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Guidance and counselling in Denmark - Katrine Sonnenschein Copenhagen Business School - Benny Wielandt Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance and counselling in Denmark - Katrine Sonnenschein Copenhagen Business School - Benny Wielandt Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance and counselling in Denmark - Katrine Sonnenschein Copenhagen Business School - Benny Wielandt Technical Education Copenhagen (TEC)

2 National goals for guidance - 1
Seven National goals in Act on Guidance! 1: Choice of education and career should be of benefit to individual and society 2: Individual’s interests and – labour market 3: Targeted young people with special needs for guidance

3 National goals - 2 4: contribute to inclusion and to reduce drop-out
5: be independent of sector-specific interests 6: improve qualifications of guidance practitioners 7: Setting up new standards of qualification

4 Two types of guidance centres
Youth Guidance Centres (municipal): Transition from compulsory school to youth education and labour market Regional Guidance Centres (consortiums): Transition from youth education to higher education and labour market

5 46 youth guidance centres,several municipalities cooperating

6 7 centres, never more than 50 km to centre , and all regional guidance centres visit youth education centres in their region


8 Smooth transition from compulsory school to upper secondary education
Guidance from the 6th form Special attention to pupils at increased risk of not starting or completing a youth education programme Bridging the transition from lower secondary school to a a youth education programme (VET or General)

9 Smooth transition Mentoring scheme for young people who are particularly disadvantaged (now at VET, and from 2010 also at gymnasium) Municipalities must ensure that all young people complete a general or vocational upper secondary education Better guidance about the actual requirements in upper secondary education and VET programmes Better feedback to secondary school system from general and vocational upper secondary programmes

10 Youth guidance Centres (UU)
Transition from compulsory education to youth education Target groups: All pupils in lower secondary school (forms 6-10) Young people under 25 not in youth education programme or in employment! Guidance provided at schools ! Working with education book & guidance plan

11 Youth Guidance Centres 2
With special bias on young persons with ”Special need” for guidance Municipalities are responsible for YG-Centres Strategies, plans and results published on web Close cooperation with secondary schools schools and youth education institutions

12 Guidance in/during youth education / ”carry through-guidance”
Youth education institutions must offer guidance and counselling to their students, to support the students completing their chosen educational programme with the best possible professional and personal result This support and guidance will among other things include - guidance on effective study methods and learning strategies Counselling and support on personal and social problems Establishing special needs support if needed All done in cooperation with YG-centres and RG-centres

13 Regional Guidance Centre tasks
Smooth transition from upper secondary education to higher education (short,medium,long) Methods… Group counselling sessions with specific themes / focus Cooperation between guidance practitioners in chosen education programme and the regional centre for guidance sharper focus on young persons with specific need for guidance (social,personal,family,special needs)

14 Regional guidance Centres - 1
Transition guidance from completed youth education to higher education Target groups: Young people in youth education programmes Young people & adults outside education but already qualified for access to higher education Cooperation with partners in their region - Youth education and higher education institutions - Youth guidance Centres - Social partners and chambers of industry & commerce

15 Guidance in/during higher education: ”completion-guidance”
Higher education institutions (from diploma level and upwards) offer guidance and counselling to their students, to support completion of their chosen educational programme with best possible professional and personal result This support and guidance will among other things include - guidance on effective study methods and learning strategies counselling and support on personal and social problems Establishing special needs support if needed Apart from having trained guidance counsellors, universities also appoint and pay senior students to function as study counsellors

16 National Education guidance web
Information about Education & training Professions, jobs & labour market Working and studying abroad Links to …

17 Centre of expertise for guidance
Appointed by Min. of Ed. – office of guidance Activities: Collecting and sharing of best counselling practice Initiate analyses, surveys and experimental activities Quality Assurance models – manuals etc. Virtual resource centre for counselling & guidance

18 National Dialogue Forum
Representatives from organisations , stakeholders and Ministries secure cross-sectoral dialogue Quality in guidance Dialogue between diverse stakeholders Stakeholders are: relevant ministries, representitives from counsellor associations, counsellor training providers, representitives for regional and local government, social partners, student associations, counselling experts

19 Changes now … Overall national goals for education are…
95% of youth cohort to complete general or vocational upper secondary education in 2015 (presently 82 %) 50% of youth cohort to complete a higher education programme in 2015 (presently 43 %)

20 A coherent and professional system of guidance
The government strategy Professional guidance practitioners The transition from education to jobs must be better Smooth transition from compulsory school to upper secondary education (Mind the gap…!) Smooth transition from upper secondary education to higher education (Mind the gap…!)

21 1. Professional guidance
More precise rules Coherence between transition guidance and school-anchored guidance Coherent guidance all the way through – seen from the point of view of the student Training of guidance practitioners Counsellor Diploma : 1 year full time (60 ECTS points) Further training courses Masters in educational/vocational guidance

22 Professional guidance
Guidance practitioners must either have completed the diploma programme or masters programme, or have their prior learning, competencies and skills assessed and recognised (or have a previous programme) Measurable results Quantitative goals for completion and transition Systematic benchmarking What about quality – ways of finding out what works..!?

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