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March 2014 SEN Services – Bill Turner SEND update.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2014 SEN Services – Bill Turner SEND update."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2014 SEN Services – Bill Turner SEND update

2 Setting the scene The graduated approach Referral for an EHCP Assessment The PLAN The transition process Annual Reviews The Local Offer AGENDA


4 Children and Families Bill 2013-4 Adoption Looked After Children Family Justice Childcare Parental Leave Special Educational Needs and Disability


6 Current Bradford Funding Models Mainstream Special schools DSPs ARCs PRUs Centrally Funded Services Post 16 FE Provision

7 Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Schools Block Early Years Block High Needs Block From 1/4/14 1.5% reduction in Element 3 (Plus element)

8 Mainstream School SEN funding Notional ~5.5% of school budget SEN formula <=£6000 SEN formula <=£6000 High Needs Block Plus element

9 High Needs Block Lump sum per place £10k special - £8k PRU OR AWPU + SEN formula ~£4000 + £6000 Lump sum per place £10k special - £8k PRU OR AWPU + SEN formula ~£4000 + £6000 Pupil Need element Premises element Place Plus

10 Mainstream Resourced Mainstream / PRU Generic Special BESD / AS special Equivalent Funding 1234567

11 FUNDING CATEGORIES, BANDS & AMOUNTS Range 1 Range 2 Range 3Range 4Range 5Range 6Range 7 PRIMARY NEEDDelegated Place Funding Band A (16.5-21.5 hours) Band B (22-27 hours) Band C (27.5-34.5 hours) Band D (35+ hours) Additional Funding £0£1,000£3,152£4,830£7,524£10,970£14,617£24,018 From April 2014 £985 £3105£4758£7411£10805£14398£23658 Mainstream Autism & SLCN SLCNASD ASD+ASD++ Mainstream MLD/SLD/PMLD MLD MLD+SLDPMLDSLD+PMLD+PMLD++ Mainstream PD PD PD+PD++ Mainstream HI/VI HI/VI HI+/VI+ Mainstream BESD BESD BESD+BESD++ Teachers per class of 121.852.313.00 LSA's per class of 121.852.313.006.0012.00 Points Mainstream funding is within colour coded Bands (mainly range 4) Special School funding is determined by actual Primary Need FUNDING PAID TO SCHOOLS AND SETTINGS MONTHLY

12 Children and Families Bill Working groups Structure Workforce Development Transport Processes for EHCP Local Offer Personal Budgets Joint Commissioning Communications Strategy ICT/Info infrastructure 0-7 Integrated Pathway Transition to adult provision Co-ordination Chief Executive’s Project Management Governance AD ACCESS AND INCLUSION



15 The Graduated Approach


17 SEN Guidance Draft Revised VI Draft Revised AS

18 Could the SEN Guidance be used to help describe your graduated approach? Discuss the provision you would make for a child with AS or VI at Range 3 in your school/setting? 10 minute task


20 Early Years Data indicates: SLCN is the most prevalent Primary Need AS is the second most prevalent National Data indicates: An under identification of Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia)

21 Development work over the Summer Term 2014

22 Are SLCN and SpLD an issue in your school/setting? What are the implications for your MLD provision? 5 minute task


24 The referral form

25 The Thresholds: Education SEN Guidance – Range 4 and above Unsupported attainment guidance Social Care Threshold of Need Guidance CCHDT Thresholds Health Continuing Care Therapies

26 How many children and young people currently with Statements in your setting would meet the Tier 3 guidance for Social Care? How many children and young people currently with Statements in your setting would meet the Tier 4 guidance for Social Care? 10 minute task

27 THE PLAN Part 4


29 Read through the Draft. Are there any items not included? What aspects need clarification? Other comments 10 minute task


31 prior StatementReferrals prior to 1 st September 2014 will be considered under the existing ‘Statement’ framework. after EHCPReferrals after 1 st September 2014 will be made on the EHCP referral form.

32 Option 1: 3 year transition for conversion of existing Statements Option 1: Transfer to EHC plans at end of Key Stage

33 Option 2: 3 year transition for conversion of existing Statements Option 2: Transfer to EHC plans at end of current phase

34 Discuss the merits of each option. Which Option would you prefer? 5 minute task


36 ANNUAL REVIEW TRAINING 26 th and 27 th June 2014 1 st and 2 nd July 2014


38 Children and Families Bill A duty on all local authorities to publish details of services and provisions in the area to support families with a child or young person with a special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) Bring together in one place all of the information about SEND

39 The Local Offer What is it for? To provide information about the support and opportunities that are available AND To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations, building on feedback Who is it for? Parents and carers of children and young people with SEND Children and young people with SEND Practitioners and professionals

40 The Local Offer Education, Health & Social Care 0-25 SEND Jointly commissioned services Co-production Accessible Transparent & comprehensive Web based resource Development and Review

41 The Local Offer will: Make it easier for families to find information Providing clarity for families Identify need and gaps in provision Provide an evidence base for improving services

42 Statutory Duty Legal duty to publish information Must be updated annually Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulation - Clause 65 Reflects the information required for the local offer –Identification –Assessment and review of progress –Moving between phases –Adaptation of the curriculum and learning environment –Securing expertise –Effectiveness of the provision –Access to facilities and extra curricular activities –Emotional and social development

43 Joint Statement Agreement Read Comments or Thoughts By June 2014

44 Proforma Completed proforma Blank template Offer at Range 1, 2 and 3 Could you use this? How would you complete this? –E.g. See range 1 guidance (link) or; –Using the guidance at range 1 for autism we offer ………… By June 2014 – School website –Copy to LA and link to the school website

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