V(in,n1)); V(n1, gnd) <+ r1 * I(in,n1); I(n1,n2) <+ V(n1, n2) / r2; I(n2,gnd) <+ c2* ddt( V(n2, gnd)); V(out, gnd) <+ V(n2,gnd) * (-gain); end endmodule

46 Switch Macromodel // ideal switch `include "disciplines.h" `include "constants.h" module sw_macro(ctl, inp, outp); inout inp, ctl, outp ; electrical inp, ctl, outp ; parameter real Vth=2.5 from (0:5) ; parameter real Ron = 1k from (0:inf) ; parameter real Roff = 1e12 from (0:inf) ; parameter real tr=100p from [0:inf) ; parameter real tf=100p from [0:inf) ; real Rch ;

47 Switch Macromodel (2) analog begin if (analysis("static")) begin Rch = Roff ; end else begin if (V(ctl) < Vth) Rch = Roff ; else Rch = Ron ; end; I(inp, outp) <+ V(inp, outp) / transition(Rch,0, tr, tf) ; end endmodule

48 CSA Macromodel // // csa_macro // `include "discipline.h" `include "constants.h" module csa_macro(inp, lo_gain, csa_gnd, outp) ; inout inp, outp, lo_gain, csa_gnd ; electrical inp, outp, lo_gain, csa_gnd ;

49 CSA Macromodel (2) parameter real gm_lo = 2.4e-3 ; parameter real gm_hi = 12e-3 ; parameter real Gf_lo = 500e-9 ; parameter real Gf_hi = 100e-9 ; parameter real Cf_lo = 12.5e-12 ; parameter real Cf_hi = 2.5e-12 ; parameter real Cfl_lo = 14e-12 ; parameter real Cfl_hi = 3e-12 ; parameter real Ct_lo = 95e-12 ; parameter real Ct_hi = 85e-12 ; parameter real b0_lo = gm_lo * Gf_lo ; parameter real b0_hi = gm_hi * Gf_hi ; parameter real b1_lo = gm_lo * Cf_lo ; parameter real b1_hi = gm_hi * Cf_hi ; parameter real b2_lo = Ct_lo * Cfl_lo ; parameter real b2_hi = Ct_hi * Cfl_hi ; parameter real Vtp = 0.75 ; parameter real Vdss = 0.48546 ; real Vin0, Vin1, vos ;

50 CSA Macromodel (3) analog begin @(initial_step) begin vos = V(csa_gnd) - Vtp - Vdss ; end ; if (analysis("static")) begin vos = V(csa_gnd) - Vtp - Vdss ; Vin0 = vos ; Vin1 = vos ; V(outp) <+ vos ; end

51 CSA Macromodel (4) else begin Vin0 = vos + 0.9 * laplace_nd(I(inp), {-1 * gm_hi, 0, 0}, {b0_hi, b1_hi, b2_hi}) ; Vin1 = vos + 0.9 * laplace_nd(I(inp), {-1 * gm_lo, 0, 0}, {b0_lo, b1_lo, b2_lo}) ; if (V(lo_gain) == 0) V(outp) <+ Vin0 ; else V(outp) <+ Vin1 ; end; end endmodule

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