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WORD PROCESSING UNIT 2 TERMS. LOG INTO MOODLE DO THIS Click on Unit 2 Terms Save them in your CBA, Unit 2 Folder Open them We are going to edit them together!

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Presentation on theme: "WORD PROCESSING UNIT 2 TERMS. LOG INTO MOODLE DO THIS Click on Unit 2 Terms Save them in your CBA, Unit 2 Folder Open them We are going to edit them together!"— Presentation transcript:


2 LOG INTO MOODLE DO THIS Click on Unit 2 Terms Save them in your CBA, Unit 2 Folder Open them We are going to edit them together!

3 ALIGNMENT How the edges of a line, paragraph, object, or table are positioned horizontally and vertically between the margins or on a page.

4 ALIGNMENT Left-Align, Center-Align, Right-Align, Justified Select your “Alignment” term and definition. Choose Right Align. DO THIS

5 ASCENDING Sort order arranging text or numbers from A to Z, from smallest to largest, or from earliest to latest.

6 ASCENDING Sort Ascending/Descending Select all of your terms, sort Ascending Order DO THIS

7 AUTOMATIC PAGE BREAK A feature that automatically generates a new page, allowing text to flow to the new page when space runs out on the previous one; also known as a Soft Page Break.

8 AUTOMATIC PAGE BREAK DO THIS Scroll down to the bottom of your first page. Place your insertion point after the last definition. Hit enter, your insertion point should move to the next page. Type – Soft Page Break

9 BORDERS Lines around the edge(s) of text, a page, a cell, or a table.

10 BORDERS Borders Button DO THIS Select your “Borders” term and definitions. Click the drop down arrow by the borders button, choose Outside Borders.

11 BULLETS AND NUMBERING A feature in a word processing application that allows the user to create outlines or itemized lists with either icons or numbers.

12 BULLETS AND NUMBERING Bullets And Numbering Buttons Select ALL of your terms. (Ctrl + A) Click the DROP DOWN arrow beside the numbering button. Choose the Roman Numeral Numbers (I, II, III)

13 CLIP ART A feature that includes pre-made illustrations, drawings, pictures, and other graphic that can be inserted into a document.

14 CLIP ART Click on the Insert Ribbon Click on the Clip Art Button Click on the Clip Art button, Search For Computer, Insert a Picture of a Computer beside your Clip Art Term.

15 COLUMN One of two or more vertical sections of printed material on a page; usually separated by margins.

16 COLUMNS Click Page Layout, Then the drop down arrow beside columns. Select all of your terms, make them into 2 columns, then change them back to 1.

17 COPY AND PASTE A feature that allows a user to select text or a graphic, duplicate it and place it in another location within a document.

18 COPY AND PASTE DO THIS Select your “Copy and Paste” Definition Right click on your selection Click Copy Scroll to the end of your document Put your insertion point after your last term Right click Click Paste

19 CUT AND PASTE A feature that allows a user to select text or a graphic, remove it from its current location and place it in another location within a document.

20 CUT AND PASTE DO THIS Select your “Cut and Paste” Definition Right click on your selection Click Cut Scroll to the end of your document Put your insertion point after your last term Right click Click Paste

21 DESCENDING Sort order arranging text or numbers from Z to A, largest to smallest, or latest to earliest.

22 DESCENDING DO THIS Sort Ascending/Descending Select all of your text. Click the “Sort” button Choose Descending

23 DESKTOP PUBLISHING Through the use of a personal computer, combining text and graphics to produce a high- quality document, such as newsletters, flyers, brochures, etc.

24 DESKTOP PUBLISHING LOOK! We will use Microsoft Publisher for desktop publishing. Here is how our flyers will resemble.

25 DRAG AND DROP A feature that allows a user to select text using a mouse or pointing device, and quickly move (drag) it to a different location.

26 DRAG AND DROP DO THIS Select your “Drag and Drop” term and definition. Click on your selection and hold it down. Drag your selection below the “edit” definition.

27 EDIT To make changes by adding, deleting, or modifying text, graphics, or other items in a document.

28 FIND AND REPLACE A feature that scans a document, searches for occurrences of specific text, symbols or formatting, and allows a user to replace it with new text, symbols or formatting.

29 FIND AND REPLACE DO THIS Find and Replace Buttons Click the replace button. In the find box type: Find and Replace In the Replace box type: Find/Replace

30 FONT The size, style, and design of text.

31 FONT DO THIS Font GROUP to edit Font Select your “Font” term and definition. Click the bold button in the Font Group.

32 FOOTER Text appearing at the bottom of each page, separate from the main body of a text.

33 FOOTER Click on the Insert Ribbon Click Footer, Choose the design you want. DO THIS In the footer type: “This is the footer”

34 FORMAT In word processing, to utilize features that enhance the appearance and overall layout of text, graphics, tables within a document.

35 FORMAT DO THIS Formatting options Select your “format” term and definition. In the styles group click “Heading 1”

36 GRAPHICS Drawings, Pictures, or other illustrations inserted in a document to either explain data or enhance the appearance of text on a page.

37 HARD RETURN A break in a line or a paragraph that is forced by the user when the return key is pressed, creating a new paragraph.

38 HARD RETURN DO THIS Click at the end of your “Hard Return” definition. Type “Enter” on your keyboard.

39 HEADER Text appearing at the top of each page, separate from the main body of text.

40 HEADER DO THIS Click on the Insert Ribbon Click Header, Choose the design you want. In the header type: “This is the header”

41 INDENT To move text horizontally away from the left or right margin, setting it apart from surrounding text.

42 INDENT DO THIS Left Indent and Right Indent Buttons Select your “Indent” term and definition Click the “Right” indent button in the Paragraph Group.

43 LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION A page layout in which documents are printed across the length of a page, making the page wider than it is tall.

44 LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION DO THIS Click the “Page Layout” tab Click the orientation Button Choose Landscape

45 LINE SPACING The amount of space between lines of text.

46 LINE SPACING DO THIS Line Spacing Button Select your Line Spacing Term and Definition. Click the Line Spacing Button. Click on 2.0

47 MANUAL PAGE BREAK A page break the end user forces into a document, creating a new page at a specific location; also known as a Hard Page Break.

48 MANUAL PAGE BREAK DO THIS Insert Page Break Button Put your insertion point at the end of your Manual Page Break Definition. Click the Page Break Button

49 MARGINS The white space surrounding the content of a page at the top, bottom, left and right sides, defining where a line of text begins and ends.

50 MARGINS DO THIS Click the Page Layout Tab. Click the Margins Button Click the “Narrow” Option.

51 PRINT PREVIEW A feature that allows the user to view a document onscreen and make necessary formatting changes prior to printing it.


53 POINT SIZE The measurement, or size of a font (text); each point is approximately 1/72 of an inch.

54 POINT SIZE DO THIS Point Size Select your Point Size term and definition Click the “Enlarge Point Size” Button in the font group.

55 PORTRAIT ORIENTATION A page layout in which documents are printed across the width of a page, making the page taller than it is wide.

56 PORTRAIT ORIENTATION DO THIS Click the Page Layout Tab Click the Orientation Button Click Portrait

57 SHADING/FILL The background color of a cell, table, or page.

58 SHADING/FILL Select Your “Shading/Fill” Term and Definition Select the drop down arrow beside the fill button Choose a color of your choice

59 SORT To arrange a list alphabetically (text) or numerically (numbers), in ascending or descending order.

60 SPELL CHECK A feature used to automatically locate and correct spelling errors.

61 SPELL CHECK DO THIS Click review Ribbon Click the Spelling and Grammar Button

62 TAB STOP A formatting feature that allows the user to control where a line of text will be entered and how the text will be aligned; so that when the tab key is pressed, the insertion point will move to that location

63 TAB STOP Double Click on the Ruler Choose Options for Tab Stop, 5” Right 2….. Click Ok

64 TABLE A set of data arranged in a grid of rows and columns

65 TABLE Select your “Table” Term and Definition Click the Insert Ribbon Click the Table Button Click Insert Table

66 TEMPLATE A feature that includes pre- made documents that allow the user to fill-in-the blanks to create new documents, such as calendars, invoices, reports, resumes, etc.; enhances user's efficiency and creativity


68 THESAURUS a feature that allows the user to view synonyms and antonyms, and automatically replace words for enhanced writing

69 THESAURUS DO THIS Select the word “Feature” in your definition. Click the Review Ribbon Click Thesaurus Choose another word.

70 VIEW A feature that allows the user to view the current page of a document onscreen in different ways. Example: Normal View, Page Layout, Web Layout, Etc.

71 View Buttons are in the bottom right of your word processor. Click the “Draft” View Button

72 WORD PROCESSING The use of software application to create, edit, format, print and save text-based documents, such as letters, reports, and memos

73 WORD WRAP Also called a soft return; a feature that automatically moves text to the next line when the previous line is full without the user pressing the enter key

74 WORD WRAP Notice your “Word Wrap” definition wrapped to the next line when it ran out of room.

75 WORD/TEXT ART Text created as a graphic image

76 WORD/TEXT ART Click the “Insert” Ribbon Click the “Word Art” Button Choose a word art option you like. Type Word Art as the text.

77 WRAP TEXT A feature that allows text to be included with pictures, shapes, or tables without covering or hiding under the image, giving the user control over how the text is position

78 WORD ART Click your “Word Art” Click the Format Ribbon Click Wrap Text Button Choose Top and Bottom

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