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1/20 Professional Development Strategies that Encourage and Support Formative Assessment Margaret Heritage EED Winter Conference: Informing Instruction,

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Presentation on theme: "1/20 Professional Development Strategies that Encourage and Support Formative Assessment Margaret Heritage EED Winter Conference: Informing Instruction,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1/20 Professional Development Strategies that Encourage and Support Formative Assessment Margaret Heritage EED Winter Conference: Informing Instruction, Improving Achievement Anchorage, Alaska - January 16 -18, 2007 UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing

2 2/20 Overview What Works in Professional Development Strategies for Professional Development What Should Professional Development Focus On? Planning Professional Development

3 3/20 Teachers in these schools did not walk on the moon, fight in great wars, write significant pieces of literature, discover a cure for life- threatening disease, or invent a way to end world hunger. Instead, their heroism is manifest in the success of their students. They work hard. They work outside their comfort zones. They set aside their personal interests for the benefit of their students. They support and coach one another in a community of learners. They demand the best of themselves and their colleagues. And, their efforts pay off in the only way that matters to them increased student success. Joellen Killion, Director of Special Projects, National Staff Development Council, 1999 Use this slide for any quotes or citations. When pasting text from another document, do the following: 1.Highlight the text you want to replace 2.Go to the EDIT menu and select PASTE SPECIAL 3.Select Paste as: UNFORMATTED TEXT

4 4/20 The task of improving formative assessment is substantially, if not mainly, about teacher professional development. Wiliam, 2006 Use this slide for any quotes or citations. When pasting text from another document, do the following: 1.Highlight the text you want to replace 2.Go to the EDIT menu and select PASTE SPECIAL 3.Select Paste as: UNFORMATTED TEXT

5 What Works in Professional Development

6 6/20 Turn and Talk What was your best professional development experience? What made it successful? What was your worst? Why?

7 7/20 Nothing has promised so much and has been so frustratingly wasteful as the thousands of workshops and conferences that led to no significant change in practice when teachers returned to their classrooms Michael Fullan, 1991 One Shot Deals Dont Work

8 8/20 Sustained over a period of time (Cohen and Hill, 1998) Directly connected to teachers work with their students (Cobb, McClain, Lamberg, and Dean, 2003) Directly related to content and to pedagogical strategies (Darling Hammond,1997; AERA 2005) What Works

9 9/20 Collaborative, involving active participation in teacher learning communities where knowledge is shared (Garet, Birman, Porter, Desimone, and Yoon, 2001; Wiliam and Thompson, 2006) Grounded in teachers questions, inquiry, and experimentation as well as research (Darling Hammond, 1997) Supported by coaching and modeling (Darling Hammond, 1997) What Works

10 Strategies for Professional Development

11 11/20 Activities at school sites and in teachers classrooms (Borko et al., 1997; Shepard, 1996) Introduced to materials in workshop sessions – enact ideas – discuss in follow up sessions (Borko et al., 1997) Practical Argument Approach (Richardson and Anders, 1994) Strategies

12 12/20 Summer institutes (Hill and Ball, 2004) Summer institutes with ongoing support (Franke et al., 1998) Discourse communities (McLauglin and Talbert, 1993) Technology Strategies

13 What Should Professional Development Focus On?

14 14/20 Use this slide for any quotes or citations. When pasting text from another document, do the following: 1.Highlight the text you want to replace 2.Go to the EDIT menu and select PASTE SPECIAL 3.Select Paste as: UNFORMATTED TEXT Tips for Teachers Comprehensive Approach

15 15/20 Integration with instruction Interpretation of evidence Adaptation and differentiation of instruction Clear, descriptive, criterion-based feedback to students Student self and peer-assessment Key Areas

16 Planning Professional Development

17 17/20 Content: Precursor knowledge, typical misconceptions, what a good performance looks like Strategies:Online PD using video and teacher forums Interpretation of Evidence

18 18/20 Content: Interpreting evidence, planning Strategies: Summer Institute Adaptation and Differentiation

19 19/20 Use this slide for any quotes or citations. When pasting text from another document, do the following: 1.Highlight the text you want to replace 2.Go to the EDIT menu and select PASTE SPECIAL 3.Select Paste as: UNFORMATTED TEXT Your turn!

20 20/20

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