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Blackwood Primary School Nursery Class Induction Talk – August 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackwood Primary School Nursery Class Induction Talk – August 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackwood Primary School Nursery Class Induction Talk – August 2015 1

2 Nursery Staff Ms. McMillan(Head Teacher) Mrs. Hogg (Depute Head – responsible for Nursery) Mrs. Strom (Nursery Teacher) Mrs. Gilmour (Early Years Team Leader) Mrs. Curley (Early Years Worker – Ladybird Group) Ms. Kelly/Miss McCall (Early Years Workers – Butterfly Group) Ms. Marshall(Early Years Worker – Spider Group) Miss Middleton (Early Years Worker – Busy Bee Group) Miss Morgan(Early Years Worker – Caterpillar Group) 2

3 Nursery Hours Morning Sessions – 8.45 am – 11.55am. Doors open at 11.45am for collection Afternoon Sessions – 1pm – 4.10pm Doors open at 4pm for collection Drop off and collection are within the session times! Please make sure that the members of staff know who is collecting your child. Please inform Mrs. Gilmour who will write the changes in the red book! 3

4 Nursery Toy Fund We currently have a weekly charge of £2.50 per week. (option available for monthly payment or longer) Parents/carers are requested to register with Parent Pay and pay the money to the nursery online (letters will be given out about this). The money is used to buy snack, resources and pay for trips. 4

5 Becoming a member of the Nursery Circle – termly meetings during the Nursery day. Joining the Parent Council – meet monthly. Helping with the lending library(PVG required). Accompanying your child on outings. Supporting fundraising events How can I help? 5

6 Independence Encourage your child to put on and take off their own jacket and shoes Encourage your child to find their own badge on the snack table at the start of the nursery session. Encourage your child to self-register using their snack cards. Encourage your child to remember to go to the toilet at nursery and wash their hands afterwards Encourage your child to blow their own nose 6

7 Toileting Children in the playroom can go to the toilet by themselves. Staff will help if needed but children should be able to sit on the toilet by themselves, clean themselves and pull up their own pants. Accidents – a member of staff will change them if permission has been given. Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag. If your child is in nappies or pull ups please speak to Mrs. Gilmour.

8 Nursery Curriculum Curriculum for Excellence – Early Level Photographs of what the children have been doing at Nursery. Newsletters contain information about what the children are learning about. Floorbook shows what the children have been doing in the Nursery – this will be out regularly on the snack table at the start of the session. The cloakroom will contain the learning experiences we will be concentrating on this term. We have an achievement wall to celebrate achievements from home and nursery. 8

9 What do we do at Nursery? Visits for people in the community Trying different foods

10 Playing in nursery outdoor area Exploring the school grounds

11 Visit the library Gym time

12 Nursery Day Setting up the playroom with the children Welcome Time Free Play – staff planned learning experiences Tidy up Time Together Time – e.g. stories, songs Group Activity Time – e.g. looking at achievement folders, news time, social time, tooth brushing 12

13 End of the Session The children will be sitting in their groups at the end of the Nursery session and the children should be signed out and then collected from their keyworker. Please use this time to speak to your child’s key worker about any concerns or information that you would like to know about your child’s progress. Letters are generally given out at the end of the session. 13

14 Outdoor Play Please make sure that your child is properly dressed to take part in outdoor activities by making sure that they have the following: –Sun cream applied before coming to nursery –Sun hat that protects their head, neck and ears from getting burnt –A suitable jacket for the weather –Hat, scarf and gloves when the weather is cold –Suitable outdoor footwear when it is wet and cold Please make sure all items are labelled with your child’s name! 14

15 Home Link Lending Library – weekly library where children choose a book to take home. We are looking for helpers to run it! Activities at home – Newsletters often contain ideas for simple home activities. Activities linked to focuses e.g. scavenger hunt. Variety of leaflets available. A monthly nursery rhyme will continue to be included in newsletters so you know the words being used in the Nursery. 15

16 Keeping You Informed Weekly Notice board – on snack table and on entrance window School and Nursery Newsletters Letters about events etc. Questionnaires and Question of the Month. Nursery section on School website- www.blackwood-pri.s- lanark.sch.ukwww.blackwood-pri.s- 16

17 Who Can Help your Child? Speech and Language Therapist Ms. Allen Educational Psychologist Ms. Imray Early Years Specialist Support Teacher 17

18 Information Sharing Protocol/Named Person In order for members of staff to discuss your child with other people an information sharing protocol form must be completed. People we may talk to include speech therapist, health visitor, community paediatrician and educational psychologist. We will normally inform you if we are going to speak to other people. Each child from 10-14 days until they start school requires a named person under the Children and Young People’s Bill (2014). This person will be your child’s Health Visitor. 18

19 First Aid/Medication/Allergy Members of staff will treat children if they are hurt and administer medication on completion of medical forms and any necessary training. If your child has an accident you will be asked to sign an accident form and given the opportunity to have a copy for your records. Medical forms MUST be re-checked and signed every 28 days. It is the adult’s responsibility to make sure that the medication is in date and not the members of staff. Any allergies must be discussed with staff. 19

20 General Information Car Parking – Please do not park in the Staff Car Park. It is advised that you park your car in the Community Car Park and walk round to the Nursery entrance. Access to school grounds – through gate before the car park (if coming from Thornton Road), crossing with the lollipop person and through gate at front of school or ramp entrance (community entrance). Entrance to the Nursery is through the Nursery entrance which is beside the main school entrance. Sickness Policy – please phone in if your child is ill. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea they should be absent from Nursery until they have been clear for 48 hours. 20

21 General Information The suggestion folder is in the cloakroom. There will be paper and a pen available for parents/carers to write any general suggestions e.g. concerns or ideas for the Nursery. Each child has an achievement folder that you are free to look at with your child. These are located in the playroom and will be sent home twice a year. Please ask your child’s key worker if you wish to look at your child’s folder out with this time. Participation Tree – comments about the nursery are placed on leaves. 21

22 General Information Entering the Nursery – please press the buzzer and wait for the click before pulling the door. PLEASE LEAVE BUGGIES OUTSIDE - LIFT THE CHILD OUT AND BRING THEM INSIDE WITH YOU! Every child will be given a shoe bag if they want one. Please make sure that if you are using their own bag that it is small and fits on your child’s peg – NO LARGE SCHOOL BAGS! Children MUST have soft indoor shoes that they have to change into for Nursery. Make sure your child’s name is on them and that they fit securely. It is easier if the shoes have velcro! On gym days it is advisable that girls wear trousers. 22

23 Absences If your child is absent then please either phone the school and leave a message on the school answer machine (01555- 892438) or email the school (office@blackwood-pri.s- If you know in advance that your child will be absent then please inform Mrs. Gilmour who will give you an absence form to complete. We follow SLC Absence Policy – if we do not know why your child is absent then you will receive a phone call from the school. We follow SLC policy regarding attendance at nursery. 23

24 Bringing Things to Nursery Please discourage children from bringing toys to nursery as they may get lost. Anything that is left is placed in the lost property drawers in the cloakroom – this is emptied monthly and any items left are disposed of. Please do not send children to nursery with dummies or bottles. 24

25 You and Your Child This is a twelve week programme aims to: Raise awareness that parents have the lead role in promoting their child’s development Provide understanding of age and stage of children’s development Consider a child’s needs and how to meet them Promote understanding of the importance of play experience for children’s learning Provide strategies to improve parent/child interaction Help strengthen parent/child relationships to promote positive behaviour. Raise awareness of the Getting it right for every child and Curriculum for Excellence language used in health, education and social work services. 25

26 SCWIS Nursery had an unannounced Care Inspectorate Inspection in November 2014. The report can be viewed online at where the service name is Blackwood Primary Nursery

27 Induction Pack Please complete the permission and enrolment forms and return on your child’s first day. Complete the ‘All About Me’ booklet and return when completed with your child. The nursery class handbook can be found on the school website under the nursery section. The school website is

28 My Child’s First Day Please bring your child at 10am (morning session) or 1.30pm (afternoon session) on their first day. Please bring a pair of soft indoor shoes. Mrs. Gilmour will give you a guided tour and introduce you to the members of staff and the nursery routine. The visit to the nursery will last one hour. Your child will be given a Book Bug pack to take home (if they are in their ante-pre-school year). 28

29 Questions?? Please ask any questions. Thank you for listening. 29

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