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SIGNALS Transition in Education The Icelandic Project Budapest meeting February 3 rd 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGNALS Transition in Education The Icelandic Project Budapest meeting February 3 rd 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIGNALS Transition in Education The Icelandic Project Budapest meeting February 3 rd 2015

2 The Project  Theme : Transition in Education from Pre-School to Compulsory School  Compulsory Schools in the area have shown little interest in co-operation  Teachers set the framework and lead  Aim : To have all parties (parents, children, teachers and Compulsory School) participate in the transition from Preschool to Compulsory School with focus on children´s perspectives  Research Question : How to involve all parties (parents, children, teachers and Compulsory School) in transition?

3 The Pre-School  Two classrooms  1-3 year olds and 3-6 year olds  Teachers, the 6 year old children and their parents  The Pre-School has worked on a project about democracy in education and is also known for good parent / teacher co-operation

4 Laws and regulations  Icelandic law and The National Curriculum for Pre-Schools and Compulsory Schools state that the two should co-operate in transition in education  The Convention on the Rights of the Child protects the right to free speech, right to education and all actions concerning children their interest should be the primary concern

5 Phases Fall 2014  Presentation of the project  Interviews  Finding a theme Next steps  3 visits to compulsory school  Two with teachers  One with parents  Project between visits  What do children want to know about Compulsory School?  What do they want from each visit?

6 Interviews  One of the goals was to find a common interest and a theme  Did not go as planned.  People talked about the pre school generally and were still thinking about a project about democracy  When theme was suggested, people started talking  Transition in Education  Parents and teachers are enthusiastic  Both understand the importance  Parents wonder how they can help  Children want parents to come and play with them at the Pre-School

7 Challenges  Involving parents in the process  Co-operating with the Compulsory Schools

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