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School Accountability
Agenda Objectives K-8 School Performance Scores
Planning, Support, and Resources Contacts Louisiana Believes
Objectives Session Overview and Objectives
The school performance score (SPS) represents student performance including important indicators of assessment and readiness, graduation, diploma strength, and progress. This presentation will: Review parts of student performance that make up the SPS and policies associated with the SPS calculations for (2016 SPS) Highlight policy updates related to the calculation of school performance scores Highlight resources that will facilitate planning and understanding of school accountability Louisiana Believes
Agenda Objectives K-8 School Performance Scores
Planning, Support, and Resources Contacts Louisiana Believes
Calculators Louisiana Believes
K-8 School SPS: Accountability
System Overview School accountability for Louisiana schools with grades K-7 includes student assessment performance and progress points, and for schools with grade 8 includes dropout/credit accumulation index. Grade Configuration Performance K-7 (Elementary) 100% Assessments + Progress Points K-8, 7-8 (Middle) 95% Assessments + 5% (Dropout/Credit Accumulation Index) Louisiana Believes
K-8 School SPS: Accountability
System Overview School accountability for Louisiana schools with grades K-7 includes student assessment performance and progress points, and for schools with grade 8 includes dropout/credit accumulation index. Letter Grade SPS Range SPS Ranges* A 100.0 – 150.0 B 85.0 – 99.9 C 70.0 – 84.9 69.2 – 84.9 D 50.0 – 69.9 49.9 – 69.1 F Below 50.0 0.0 – 49.8 *Note: SPS ranges fro and will continue to be comparable to the distributions, by school type. Louisiana Believes
K-8 School SPS: Assessments (Slide 1 of 3)
Purpose Louisiana students in grades 3-8 take assessments in ELA, math, science and social studies so as to assess whether each student gained the knowledge and skills reflected in the standards of that grade and subject. Accountability Achievement Levels LEAP/iLEAP Achievement Level LAA 1 Achievement Level Assessment Index Points Per Student Level 5 Advanced Exceeds Standard 150 Level 4 Mastery ---- 125 Level 3 Basic (Proficient) Meets Standard 100 Level 2 or Level 1 Approaching Basic/Unsatisfactory (Non-proficient) Working Towards Standard Louisiana Believes
Carnegie Course Credits DCAI Points Per Student
K-8 School SPS: Dropout/Credit Accumulation Index (DCAI) (Slide 2 of 3) Purpose This measure encourages successful transition to high school, as well as access to Carnegie credits in middle school. Accountability Calculated for schools that include Grade 8. Points based on number of Carnegie Credits earned through the end of 9th grade (and transitional 9th, where applicable) and/or dropout status. Policy Flags To count toward DCAI, students must be full academic year in 8th and 9th grade (or transitional 9th, where applicable), if earning Carnegie credits. Students transferring districts between 8th and 9th grade are still eligible to earn points for DCAI. Carnegie Course Credits DCAI Points Per Student 6 150 5.5 125 5 100 4.5 75 4 50 3.5 25 3 or less 3rd year 8th grade student Dropout
K-8 School SPS: Progress Points (Slide 3 of 3)
Schools may earn up to 10 progress points for prior year non-proficient students who exceed their expected score. Eligible Students: Consideration Policy Eligible Students School must have 10+ students with school-level VAM scores who were non-proficient in prior year in math, ELA, or both Required Success Rate Schools must have more than 50% of the eligible students exceed their expected score in math, ELA, or both Reward Schools will receive .1 for students scoring Unsatisfactory in prior year and .05 for students scoring Approaching Basic in prior year who exceed expectations in current year Prior Year ( ): Non-proficient Current Year ( ): Proficient Assessment Index points: YES Progress points: YES Current Year ( ): Non-proficient Assessment Index points: NO Progress points: YES Louisiana Believes
Combination Schools (Slide 1 of 2)
School Accountability Schools with students in both K-8 and 9-12 grades will receive a school performance score based on both the K-8 and 9-12 formulas and weighted by students included in the formula. Grade Configuration Performance K-7 (Elementary) 100% assessments + Progress Points K-8, 7-8 (Middle) 95% assessments + 5% (dropout/credit accumulation index) 9-12 (High) 25% assessments + 25% ACT + 25% Cohort Graduation Rate + 25% Graduation Index Louisiana Believes
Combination Schools (Slide 2 of 2)
School Accountability Schools with students in both K-8 and 9-12 grades will receive a school performance score based on both the K-8 and 9-12 formulas and weighted by students included in the formula. Example Calculation Calculate K-8 SPS for all students who test or are included in DCAI as for all K-8 schools. Calculate HS SPS for EOC and ACT testers and cohort graduation members. Determine percentage of students that are K-8 and percentage that are high school. Average the K-8 SPS and HS SPS using percentages of students to weight the SPS before averaging them. Example below (K-8 SPS * 33%) + (HS SPS * 67%)/2=Combination SPS K-8 50 Students 33% of all eligible testers HS 100 Students 67% of all eligible testers Total Students Used for Weights 150 Students 100% of eligible testers Louisiana Believes
Moving Toward 2025 Louisiana Believes
As we continue giving educators time to learn the new expectations and adjust their practice, BESE approved a series of policies to support educator and student learning. School accountability. Letter grade distributions will remain the same from 2013 to 2014 and During the two year transition, any school or district that maintained or improved its annual performance score will not experience a decrease in its current letter grade. As in any other year, if a school improves, the performance score and letter grade may go up. For more information on the transition policies, click here. Louisiana Believes
School Accountability: Letter Grades
For and , letter grades will be aligned to the distribution to ensure simplicity, consistency, and fairness between now and the new baseline year, as Louisiana transitions to higher standards. In doing so, this will allow: Time to learn Time to set a baseline Time to appropriately raise the bar, as Louisiana pursues its 2025 goal – a time where “mastery,” not “basic,” is the expectation. Approved BESE Policy for the and school years Possible test score shifts Policy to ensure simplicity, consistency, and fairness in 2015 Release School/District Performance Scores Decrease Letter grades aligned to the letter grade distribution School/District Performance Scores Increase Letter grades will improve as they would in any other year Louisiana Believes
Agenda Objectives K-8 School Performance Scores
Planning, Support, and Resources Contacts Louisiana Believes
2014-2015 Assessment and Accountability Results
Assessment and Accountability Releases Date Available Method of Delivery LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 1, LAA 2 and ELDA Student Level Results (LAA 1 and ELDA) End of April LEAPweb Student Level Results (LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2) Late May Summary Reports Late July LDOE secure FTP EOC Student Level Results During Testing Window EOC System Post-Window Results Mid-June Mid-July EXPLORE and PLAN Summary Reports and Student Files Week of May 11 District Delivery from ACT ACT School and District Summary Reports Week of July 20 WorkKeys Student Files School Delivery from ACT PARCC ELA and Math Standard Setting Process Summer 2015 Fall 2015 LDOE SFTP Accountability Results Data Certification School Report Cards with Letter Grades Late Fall 2015 LDOE SFTP and website Principal Report Cards Winter 2015 PARCC Transitional Student Growth Data Louisiana Believes
Resources SPS Calculator
The calculators are designed for educators to input school level data in order to estimate school performance scores. There are two calculators available in the accountability toolbox: a K-8 and a K-12 calculator. K-8 Resources: 4th Grade Promotion Policy Guidance: This document provides guidance on 4th grade promotion policies and practices. Transitional 9th Grade Guide: This guide is designed to help district identify, plan, and improve the academic achievement of struggling 8th grade students. K-8 Progress Point Fact Sheet: The one-page document reflects a set of “quick facts” and examples for the calculation of K-8 progress points.
Agenda Objectives K-8 School Performance Scores
Planning, Support, and Resources Contacts Louisiana Believes
Accountability Contacts
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