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“The most important piece of all 5 health related fitness components.”

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Presentation on theme: "“The most important piece of all 5 health related fitness components.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The most important piece of all 5 health related fitness components.”

2 Regardless of how strong, flexible, and lean your body is, activity cannot be continued without enough oxygen supply to the working muscles.

3  Aerobic Fitness/Exercise:  Aerobic exercises are also called cardiovascular exercise, the kind that get your heart pumping and your breath coming short.  Examples: running, swimming, cross-country skiing and many group fitness classes.  Aerobic exercises burn calories more effective than anaerobic exercises and are your best choice if exercising to lose weight.

4  Anaerobic Fitness/Activity:  Anaerobic workouts are also called "resistance training." These workouts push your muscles to work against above-average resistance to strengthen the muscles.  Examples: Weight lifting, calisthenics and yoga.  Because anaerobic workouts target muscle growth, they are the best choice if your fitness goals center on strength, or muscle mass.

5 caused by pressure of blood on an artery wall; corresponds to heart beat heart rate just after waking in the morning, before getting out of bed measure of blood force against the walls of the arteries pulse — resting heart rate — blood pressure —

6 heart rate that should not be exceeded during exercise; found by subtracting one's age from 220 60 to 90 percent of the maximum heart rate; results in greatest cardiovascular benefits from exercise maximum heart rate — target heart rate —

7  Increases energy level  Look good  Ability to provide oxygen continuously to working muscles over an extended time

8  The body's ability to provide oxygen continuously to muscles as work is performed over an extended period of time.  Primarily aerobic activity  Involves 2 systems: ◦ Circulatory System ◦ Respiratory System

9  Made up of heart, blood, blood vessels

10  Arteries ALWAYS carry blood AWAY from the Heart.  Veins ALWAYS carry blood TO the Heart.



13  Involves lungs and air passages.  Blood runs into the lung cavity and picks up oxygen that is carried throughout the blood to the working muscles.

14 **Circulatory and Respiratory systems work together to provide the muscles with the necessary oxygen to complete the activity!

15  Varies with the changing needs of your body  Effects on Heart Rate: ◦ Intensity of the exercise you are engaged in ◦ Body size ◦ Stress ◦ Genetics ◦ Environmental changes  Normal heart rate adults: 70 bpm children: 100 bpm

16  Ideally should be taken right after waking up in the morning.  Can determine CV fitness level improvement  RHR is lower in active individuals ◦ This means that an active individual pumps more blood with each beat that a non active person. ◦ Active people have more efficient hearts than sedentary people  Normal = 50-100 bpm

17  220-age = Max Heart Rate (MHR)  MHR x.6 = lower limit  MHR x.9 = upper limit  Calculate your target heart rate range  Was your heart rate you calculated from going up one flight of stairs in your range? Explain what this means.

18  Upper and lower limits ◦ 60-90% maximum heart rate or ◦ 50-85% heart rate reserve

19 Target Heart Rate Formula Safe Lower Limit (220-age) x 60% = Lower Limit (220-14) x 60% = Lower Limit (206) x 60 % = Lower Limit 123.6

20 Target Heart Rate Formula Safe Upper Limit (220-age) x 90% = Upper Limit (220-14) x 90% = Upper Limit (206) x 90 % = Upper Limit 185.4

21  Increases energy  Works out the body's most important muscle: The heart!  Increases heart and lung function: ◦ Ability to transport, utilize and supple oxygen to the body and working muscles ◦ If you don’t use it, you'll lose it.  Prevents Cardiovascular disease and fatty build up in the artery wall (Atherosclerosis) ◦ Heart doesn’t have to work as hard because there is not fatty tissue blocking its pathway!  Lowers blood pressure  Increases appearance

22 Maximal Heart Rate

23 Blood Pressure  blood force against artery walls  Systolic — pressure when pumping  Diastolic — pressure when relaxed  Normal: 120/80

24  Atherosclerosis  Thrombosis  Heart attack  Stroke





29 Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley

30 I can control 3 Inactivity 3 Obesity 3 High blood pressure 3 High cholesterol 3 Stress/tension  Smoking I can control 3 Inactivity 3 Obesity 3 High blood pressure 3 High cholesterol 3 Stress/tension  Smoking

31  Reduces the risk of dying prematurely  Strengthens heart, makes more efficient  Decreases atherosclerosis  Clears fats from bloodstream

32  Overload principle ◦ To develop the heart muscle, you must push it beyond its normal range and make it pump more blood with each beat. ◦ FIT principle


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