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Tipp City Exempted Village Schools Elementary School Redistricting.

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1 Tipp City Exempted Village Schools Elementary School Redistricting

2 Rationale Continues our core mission of providing a quality education for all of our students. Allows for entire grade level planning Eliminates competition between our current K-3 buildings. Allows District to balance class sizes across the schools…potential cost savings of $200,000. Joins all of our grade level students together from the outset of the educational journey.

3 Building Grade Levels Nevin Coppock Grades K-1 Broadway Grades 2-3 County Preschool Units and MH classroom to move to Nevin Coppock Both Buildings would have their own Special Needs Classrooms

4 Principals Nevin Coppock Principal Mr. Brownlee and office staff would remain at Nevin. Broadway Principal Mr. Gingerich and office staff would remain at Broadway.

5 School Start and End Times StartEnd LT Ball8:403:20 Broadway8:503:30 Nevin Coppock9:003:25

6 Class Sections Grade# Students2012 Sections2012 Avg2013 Sections2013 Avg K171821.375 N/A 1186920.6821.3 21861018.6920.6 32121021.2823.3 Total Reduction4 Avg. Cost of a New Teacher w/ Benefits is $50,000

7 Transportation This is an area with an additional cost of $2,400 to have all buses go to all three elementary schools We would allow students that are in the eligible walk zones to walk to their closest school and then be shuttled to the other building. This could allow them to be with sibling. There would be no transferring of buses.

8 Lunch Nevin Kitchen staff could be reduced because of only serving one grade level. Broadway would be serving approximately the same number of students as LT with current staff numbers being equal. Cost savings of $10,192 Breakfast program based on State program would be implemented at both buildings or neither depending on the State requirements.

9 Special Areas There would not be changes to Art, Music or PE based on redistricting. These areas could be adjusted based on the entire levy planning to be finalized in the next few months.

10 Special Education Opportunity to provide all special needs services in both locations. No increase cost to the District is anticipated.

11 Transitions One of our biggest concerns… Research indicates that the more transitions the possibility of students falling through the cracks. All research that I have reviewed prefaces their own study with… strong curriculum, good staff, high expectations for students, community involvement can alleviate this concern.

12 Transition Planning Mr. G and Mr. Brownlee have already been discussing plans Topics – Class Lists – Visits – Transition Teams – Conferences – Peer Role Modeling – Parent Groups

13 Parent Organizations What would parent organizations look like. I don’t have an answer for this exactly. I would think that one group supporting both elementary schools or one group working with all three K-5 schools would be better able to coordinate activities such as fund raisers to better support all three buildings. This will be determined by the principals.

14 Parent Input Please share with us your thoughts – State your Name Address Where your child attends if they are in school or will start school. – Share your thoughts in 3-5 minutes please – Step up to the microphone – We are not going to discuss individual staff members

15 Thanks for Attending!!!

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