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Tools to Tune the HSGQE Assessment Process. 4 AAC 06.775(e) A district shall provide a description of the assessment requirements and options for graduation.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools to Tune the HSGQE Assessment Process. 4 AAC 06.775(e) A district shall provide a description of the assessment requirements and options for graduation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools to Tune the HSGQE Assessment Process

2 4 AAC 06.775(e) A district shall provide a description of the assessment requirements and options for graduation from high school to parents of a student with a disability or with a section 504 plan who is in ninth grade, is a new enrollee in the districts high school, or is newly placed on an IEP or section 504 plan... Descriptions of options for the HSGQE Modified HSGQE Nonstandardized HSGQE Updated by the Dept. of Education & Early Development Assessment and Accountability Unit September 2010

3 1. High School Graduation Qualifying Examination brochure created by the State 2. IEP/504 Team Assessment Guidance for Parents of Ninth Graders, a suggested form to review with a parent created by the State 3. Any other material created by a district

4 Designed to mail home prior to start of school Explains: the HSGQE requirements for a diploma participation options examples of accommodations and modifications vocabulary used in the HSGQE process how parents can help

5 Designed for one- on-one training between parent and special education provider Language is from the Special Education Handbook Note: requires a signature of confirmation notice of deadline Updated by the Dept. of Education & Early Development Assessment and Accountability Unit September 2010 Confirmation of February 1, deadline.

6 Whatever course of action the IEP or 504 team chooses, the final approach must be documented in the students file by February 1, of the students junior year. Alaska Statute Sec. 14.03.075(f)

7 High School Graduation Qualifying Examination brochure listed as parent resource: d.html d.html IEP/504 Team Assessment Guidance…form listed as a teacher resource: d.html d.html Regulation (4 AAC 06.775.e) for students with disabilities listed as a test coordinator resource: d.html d.html Prepared by the Dept. of Education & Early Development Assessment and Accountability Unit September 2010

8 Departments Assessment website: Grace Gray, Alternative Assessment Program Manager, 907-465-8432 Cera Jones, Assessment Clerk, 907-465-2900 Prepared by the Dept. of Education & Early Development Assessment and Accountability Unit September 2010

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