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1 Transition Complete Planning Centers are located in all CMSD Schools –Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was developed with the union –District-wide consistency.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Transition Complete Planning Centers are located in all CMSD Schools –Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was developed with the union –District-wide consistency."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Transition Complete Planning Centers are located in all CMSD Schools –Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was developed with the union –District-wide consistency for policies and procedures Address the high mobility rate of students and staff No longer recognize ISS –A disciplinary setting; enforcing a disciplinary code Punishment, Consequences, Suffering, Penalty, Power and Control

2 2 Planning Centers Instructional approach to learning alternative, appropriate behaviors Recognizing antecedent behaviors Accepting responsibility for those choices Safe place for students to de-escalate Improve and promote positive SEL Referral based

3 3 Planning Centers PCIA can identify problems that students are having and intervene early Work with students to teach them coping and problem- solving skills to manage their difficulties Address academic, emotional or behavioral problems before they become crises Prevent the escalation of inappropriate behaviors Work in small group settings to address general issues Work with transitioning students –Students new to the school –Students waiting for or returning from an alternative setting

4 4 Positive Outcomes Decrease in out of school suspensions Improved grades Improved attendance Improved social and emotional skills More instructional time, due to less behavioral interruptions. Less office referrals for administrators to deal with

5 5 Referrals The student must be referred through the building administrator in one of three ways: –Self-referral –Staff member referral Includes Removal for Educational Intervention (REI) –Parent referral through the principal/teacher

6 6 Role of the PCIA Monitor and interact with students Keep data and monitor progress Referrals Teacher communication Family communication Outside agency communication Communication with principal Support for and from Student Support Team members

7 7 Floor Plan Staff and student desks and chairs, shelves, staff computer, phone, instructional materials Quiet area for de-escalation –Rug, bean bags, couch, cushions Area for group instruction and/or support Area with a computer for student use

8 8 Questions, Comments, Concerns Humanware/SEL Department (216) 838-0170 Bill Stencil (216) 701-5863

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