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Introducing the Roman Missal. Overview Introductions Starter Questions Looking at the Text Putting it into Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Roman Missal. Overview Introductions Starter Questions Looking at the Text Putting it into Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Roman Missal

2 Overview Introductions Starter Questions Looking at the Text Putting it into Practice

3 Introductions Identify one thing: What is good about our school liturgy? What might be improved?

4 Starter Questions

5 What is a Missal? Can refer to 3 things: Altar Missal Collected Volume of Liturgy People’s Sunday & Weekday Missals

6 What is a Missal? Core book of Roman Liturgy With Calendar foundation & start of liturgical renewal Used at every Mass

7 Why do we need a new translation? Missale Romanum, 3rd edition (Latin text of Missal) 2002/2008 Liturgiam Authenticam — Instruction on translation 2001 Revision always expected

8 What does this mean? Concerns over-simplification - how do you translate liturgical prayer for proclamation? loss of meaning and nuance loss of language of faith lex orandi ~ lex credendi

9 What does this mean? Liturgiam Authenticam New principles of translation formal over dynamic equivalence weight placed on words over sentences

10 What does this mean? Completely new translation Richer & more faithful Scriptural allusions A chance to discover new riches in the text Nearly all common responses have changed Style is more complex Requires preparation A chance to reflect and deepen liturgical practice

11 What about the Lectionary? New edition in preparation. Not imminent Text drawn from NRSV & Grail Psalms revised in the light of Liturgiam Authenticam

12 and When? September 2011 — introduction of Order of Mass accompanied by catechesis on translation & liturgy

13 [Order of Mass] Those texts which are the same at every Mass: Greetings Dialogues Holy, Holy etc also Eucharistic Prayers

14 and When - part 2 Advent 2011 Use of full Missal text

15 Reflection

16 Looking at the Text

17 Introductory Rites Their purpose is to ensure that the faithful, who come together as one, establish communion and dispose themselves properly to listen to the Word of God and to celebrate the Eucharist worthily. [GIRM 46]

18 Introductory Rites Entrance Sign of the Cross Greeting Penitential Act Gloria Collect

19 Introductory Rites Look through the texts What strikes you? What do you like? What challenges you?

20 Introducing Noticing what has always been there Old & New – not everything has changed Various languages of liturgy

21 Introductory Rites Entrance Sign of the Cross Greeting Penitential Act Gloria Collect

22 Liturgy Notes Key changes Key points for catechesis Introductory Rites & Directory for Masses with Children Introducing changes Good practice

23 Looking ahead What are the implications of the new translation for our school’s celebration of Mass? What needs to be in place before our first celebration of Mass in September? Who needs to be informed or formed? Are there any elements of good practice, or aspects we wished to improved, that might also be considered?

24 Quick Overview Liturgy of the Word Gospel Dialogue Nicene/Apostles’ Creed Liturgy of the Eucharist Prayer over the Offerings Preface Dialogue Sanctus Memorial Acclamations Invitation to Communion


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