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VR Counselors Working with Schools During Transition Laura Spears & Kelley Ali Transition Specialists, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department.

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Presentation on theme: "VR Counselors Working with Schools During Transition Laura Spears & Kelley Ali Transition Specialists, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 VR Counselors Working with Schools During Transition Laura Spears & Kelley Ali Transition Specialists, South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department November 18, 2013

2 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 2 Why partner with the schools? “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” —H.E. Luccock If we are going to provide services to transition age students, we must partner with the schools.

3 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 3 Webinar Overview Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Educating our school partners What we can do for our school partners Supporting data What works and what doesn’t

4 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 4 MOA’s with School Districts We have a MOA with each of the 81 school districts in SC It describes each role in the collaboration between the school district and VR New counselors learn about the MOA in Transition 101

5 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 5 Educating the schools about VR Outreach Materials Website- DVD’s Brochures Posters

6 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 6 Educating the Schools about VR Activities Additional activities  Presentations  Meetings VR’s counterpart meetings Attending school related meetings such as IEP, 504 Open House Newsletter  Sample of the school newsletter article

7 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 7 VR Presence in the schools SCVRD currently has 85 counselors that are involved with transition age youth Transition Services Programs  High School High Tech  TSS/TSC  General Transition Counselors have assigned schools they cover Guideposts for Success/Activities

8 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 8 Guidepost Activities Skills to Pay Bills High School High Tech Activities Toolkit

9 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 9 How we provide support to schools- Teacher’s Perspective Teachers are required to provide Transition Services to all students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Career Specialist Services are funded because of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) recommends a guidance ratio of 500:1, but South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act (EEDA) 2005 legislated a ratio of 300:1

10 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 10 Teacher’s Perspective Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) reauthorized December 3, 2004 and became effective July 1, 2005. Requirement by US Department of Education (US DOE) through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Submission of progress towards 20 indicators toward state implementation of IDEA is reported in Annual Performance Reports

11 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 11 Teacher’s Perspective – Indicator 1 & 2 Indicator 1: Percent of youth with individualized education plans (IEPs) graduating from high school with a regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating with a regular diploma. Indicator 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school.

12 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 12 Teacher’s Perspective - Indicator 13 Indicator 13: Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the child to meet the post-secondary goals.

13 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 13 Teacher’s Perspective - Indicator 14 Indicator 14: Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school and who have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school.

14 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 14 Teacher’s Perspective Minimize the search to provide opportunities available for students because students, parents and teachers may not be aware of available opportunities Research and evidence based strategies and programs that work and are effective to engage students resulting in successful outcomes for all involved

15 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 15 How we provide support to the schools Work Experiences Employment & post secondary education activities Job Readiness Training Community resource Family support

16 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 16 Give Recognition Richard M. Kuffel Excellence in Education Award Winner at the 2013 SCVRA Conference

17 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 17 Collaboration on Statewide Level Advisory Councils Transition Alliance of SC

18 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 18 Supporting Data School Referrals increased from 1806 in FY 2009 to 2917 in FY 2013. Successful Employment Outcomes for students referred by schools increased from 589 in FY 2009 to 658 in FY 2013. New referrals of students in regular education increased from 170 in FY 2009 to 532 in FY 2013.

19 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 19 What Doesn’t Work Not maintaining a regular schedule with the school. Not maintaining contact with the school if there was a counselor vacancy. Reaching out only to special education teachers. Trying to make the school meet VR’s needs. Using VR language.

20 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 20 What Doesn’t Work (cont.) Not letting the school know about the progress or successful outcomes of students. Not collaborating with the principal and other decision makers.

21 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 21 What Works Maintaining a consistent presence in the schools. Reaching out to other school staff in addition to special education teachers. Involving the school in activities such as Disability Mentoring Day. Attending school activities such as school registration or Parent Night.

22 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 22 What Works (cont.) Attending IEP or 504 meetings when possible and providing updated information when you cannot. Proving work experiences for students. Providing VR services in collaboration with the school.

23 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 23 Contact Information Laura Spears, Transition Specialist   803-896-6574 Kelley Ali, Transition Specialist   803-896-7047

24 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 24 Questions? Comments?

25 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 25 Register for Upcoming Webinars December 10 Role of Work Experiences in Transition February 3 Work Experience Expectations February 26 Experiences with Transition and Work March 18 Work Experience Site Development April 24 Working with Youth in the Justice System May 15 Using technology with youth for employment

26 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 26 Thank You

27 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 27 Education Credits CRCC Credit By December 18th participants must score 80% or better on a online Post Test and submit an online CRCC Request Form via the MyTACE Portal. My TACE Portal:

28 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 28 Southeast TACE Region IV Toll-free: (866) 518-7750 [voice/tty] Fax: (404) 541-9002 Web: MyTACE Portal: Email:

29 TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A080021. © 2013 29 Disclaimer This presentation was developed by the TACE Center: Region IV ©2013 with funds from the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) under the priority of Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Projects (TACE) – Grant #H264A080021. However, the contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of the RSA and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government [34 CFR 75.620 (b)].

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