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A more spectacular view A more interesting castle Better food A superior museum A more tastier beer There is always …

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Presentation on theme: "A more spectacular view A more interesting castle Better food A superior museum A more tastier beer There is always …"— Presentation transcript:

1 A more spectacular view A more interesting castle Better food A superior museum A more tastier beer There is always …

2 A context A global context: Increasing globalisation Increasing regionalization A competitive context: How to create a good place to live for the own rural inhabitants? How to create a good place to work fot the own rural inhabitants? How to create added value from visitors out of the own region? Everybody wants…

3 The question How to realise your own region in a European competitive context? Jan Van den Berghe (SPK) en Erik Verhaert (VLM)

4 What I heard today (WS 1) Two point of views: entrepreneurs: my product or service and how to link it on sense of place? organisations: how can we sell our region as a touristical product and how can we support the entrepreneurs in this? The big question: what is the content of my region?

5 What I read today (WS 1) The questions of entrepreneurs: funding support communication on the region and on the products support on official problems (legal problems, burocraty) The questions of organisations: more initiative with the connection between product and region be ambassador

6 The question and an example

7 Sense of place: (a part of) the answer Step 1: landscape, heritage and nature (Have something): Base of identity Base of attraction Base of rural economy Step 2: sense of place (Feel something): Believe the story (feel the own identity) Know the story (knowledge aquisition) The story for everybody (community building)

8 Sense of place: (a part of) the answer Step 3: Rural economic development (sell the place): Tell the story (internal and external communication) Entrepreneur the story (the authenticity of products and services)

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