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Tech, PARCC & Testing Instructional Models and Issues Part I – What Works What Does not – and WHY ?? Presented by Roger W. Minier, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Tech, PARCC & Testing Instructional Models and Issues Part I – What Works What Does not – and WHY ?? Presented by Roger W. Minier, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tech, PARCC & Testing Instructional Models and Issues Part I – What Works What Does not – and WHY ?? Presented by Roger W. Minier, Ph.D. 800-966-9638 Please call with your questions, to receive an electronic copy of this presentation including an annotated bibliography of resources or for professional development on this and other topics C 2012 by NWOET May be used within Ohio for non-profit educational purposes; for other use call 800-966-9838

2 Tech Done Right ? Scores Increase – a LOT Done Poorly, Scores go down !

3 Tech Must Support Homework

4 Tech Must Support Homework Limited Tech use DURING class

5 Tech Must Support Homework Limited Tech use DURING class Online testing buiilds LIFE skills

6 Tech Must Support Homework Limited Tech use DURING class Online testing buiilds LIFE skills Communication AFTER Content

7 A research-based model to improve YOUR students’ learning – and Prepare for online tests by 2015

8 BLENDED Learning WORKS ‘2 standard deviation improvement in performance Tech Must Support Homework Limited Tech use DURIING class Online testing buiilds LIFE skills BLENDED Learning WORKS ‘2 standard deviation improvement in performance


10 Ohio Board of Regents : - 80% of jobs in 2020 over $20K require college -

11 Ohio Board of Regents – ACT Minimums 18 in English 21 in Reading 22 in Math Will be guaranteed enrollment

12 Ohio Board of Regents – ACT Minimums 18 in English 21 in Reading 22 in Math Will be guaranteed enrollment Options for other students include  2 + 2 programs  Concurrent enrollment in community college for remedial work



15 Lexile Framework ® for Reading Study Summary of Text Lexile Measures 600 800 1000 1400 1600 1200 Text Lexile Measure (L) High School Literature College Literature High School Textbooks College Textbooks Military Personal Use Entry-Level Occupations SAT 1, ACT, AP* * Source of National Test Data: MetaMetrics Interquartile Ranges Shown (25% - 75%)


17 PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Common Core & Ohio’s New Learning Standards

18 PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

19 Just as careers are changing K-12 education is changing as well Chalkboard  Smartboard Research report  Inquiry based writing Lab computers  1:1 / BYO

20 20 Four Types of Assessment Items Extended Response

21 PARCC Grade 3 Mathematics http://www.parcconli hematics/grade-3- mathematics- number-line

22 PARCC Grade 10 Literacy

23 Four Types of Assessment Items 23 Computer Enhanced ? Feedback Done Practice Activity Your Goal: Understanding Inertia Kinds of energy Instruction Practice Quiz ? Go You may need to understand… Gravity: why things fall Go Min and Max Go When you click on ?, you see other possible prerequisite benchmarks. Kinds of energy Go

24 Some Definitions: Online Information (Content Resources) Homework & Online Content Assessments Survey Monkey – Google Forms – ODE Tests Communications & Collaboration email - Google Docs – Wikis – Facebook (?)

25 Some Definitions: 1:1 Online Internet Device for every child Internet at school and home Teacher PD in online resources & Blended Learning strategies

26 Some Definitions: Flipped Most course content provided online Little or no content via f-f lecture Face-to-face time on projects/ team work /help Emerging research indicates: - Is NOT right for many students - Long, recorded lectures are NOT effective - Does help prepare students for College Work

27 Some Definitions: Blended Resources Assessment Communication Some learning Face-to-face & Some learning – starting with Homework - Online

28 Who is online NOW? 60-80% % of elementary students 80-99% of high school students 70-90 % of parents Who is online NOW? 60-80% % of elementary students 80-99% of high school students 70-90 % of parents How will my students GET online?

29 Virtually ALL research is showing Blended Learning Really WORKS Prepares for online testing Begin with Homework assignments online Content to support homework Virtually ALL research is showing Blended Learning Really WORKS Prepares for online testing Begin with Homework assignments online Content to support homework 1:1 – What Works, What Doesn’t ?

30 How to Start: Implement SEQUENTIALLY

31 HOMEWORK Just the Assignment to begin with (Submitting work online comes later) HOMEWORK Just the Assignment to begin with (Submitting work online comes later) How to I begin?

32 HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students Reading reminders (specific page/paragraph) - Content to help complete the assignments Short videos (INFOhio Khan; teacher’s 2 minute review Examples of B+/A level work Content-specific web sites HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students Reading reminders (specific page/paragraph) - Content to help complete the assignments Short videos (INFOhio Khan; teacher’s 2 minute review Examples of B+/A level work Content-specific web sites As teachers and students learn,

33 HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students - Content to help complete the assignments Initial goal: just 10-15 minutes daily online That’s over an extra hour weekly Time-On-Task and THAT results in improved student performance ! HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students - Content to help complete the assignments Initial goal: just 10-15 minutes daily online That’s over an extra hour weekly Time-On-Task and THAT results in improved student performance ! As teachers and students gain confidence

34 HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students - Content to help complete the assignments Initial goal: just 10-15 minutes daily online That’s over an extra hour weekly Time-On-Task and THAT results in improved student performance ! HOMEWORK - Assignments - A ‘hint’ motivitates students - Content to help complete the assignments Initial goal: just 10-15 minutes daily online That’s over an extra hour weekly Time-On-Task and THAT results in improved student performance ! As teachers and students gain confidence

35 WHICH Device? Plus & Minus Desktops powerful not mobile (duh) Laptops full featured cost and weight Netbooks small/light/cheap not fun/engaging Tablets engaging/interactive lack writing tools Cell phone availability lack writing tools WHICH Device? Plus & Minus Desktops powerful not mobile (duh) Laptops full featured cost and weight Netbooks small/light/cheap not fun/engaging Tablets engaging/interactive lack writing tools Cell phone availability lack writing tools How will my students GET online?

36 Some Definitions: Learning Management System (LMS) - Edmodo - Blackboard - Progress Book - Schoology used with - Google Apps for Education Also Wiki’s, Blogs, Facebook, GoogleSites and others

37 Select ONE Learning Management System

38 LMS Features should include: Every class listed on ONE page Ability for teachers to ‘link’ to additional resoruces

39 School device? BYO? Either needs: - Keyboard which is critical for writing - Use of ‘mouse’ can speed writing process - WiFi at home makes significant difference - Larger screens reduce fatigue (4” /foot as guideline) Devices that work for PARCC are increasing – standard laptops are a ‘safe’ choice, but many other devices WILL work. Check carefully! School device? BYO? Either needs: - Keyboard which is critical for writing - Use of ‘mouse’ can speed writing process - WiFi at home makes significant difference - Larger screens reduce fatigue (4” /foot as guideline) Devices that work for PARCC are increasing – standard laptops are a ‘safe’ choice, but many other devices WILL work. Check carefully! How will my students GET online?

40 Advantages when students BYO - Students maintain device - Students (parents) insure device - Students update device - Device, software, filing are familiar How will my students GET online?

41 Advantages of school owned Device: Less difficult than BYO when just beginning - Identical software - Identical Hardware - Much easier tech support - Professional Development required - Quicker classroom implementation Advantages of school owned Device: Less difficult than BYO when just beginning - Identical software - Identical Hardware - Much easier tech support - Professional Development required - Quicker classroom implementation How will my students GET online?

42 - BEFORE Students bring their own devices, consider: If it’s prohibited face-to-face, its prohibited online BYO devices must be FULLY insured Teachers must display ‘currently allowed’ uses No-use areas (locker rooms, office) identified A Quick Note on Policy

43 1. Practice writing (standard keyboard & mouse) 2. Use spell-checking 3. Do NOT use spelling prediction 4. “ Limited time” writing assignments 5. “Simulated research” assignments 6. Ensure Keyboarding skills 1. Practice writing (standard keyboard & mouse) 2. Use spell-checking 3. Do NOT use spelling prediction 4. “ Limited time” writing assignments 5. “Simulated research” assignments 6. Ensure Keyboarding skills 12 Tips for PARCC & Online Assessments

44 7. Build typing speed 8. Answer ALL questions 9. Fill-in-the-blank (especially math) 10. Multiple Choice which require READING 11. Frequent ‘Opinion’ / ‘Argument’ assignments 12. Encourage, support and focus on end goals 12 Tips for PARCC & Online Assessments

45 - 800+ word compositions at high school level - Experience improves student performance - Use the same technology as during testing Writing −Keyboard vs. ‘touch screen typing’ −‘All Thumbs’ or touch typing − Mouse speeds revision process

46 Content for ALL Subjects Lexiles and PARCC testing Readings Finding the right Lexile Use LMS Homework Content to help homework Bibliography of resources available

47 Learning Management System Your online notebook Why use an LMS? How to create a teacher account Creating assignments Using the calendar

48 HOMEWORK - Assignments Written assignment Due Date Rubric / grading criteria How to submit HOMEWORK - Assignments Written assignment Due Date Rubric / grading criteria How to submit What will I DO online?


50 Khan Academy


52 It’s Time to begin YOUR 1:1 Learning

53 Questions? For further information on these topics please contact your local EdTech Agency, INFOhio or Roger W. Minier, Ph.D. 800-966-9638 Permission is granted to use this PowerPoint within Ohio by any non-profit organization or school NWOET Comprehensive members may receive the presentation in person without charge. Material is copyright 2012 NWOET; some slides contain content made available by the Ohio Department of Education

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