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Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. Leonardo da Vinci.

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Presentation on theme: "Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. Leonardo da Vinci."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master. Leonardo da Vinci

2 Important Notes 1.All missing work must be turned in now 2.All alternate assignments for absences must be turned in now 3.I will email you a copy of: a.Report Card b.Perfect Attendance Certificate (if applicable) 4.Next class I will give you: a.Certificate of Completion (if applicable) b.Original Perfect Attendance Certificate (if applicable)

3 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Apply It! (Kronowitz, p. 303) Read and prepare to discuss

4 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Stages of Fluency (Binder, pp. 1-5) Option A: Break into groups and prepare a skit to act out an assigned stage, showing what the student is capable of and what the teacher can communicate at that stage. Option B: Break into groups and present a brief overview of the assigned stage to present to the class.

5 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 a) LEP Related Items (Binder, pp. 9-14) b) Thirty Ways to Promote English Language Development (Kronowitz, p. 302

6 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 BICS vs. CALP Cummins

7 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 ARD Committees

8 Examining Diversity Something to think about when considering the need for both tolerance and understanding… If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people – but maintain the existing human rations – it would look like this

9 Examining Diversity Asians Africans Europeans Latin Americans North Americans Oceanian


11 Examining Diversity Non-White White


13 Examining Diversity Non-Christians Christian


15 Examining Diversity Mandarin English Hindu Russian Spanish Arabic Bengali, Portuguese, Japanese, French & 200 other


17 Examining Diversity Unable to read Malnourished Living is substandard housing University graduate

18 Examining Diversity Unable to read70 Malnourished50 Living is substandard housing 80 University graduate 1 No running water43

19 Multicultural Awareness Quiz

20 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Groups 1.Be as visual as possible 2.Comprehension precedes production 3.If students can say it, they can write it 4.Speaking louder does not aid in comprehension 5.Create certain predictable routines in your class 6.Learn as much as possible about the countries represented in your class 7.Keep a student’s linguistic ability in mind when selecting reading assignments 8.A smile is international

21 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Each group focuses on the topic assigned to them Groups should discuss and determine 1.Define/explain what the topic means 2.Agree on at least one example of what the teacher must do to indicate the topic statement is valued by the teacher Present to class

22 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Understanding Cultural Differences (p. 4) Discussion

23 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 The Learner-Centered Classroom for ELL 1.The classroom should be predictable and accepting of all students 2.Instructional activities should maximize opportunities for language use 3.Instructional tasks should involve students as active participants 4.Instructional interactions should provide support for student understanding 5.Instructional content should utilize student diversity

24 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Five stations List what the classroom teacher must do in order to make the component as essential part of student learning and the classroom environment Rotate to the next station and add to what has been listed

25 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Twenty Tips for Teachers of Language Minority Students (Appendix) Review and discussion

26 Equity for the English Language Learner Session 1 Additional things we have to discuss: 1.LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) 2.ESL Acronyms 3.Lau v. Nichols

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