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Shuuji. Shodou. Calligraphy. Shuuji is considered to be an art form. You can show individual style.

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Presentation on theme: "Shuuji. Shodou. Calligraphy. Shuuji is considered to be an art form. You can show individual style."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shuuji. Shodou. Calligraphy


3 Shuuji is considered to be an art form. You can show individual style.

4 Special equipment – すみ と ふで

5 おおきい ふで

6 Kotoshi no Kanji – Kanji of the Year  chosen by the Japanese Kanji Proficiency Society  selected to represent the events of that year  announced in a ceremony on December 12 (Kanji Day) at Kiyomizu Temple.  2013: 輪 ( ring, circle. Awarding of Tokyo 2020 Olympics)  2012: 金 ( Gold. Success in Gold medals at London Olympics)  2011: 絆 ( Bonds – the country working together to overcome the Tsunami and Fukushima Disasters)

7 2013: 輪 (RIN) CIRCLE, RING  Yamasa Online Kanji Dictionary Yamasa Online Kanji Dictionary 輪

8 馬 (UMA) HORSE  Yamasa Online Kanji Dictionary – UMA Yamasa Online Kanji Dictionary – UMA 馬

9 Kakizome – First Calligraphy of the Year (this tradition dating back 400 years)

10 Inspirational KANJI – often set for winter holiday homework

11 Each year on January 5, several thousand calligraphers gather in Tokyo for a kakizome event that is widely covered by media.

12 The kakizome paper is usually burned on 14 January in the Sagicho festival. If the burning paper flies high, it is said that the person will be able to write better.

13 Performance Shodou  School club activity  Large scale  Theatrical, choreographed  Costumes, music, dance  Examples: Performance Shodou School Competition

14 書道 について かきましょう。 1. Shodou and Shuuji mean ______ - an art form to write ______________ using ___________and ________________. 2. Kakizome is _ _________. A ___________festival is held on ______________ to burn the kakizome for good luck. 3. Thousands attend a __________________ held in Tokyo on January 5. 4. Performance Shodou is ________ _________ 5. ’Kotoshi no kanji’ means ‘_____________’ and a kanji is chosen to represent _ ________.

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