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New for Fall 2009 A proctor security checklist is incorporated in the TAD for classroom use. 1. Assist proctors with collecting tests each day. 2. Quick.

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Presentation on theme: "New for Fall 2009 A proctor security checklist is incorporated in the TAD for classroom use. 1. Assist proctors with collecting tests each day. 2. Quick."— Presentation transcript:

1 New for Fall 2009 A proctor security checklist is incorporated in the TAD for classroom use. 1. Assist proctors with collecting tests each day. 2. Quick resolution to any discrepancies. 3. Avoids invalidating missing tests. 4. Establishes evidence for future accommodation needs (IEP/504 and LEP students only)

2 2 Glossary of Waiver Terms 1. Year of intended graduation – the year the student will have sufficient number of local requirements met to graduate. 2. Last semester of the school year – the school year formally ends the last day of June. The students final semester may be first semester, or second semester. If summer school is included then June 30 is the official end of the current year. 3. Local education agency governing board – for the purposes of the waiver guidelines synonymous language is used: regional school board, local governing board, or board.

3 3 Waiver Process Student completes waiver application and submits to the local governing board. Demonstrates student has met all other state and governing body requirements. Three waiver / exemption types: 1. Late Arrival form #05-04-013 2. Rare and Unusual Circumstance form #05-04-014 3. Passed Another States Exam form #05-04-015 Application 4 AAC 06.772(a)

4 4 Waiver Process All forms can be printed from the departments Forms and Grants Web site. Application

5 5 Waiver Process Guidelines from the Forms and Grants website will assist with all waiver types. Application

6 6 Late Arrival – The student is waived from passing the HSGQE provided evidence supports the late arrival criteria. – Waiver may not be granted until the students final semester of the year of intended graduation – The student must continue to take the HSGQE even after the board approves the waiver. The waiver cannot be implemented if the test is not taken. It is a waiver from passing. – Review HSGQE results and academic credits prior to submitting the approved waiver to EED. Types of Waivers 4 AAC 06.773

7 7 Rare and Unusual – Merits a waiver if: 1. a recourse or remedy other than a waiver does not exist to address the circumstance before the student's expected graduation date; and 2. the circumstance was beyond the control of the student, the student's parents, and the school. – The student is waived from passing the HSGQE provided evidence supports the criteria. – Waiver may not be granted until the students last semester of year of intended graduation. – The student must continue to take the HSGQE even after the board approves the waiver. However, the board should wait until the final semester before approving when possible. – Review HSGQE results and academic credits prior to submitting the approved waiver to EED. Types of Waivers 4 AAC 06.774

8 8 Rare and Unusual 1. Death of a parent 2. Serious and Sudden Illness or Injury 3. Disability 4. District or System Error 5. EED Advice on Alternate Assessment 6. Unable to Participate due to Disability Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774

9 9 Rare and Unusual Death of a parent – The students parent must have died in the final semester of the students year of intended graduation. The following condition is required – Evidence must show the parent is the natural parent; or – Evidence must show the deceased was the legal guardian. Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(a)(A)

10 10 Serious and Sudden Illness Injury – A student must experience a serious and sudden illness or physical injury that prevents the student from taking the HSGQE in the last semester of the students year of intended graduation. The following conditions are not rare: – Pregnancy or childbirth (unless an emergency occurred) – Treatable depression, stress, or stress related conditions (unless an emergency occurred) – Condition caused by illegal alcohol or substance use Rare and Unusual Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(a)(B)

11 11 Disability – Disability arising in the students secondary school enrollment and the disability arising too late to develop a meaningful and valid alternative assessment program. The waiver is consistent with the recommendations of the IEP/504 team and the principal and superintendent support the waiver request. The following conditions are not rare: – A student who is limited English proficient – District failed to identify disability, provide services, or complete IEP/504 plan – A student who did not know how to operate the audio-taped version of the HSGQE – A student who had a child during the school year – The student was exited from special education services but still needed services Rare and Unusual Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(a)(C)

12 12 The following conditions are considered rare: – Student loses eye sight during the last semester and learning Braille is not reasonable within the time frame. – Student has a severe accident that causes traumatic brain injury that prevents cognitive processes sufficient to take exam, and the amount of time before the period of intended graduation is not sufficient to develop an alternative assessment program. Disability contd Rare and Unusual 4 AAC 06.774(a)(C)

13 13 District or System Error – Completed examination materials from the last administration of the students year of intended graduation are lost in transit. – School or district failed to administer the exam at one of the scheduled administration dates while the student was in the 12th grade. The following conditions are not rare; – Student did not show up for the test because he was not verbally reminded by his teacher – Student was confused about testing rooms – Wrong or no accommodations provided Rare and Unusual Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(a)(D)

14 14 EED Advice on Alternate Assessment – The students IEP team relied on advice from the department regarding whether an alternate assessment would lead to a diploma if completed successfully. The following condition is considered rare: – This waiver is applicable to a student who was enrolled in ninth grade or higher in 2002-03 school year. – This may be the last year for this waiver. It is unlikely any students remain in the system from 2002-03. Rare and Unusual Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(a)(E)

15 15 Unable to Participate due to Disability – This waiver does not exempt the student from passing the exam but from taking the regular HSGQE the students sophomore year. The following condition is considered rare: – A student who has a history of requiring a modification on formal assessments which is documented in the students IEP. Rare and Unusual Examples and Details 4 AAC 06.774(d)

16 16 Passed Another States Exam – The student is waived from passing and taking the HSGQE provided evidence supports the criteria. – May be granted at any time following the student's enrollment and filing the application. – The student must continue to take the HSGQE until board approval. 4 AAC 06.777

17 17 Waiver Process – The board must act upon the students application in writing and notify by registered mail the approval or denial; and – The board must also provide a copy of the written decision to the Commissioner of Education & Early Development. – A student may appeal a denial to the Commissioner of Education & Early Development. Application Outcome 4 AAC 06.772(b)

18 18 Questions When does the district submit the boards decision to EED? – Waivers submitted for passing the HSGQE should be submitted after HSGQE scores are posted. – Waivers submitted for taking the HSGQE can be submitted once the board signs. – Submit only the signed application.

19 19 Waiver Process A student or students parent may appeal to the department the denial of a waiver. The appeal must be filed on a form #05-04-016. The appeal form must be postmarked no later than 30 days after receipt of the notice of the denial. Appeal 4 AAC 06.780

20 20 Questions Can the state reverse an approved waiver granted by the regional board? – The regulation does not speak to this issue, however the state is responsible to review & monitor approvals to determine district compliance when implementing the regulation. What if a student passes parts of another states exam? – The student must pass all portions of another states exam to qualify for the waiver. – The other states exam must include reading, writing, and mathematics, and must be used to determine if students graduate in that state. – A list of exams that meet the criteria from other states is posted on the EED website.

21 21 Waiver Process Janet Valentour, Assessment Administrator Assessment & Accountability, Department of Education & Early Development Department Support

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