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Bert Kroese, Statistics Netherlands CSPA Its place in HLG strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Bert Kroese, Statistics Netherlands CSPA Its place in HLG strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bert Kroese, Statistics Netherlands CSPA Its place in HLG strategy

2 We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world From the HLG vision and strategy: 2

3 HLG Vision on Processes – Industrialize the processes ‐ Reduce diversity ‐ Standardize ‐ Collaborate 3 CSPA enables all of the above

4 CSPA 4 GSBPM and GSIM gave rise to modular paradigms Platform independent agility needed CSPA to provide the connectors for the blocks End Goal: plug and play for statistical processes

5 CSPA to solve our common problems – We look very similar: We do official statistics! We share most methods – But we are actually quite different… In legislation In history leading up to different processes In output formats and choices In data collection and sources In physical computing platforms We must support this diversity 5 Cooperating with ABS on Input redesign

6 CSPA to bridge the differences – What we do share is parts of: Our processes Our methods Some parameters What we have in common is defined on a modular level (like airplanes and their standardized parts) CSPA will deliver a population of shareable modules and create a pool of solutions that processes will gravitate to 6

7 Important: this will not succeed automatically. Needs strict supervision. Wider challenges: CSPA readyness – There is no use for car parts without a car, so: Sell the horse, get rid of the carriage. Convert the stable into a garage, buy a car – Now you have a use for car parts – In the process, you acquired much better transport 7

8 Meantime: in the Netherlands – CSPA to be default for new applications – CSPA as transition strategy (use in legacy, increase coverage) – CSPA as beginning; it is not the endgame “rolling your own” has no viable business case any longer Exposing staff to collaboration will end “silo” state of mind Showing a credible interface to outside suppliers Learning by doing; evolve towards Big Data 8

9 Thank You 9

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