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1 #EDC&I 495 World Languages: Standards and Assessment Fall, 2003 Presented by Michele Anciaux Aoki, Ph.D., in conjunction with P-20 International Education.

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Presentation on theme: "1 #EDC&I 495 World Languages: Standards and Assessment Fall, 2003 Presented by Michele Anciaux Aoki, Ph.D., in conjunction with P-20 International Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 #EDC&I 495 World Languages: Standards and Assessment Fall, 2003 Presented by Michele Anciaux Aoki, Ph.D., in conjunction with P-20 International Education Summit “Teaching and Learning in a Global Community”

2 2 Purpose The purpose of this course is to provide teachers with an overview of World Language Standards and Assessment and an opportunity to incorporate standards into their own curriculum development and assessment.

3 3 Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: Explain the purpose of standards for Foreign/World Languages Distinguish different types of standards: Content Standards, Performance Standards, Proficiency Standards, and Program Standards Use the Content Standards and Performance Standards (sample progress indicators) of the National Standards for Foreign Language in planning classroom curriculum Understand how to use Proficiency Standards as a basis for assigning students to a particular proficiency level Demonstrate how to incorporate standards into short and long-term curriculum and assessment planning

4 4 Session 1: Intl Ed Summit Attend the P-20 International Education Summit at the UW HUB on September 18, 2003, including the World Language sessions presented by Myriam Met, Acting Director of the National Foreign Language Center: World Language before High School Linking Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Focusing on the Cultures Standard World Languages Q&A

5 5 Following Session 1 Write a brief reflective essay (at least 200 words) about what you have learned during the International Education Summit. Provide concrete examples wherever possible. Submit the reflection to the instructor by September 30, 2003

6 6 Session 2: UW LLC Date/Time: Sept. 25, 2003 4:30-6:30 pm Location: UW LLC Denny Room 109 Topics to be covered: Why do we need standards for foreign/world language learning? What are the different types of standards? What are the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning? Examples of instructional strategies that demonstrate a standards-based curriculum

7 7 Why do we need standards for foreign language learning? Students, parents, administrators, and language teachers need to know what “learning another language” means in U.S. schools. If we are to align our efforts to increase language proficiency, we need common goals and terminology. If language learning is a journey, we need a map to show us the way.

8 8 What are the different types of standards? Content Standards What should students know and be able to do? Performance Standards How can students show they are achieving the content standards? Proficiency Standards How well are students achieving – how can we measure progress? Program Standards When? Where? Who? – the elements of program design

9 9 What are the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning? A brief history… 1993 – work on national foreign language content standards began 1996 – generic standards published 1999 – language-specific standards published for: Chinese, Classical Languages, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish

10 10 Standards for Foreign Language Learning

11 11 Communication Communicate in Languages Other Than English Interpersonal Mode Interpretative Mode Presentational Mode

12 12 Cultures Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures PRACTICES (Patterns of social interactions) PRODUCTS (Books, tools, foods, laws, music, games) o PERSPECTIVES (Meanings, attitudes, values, ideas)

13 13 Connections Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Further knowledge of other disciplines Recognize distinctive viewpoints

14 14 Comparisons Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Compare language studied to their own Compare culture studied and their own

15 15 Communities Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Use the language within and beyond school Use language for personal enjoyment and enrichment

16 16 Examples of instructional strategies Speak in the target language (keep English to a minimum) Use “real” objects to convey meaning Teach vocabulary in context Try paired and small-group activities Focus on communication, not just perfect grammar from New Jersey World Language Standards, p. 60

17 17 Learning Strategies Show students how to: Organize in advance by previewing, skimming, or reading for the gist Reflect on what they’ve learned Summarize Ask for clarification or explanation from Standards for Foreign Language Learning p. 34

18 18 Communications Strategies Circumlocution Guessing intelligently Deriving meaning from context Understanding, interpreting, and producing gestures Asking for and providing clarification Making inferences, predictions, and generalizations Drawing conclusions from Standards for Foreign Language Learning p. 34

19 19 What’s Next: Following Session 2 1.Review the reading assignments for next session: Shadrock, Paul. State Standards: Connecting a National Vision to Local Implementation (7 pages) National Standards for Foreign Language Education and pdf (executive summary) (8 pages) Bringing the Standards into the Classroom (National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center) and pdf (42 pages, large print)

20 20 Following Session 2 (cont.) 2.Review the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements Reading: docs/pdf/reading.pdf (10 pages) docs/pdf/reading.pdf Writing: docs/pdf/writing.pdf (9 pages) docs/pdf/writing.pdf Communication: lrs.aspx (9 pages) lrs.aspx

21 21 Following Session 2 (cont.) 3.Choose a World Languages classroom activity or unit to share in class next session. Or review the sample scenarios in one of the states’ standards and choose one to share at the next session. Here are example state standards: Nebraska K-12 Foreign Language Frameworks meworks.pdf meworks.pdf New Jersey World Languages Curriculum Framework uages/ uages/

22 22 Following Session 2 (cont.) 4.Select a topic for a small project to share as a brief paper that can be accessed from the International Education Washington web site ( Note: All topics must be approved in advance by the instructor.

23 23 Example projects (select one): Create a new or modified lesson plan for a unit or learning scenario that is aligned with the National Standards for Foreign Language (indicating Content Standards and Performance Standards (Progress Indicators)) to incorporate into your classroom curriculum. Create a lesson plan based on modifying a sample scenario from the Nebraska or New Jersey standards to incorporate into your classroom curriculum. Provide a copy of the original and your modified version, showing how you have tailored it to your classroom, yet maintained the connection to standards.

24 24 Example projects (select one): Show a comparison of the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning with the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) for Reading, Writing, and Communication. What elements of the National Standards are missing in our state standards in these areas? Which overlap? Draft a recommendation for Program Standards for World Languages for a hypothetical district in Washington state. When should world language instruction be started? How many years should students have? What types of programs should be offered (FLES, immersion, etc.)? Which languages should be taught? What level of proficiency should students attain? Where do world language standards fit in?

25 25 Session 3: UW LLC Date/Time: Oct. 11, 2003 9-11 am Location: UW LLC Denny Room 109 Topics to be covered: Using proficiency standards for assessment Examples of standards-based resources from other states How do the foreign/world language standards align with the Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements for Reading, Writing, and Communication? Analyzing examples of curriculum aligned with foreign/world languages standards Developing examples of standards-based curriculum

26 26 Following Session 3 Submit an outline, plan, or draft of your paper to the instructor. (The instructor will provide feedback by email.) Submit the final paper to the instructor to be linked on the International Education Washington website:

27 27 Evaluation Criteria Satisfactory completion of this course will be based on: Submission of the brief reflective essay following the Summit by September 30, 2003 Attendance at all three sessions (in person or by video connection for sessions 2 and 3) Completion of the final written paper by October 31, 2003

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