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Circulatory System Vocabulary Alveoli – Air sacs that make up the lungs Atrium – top chamber of the heart Blood Vessel – a tube that transports blood.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System Vocabulary Alveoli – Air sacs that make up the lungs Atrium – top chamber of the heart Blood Vessel – a tube that transports blood."— Presentation transcript:


2 Circulatory System

3 Vocabulary Alveoli – Air sacs that make up the lungs Atrium – top chamber of the heart Blood Vessel – a tube that transports blood and materials throughout the body Cardiovascular Disease – a disease that affects the blood, blood vessels and/or heart Gas Exchange – taking in one gas while dropping off another Heart – organ that pumps blood throughout the circulatory system Ventricle – lower chamber of the heart

4 Function Transports _________, __________, carbon dioxide and _________ to various parts of the body Nutrients Oxygen Waste

5 Heart: Four chambers: Right Atrium: receives _________________ blood from the _______ Right Ventricle: sends blood to the ___________ Left Atrium: receives ________________ blood from the __________ Left Ventricle: sends blood to the __________ _________ Septum – Wall that separates the right and left sides of the heart Valves – separate the atria and ventricles Deoxygenated Body Lungs Oxygenated Body Parts



8 Blood Vessels: VesselDescription ArteryCarries blood ________ ________ the heart Thick walled CapillaryFood, oxygen and wastes pass in and out of these vessels Very thin, cells travel single file VeinCarries blood _________ ________ the heart Larger than capillaries but thinner than arteries _________ to prevent backflow AwayFrom Backto Valves

9 Valve


11 Blood: Plasma: the __________ portion of blood, 92% water RBC: red blood cells, contain ______________ that carries ____________ WBC: white blood cells, fight ____________ Platelets: create ___________ to clot blood RBC WBC Platelets Liquid HemoglobinOxygen Disease Fibrin


13 Pulse Points: Can measure _________________ Located at the wrist and ___________ Heart rate Neck

14 Blood Types: Type O is the universal _____________ because it can be donated to any blood type Type AB is the universal __________ because it can accept any blood type Rh factor: specific proteins in blood Rh negative blood: proteins are not present, can only receive __________ blood Rh positive blood: proteins are present, can receive negative or positive blood Blood Type Can Accept during Transfusion AA or O BB or O ABA, B, AB, or O OO Donor Recipient Negative

15 Cardiovascular Diseases: Hemophilia: not enough _____________ to clot blood Hypertension: __________ blood pressure Atherosclerosis: ____________ of the inner lining of the arteries, can cause ___________ ____________ Platelets High Thickening Heart attack or Stroke, limit cholesterol intake…fried foods

16 Cardiovascular Diseases: Sickle cell Anemia: sickle shaped _________ blood cells Leukemia – a type of cancer that causes an increase in the number of white blood cells Red


18 Gas Exchange The Circulatory system gives carbon dioxide to the alveoli (lungs) to be exhaled out of the body The respiratory system inhales oxygen and gives it to the circulatory system to be transported to the cells throughout the body

19 6 th Grade Review – Energy Resources Renewable resources don’t run out or can be replaced in your lifetime ex. Solar, Wind, Running Water, Wood (trees) Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to form and are in a limited supply ex. Coal, Oil, Gasoline Nonrenewable resources need to be conserved and used sparingly by recycling and reducing the use (ex. Carpooling, Mass transit)

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