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The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service 億人歸主之服務計劃 Ablaze Lutheran Parents’ Hotline.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service 億人歸主之服務計劃 Ablaze Lutheran Parents’ Hotline."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lutheran Church – Hong Kong Synod Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service 億人歸主之服務計劃 Ablaze Lutheran Parents’ Hotline

2 Parents’ Hotline Target at parents’ needs & challenges - Gospel sharing - Emotional support - Sharing of parenting skills - Social service information

3 Target Parents (over 100,000 people) Parents of Lutheran Schools (over 40,000 parents from Lutheran Schools) Parents of social service sector (over 40,000 parents from social service units) Registered members of Media Connection (over 20,000 registered members)

4 Parents’ Hotline Computerized 24-hour telephone system Pre-recorded messages & programmes Support & Gospel sharing through phone dialogue by Trained social workers Voice-mail recording for follow up On-site support service

5 0 = Dialogue with social worker 1 to 7 = Listen pre-recorded messages / Gospel 8 = Fax on demand Dial 3622-1111 & Press the button

6 Advantages High Accessibility (Any time, Any place) Without labeling & No stigma (Anyone) Use Multi-dimensional approach (Hotline service + on-site support) with Multi- professional support (Church worker + Social worker + teacher) to meet multi-needs of parents (Psycho-social- spiritual needs) Thru’ Collaboration of multi-parties of Lutheran Family ( Churches –Service centres– Schools )

7 Training & Production

8 Your support (4 P) Praise God Prayer Promotion Partnership (Funding & Technology Support)

9 Thank You

10 首條結合了家庭生活教育、社會服務事工及 基督福音元素之 24 小時免費互動家長熱線 主辦 : 香港路德會 合辦 : 香港路德會社會服務處 協辦 :

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