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Published byVanessa Burgess Modified over 11 years ago
Alaskas BE-- S.M.A.R.T. SPP/APR Directors Conference September 28, 2007
Indicator 1: Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating with a regular diploma. Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma compared to percent of all youth in the State graduating with a regular diploma. Collection OASIS Collection OASIS
1. Graduation Rates Measurable and Rigorous Target: 40.1%
Indicator 1: Proposed Changes Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma. Percent of youth with IEPs graduating from high school with a regular diploma.
Indicator 2: Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school. Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school compared to the percent of all youth in the State dropping out of high school. Collection OASIS Collection OASIS
2. Dropout rates Measurable and Rigorous Target: 4.72%
Indicator 2: Proposed Changes Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school. Percent of youth with IEPs dropping out of high school.
Relaxed & Comfortable
Indicator 3: A.Percent of districts that have a disability subgroup that meets the States minimum n size meeting the States AYP objectives for progress for disability subgroup. A.Percent of districts that have a disability subgroup that meets the States minimum n size meeting the States AYP objectives for progress for disability subgroup. B. Participation rate for children with IEPs in a regular assessment with no accommodations; regular assessment with accommodations; alternate assessment against grade level standards; alternate assessment against alternate achievement standards. B. Participation rate for children with IEPs in a regular assessment with no accommodations; regular assessment with accommodations; alternate assessment against grade level standards; alternate assessment against alternate achievement standards. C.Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level standards and alternate achievement standards. C.Proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade level standards and alternate achievement standards. Collection: Participate rate file & Assessment companies Collection: Participate rate file & Assessment companies
3a. Percent of Districts Meeting AYP Measurable and Rigorous Target: 17.3%
3b. Participation Rate on Assessments Measurable and Rigorous Target: 95% Actual Math 97.2% Reading 97.1%
3c. Proficiency Rate
S. is for Success Stakeholders SPP Students Stable Sensational
Indicator 4: Rates of suspension and expulsion: Rates of suspension and expulsion: A. Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of children with disabilities for greater than 10 days in a school year; and A. Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of children with disabilities for greater than 10 days in a school year; and B. Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year of children with disabilities by race and ethnicity. B. Percent of districts identified by the State as having a significant discrepancy in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year of children with disabilities by race and ethnicity. Collection: Suspension /Expulsion Database Collection: Suspension /Expulsion Database
Indicator 4: Measurable and Rigorous Target: 8.3%
Indicator 4: Proposed Changes This indicator is currently in the process of being removed by the Office of Special Education (OSEP) This indicator is currently in the process of being removed by the Office of Special Education (OSEP)
Indicator 5 Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21: Percent of children with IEPs aged 6 through 21: A. Removed from regular class less than 21% of the day; A. Removed from regular class less than 21% of the day; B. Removed from regular class greater than 60% of the day; or B. Removed from regular class greater than 60% of the day; or C. Served in public or private separate schools, residential placements, or homebound or hospital placements. C. Served in public or private separate schools, residential placements, or homebound or hospital placements. Collection: OASIS Collection: OASIS
5a. % of Special Ed Students in the Gen Ed Classroom Measurable and Rigorous Target: 58%
5b.Removed from regular class greater than 60% of the day Percent of 6-21 Year Olds Removed from the Regular Classroom >60% of the Day 13.6% 12.9% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0% 20.0% 2004-052005-06 Year Alaska % Measurable and Rigorous Target: 13%
5C.Served in public or private separate schools, residential placements, or homebound or hospital placements. Measurable and Rigorous Target: 2%
Indicator 5: Changes Language has been changed to reflect inside rather than removed from. Language has been changed to reflect inside rather than removed from. A. Inside the regular class 80% or more of the day; B. Inside the regular class less than 40% of the day; or C. Served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements.
M is for Meaningful Measurements Monitoring Motivation Meets Matrix
Still doing OK
Indicator 6: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who received special education and related services in settings with typically developing peers (i.e., early childhood settings, home, and part- time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education settings). Percent of preschool children with IEPs who received special education and related services in settings with typically developing peers (i.e., early childhood settings, home, and part- time early childhood/part-time early childhood special education settings). Collection: OASIS Collection: OASIS
Indicator 6: Measurable and Rigorous Target: 50.6%
Indicator 6: Proposed Changes Percent of children ages 3-5 with IEPS: Percent of children ages 3-5 with IEPS: (A) Attending regular early childhood program; (B) Not attending a regular early childhood program or kindergarten and attending a special education program; (B) Not attending a regular early childhood program or kindergarten and attending a special education program; (C) Not attending a regular early childhood program or kindergarten and not attending a special education program (C) Not attending a regular early childhood program or kindergarten and not attending a special education program
Indicator 6: Proposed Changes OUT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT BY OSEP OUT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT BY OSEP Definition of LRE preschool from 50% or more to 70% or more Definition of LRE preschool from 50% or more to 70% or more Public Comment due by Oct. 15 th Public Comment due by Oct. 15 th 1. The Federal Register notice can be found at: 1. The Federal Register notice can be found at: 2. Next, go to and click on "Browse Pending Collections." The number you are looking for is 3427. Click on that number. 3. Then click on "download attachments" and print out everything.
Indicator 7 Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: Percent of preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: (A) Positive social-emotional skills; (A) Positive social-emotional skills; (B) Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills; and (C) Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. Collection: Supplemental Workbook
Indicator 7 No Baselines or Targets were due yet Raw data is required to report % Entering with Ratings Comparable to Peers Social Emotional 11.8% Acquisition Of Knowledge and Skills 10.7% Use of Appropriate Behavior 19.1%
Preschool is Great Preschool is Great
Indicator 7 This data must be collected for all IEP preschoolers. This data must be collected for all IEP preschoolers. Entry data will be collected in the district within two months of program entry. Entry data will be collected in the district within two months of program entry. Exit data will be collected in the district prior to the student's 6th birthday or when they exit special education services, whichever comes first. Exit data will be collected in the district prior to the student's 6th birthday or when they exit special education services, whichever comes first.
Indicator 7 You may use any of the following assessment tools to gather the Entry and Exit data: You may use any of the following assessment tools to gather the Entry and Exit data: Dial 3 Dial 3 Brigance Brigance Battelle Battelle AGS AGS AEPS AEPSor One approved by the Department One approved by the Department
Indicator 7 Each student will be screened using an approved assessment. Each student will be screened using an approved assessment. The results will be recorded on the Child Outcomes Summary Form. The results will be recorded on the Child Outcomes Summary Form. The data from that form will be reported to EED in the supplemental workbook. The data from that form will be reported to EED in the supplemental workbook.
Indicator 7 To complete the Child Outcomes Summary Form you will need to use the predetermined rating scale. Definitions for Level Ratings used for all three measurements are already recorded on the Child Outcomes Summary Form. Crosswalks can be found at:
Indicator 7: Changes No anticipated changes to this indicator No anticipated changes to this indicator For more about the COSF go to the breakout this afternoon For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout PS we will be monitoring for the COSF PS we will be monitoring for the COSF
Indicator 8 P Percent of parents with a child receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving services and results for children with disabilities. Collection: Survey
Indicator 8 For the SPP submission data was used from the monitoring surveys. For the SPP submission data was used from the monitoring surveys. Baseline was 87.1 % Baseline was 87.1 % Target was 87.1 % Target was 87.1 % For any future surveys EED will be using the NCSEAM survey distributed by Avatar For any future surveys EED will be using the NCSEAM survey distributed by Avatar
Indicator 8: Changes Sept. 2007 Sept. 2007 Large districts provided addresses to EED– Surveys sent directly to parents Large districts provided addresses to EED– Surveys sent directly to parents Small Districts -Surveys sent to districts to label and mail out Small Districts -Surveys sent to districts to label and mail out Spring 2008 Spring 2008 All districts will be required to provide parent addresses to EED All districts will be required to provide parent addresses to EED Surveys will be sent directly to parents Surveys will be sent directly to parents
Indicator 9 P Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is the result of inappropriate identification. Collection: OASIS
Indicator 9 Statewide Risk Ratio Statewide Risk Ratio Native American 1.48 Native American 1.48 Asian 0.60 Asian 0.60 African American 1.21 African American 1.21 Hispanic 0.94 Hispanic 0.94 White 0.78 White 0.78 Measurable and Rigorous Target: 0% Baseline: Baseline: Native American students are 1.48 times more likely to be identified as students with disabilities than all other race and ethnic groups in Alaska. Native American students are 1.48 times more likely to be identified as students with disabilities than all other race and ethnic groups in Alaska. 1 Out of the 54 school districts in Alaska, had a risk ratio of 3 or more for one or more racial and ethnic groups, considering a cell size of 10 or more students. 1 Out of the 54 school districts in Alaska, had a risk ratio of 3 or more for one or more racial and ethnic groups, considering a cell size of 10 or more students. Baseline : 1.9%
Indicator 9: Changes No anticipated changes to this indicator No anticipated changes to this indicator
Indicator 10 Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification. Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification. Collection: OASIS Collection: OASIS
Indicator 10 Risk Ratio: Risk Ratio: 3 or higher 3 or higher 6 Districts 6 Districts Eligibility Categories Represented Eligibility Categories Represented SLD SLD SI SI MR MR Race/Ethnicity Groups ( where the disproportionate representation may be the result of inappropriate identification) Race/Ethnicity Groups ( where the disproportionate representation may be the result of inappropriate identification) White Native American Measurable & Rigorous Target: 0% Baseline: 11.1%
Indicator 10 Changes No anticipated changes to the indicator No anticipated changes to the indicator
9 & 10 What does this mean for districts, if they are found to be disproportionate? Review Intake and referral practices Review Intake and referral practices Additional review of ESERs Additional review of ESERs Provide staff training on disproportionality Provide staff training on disproportionality Focused Monitoring activities Focused Monitoring activities 15 % on early intervening services 15 % on early intervening services
A is for Accountability Assessment Access Accurate Achievement APR Assistance Above Average
Snoozing Snoozing ZZZZZZZZ
Indicator 11 Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 45 days (State established timeline). Percent of children with parental consent to evaluate, who were evaluated and eligibility determined within 45 days (State established timeline). Collection: Supplemental Workbook Collection: Supplemental Workbook
Indicator 11 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 11: Changes No anticipated changes to this indicator No anticipated changes to this indicator For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout
Indicator 12 Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays. Collection: Supplemental Workbook Collection: Supplemental Workbook
12. Transition C to B Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 12: Changes No anticipated changes to this indicator No anticipated changes to this indicator For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout
Indicator 12: New Developments MOA between EED & DHSS LEA Notification LEA Notification DHSS will use the web database to compile notification date of Part C eligible children. DHSS will use the web database to compile notification date of Part C eligible children. Information on Part C eligible children will be extracted and formatted for submission to the Department of Education and Early Development (EED). Information on Part C eligible children will be extracted and formatted for submission to the Department of Education and Early Development (EED). EED will receive and process the ILP notification data through the Alaska Student ID system and provide LEAs with Child Find notification data. EED will receive and process the ILP notification data through the Alaska Student ID system and provide LEAs with Child Find notification data. EED will process and return matched AK ID to transition table for matching and longitudinal tracking purpose. EED will process and return matched AK ID to transition table for matching and longitudinal tracking purpose.
Indicator 13 Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals. Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals. Collection: Supplemental Workbook Collection: Supplemental Workbook
Indicator 13 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 13: Changes No anticipated changes to this indicator For more Workbook Info go to Karens Breakout
R is for Reliability Responsibility Respect Requirements RELAX Rubric
Indicator 14 P Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school and who have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of postsecondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school. Collection: Survey
Indicator 14 No Baselines or Targets were due yet No Baselines or Targets were due yet Phone surveys were completed this spring by CHD Phone surveys were completed this spring by CHD
Indicator 15 General supervision system (including monitoring, complaints, hearings, etc.) identifies and corrects noncompliance as soon as possible but in no case later than one year from identification. Collection: Everything Collection: Everything
15. General Supervision Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 15: Description/Changes Did the district correct noncompliance within one year? Did the district correct noncompliance within one year? Noncompliance can be identified through Noncompliance can be identified through Monitoring Monitoring Student Student Administration Administration Focused Focused Fiscal Fiscal Dispute Resolution Dispute Resolution SPP/APR Indicators SPP/APR Indicators
Indicator 16 Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued that were resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for exceptional circumstances with respect to a particular complaint. Percent of signed written complaints with reports issued that were resolved within 60-day timeline or a timeline extended for exceptional circumstances with respect to a particular complaint. Collection: EED Database Collection: EED Database
Indicator 16 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 17 Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests that were fully adjudicated within the 45-day timeline Percent of fully adjudicated due process hearing requests that were fully adjudicated within the 45-day timeline Collection: EED Database Collection: EED Database
Indicator 17 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 100%
Indicator 17: Changes Districts will be required to submit Due Process Decisions Districts will be required to submit Due Process Decisions Corrective actions to the Department Corrective actions to the Department
T is for Teamwork Timely Training Transitions Targets
Indicator 18 Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements. Percent of hearing requests that went to resolution sessions that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements. Collection: EED Database Collection: EED Database
Indicator 18 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 73%
Indicator 18 Districts are required to offer resolution sessions to parents requesting Due Process Districts are required to offer resolution sessions to parents requesting Due Process Districts are required to submit to the department ( or they will be out of compliance) Districts are required to submit to the department ( or they will be out of compliance) Resolution agreement or Resolution agreement or Waiver of resolution session Waiver of resolution session A sample form is in the Sped Handbook A sample form is in the Sped Handbook
Indicator 19 Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements. Percent of mediations held that resulted in mediation agreements. Collection: EED Database Collection: EED Database
Indicator 19 Measurable & Rigorous Target: 77%
Indicator 20 State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate. State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate. Collections: Collections: OASIS (Fall & Summer) OASIS (Fall & Summer) Staff accounting Staff accounting Supplemental Workbook Supplemental Workbook Participation Rate Participation Rate Suspension Expulsions Database Suspension Expulsions Database EED Database EED Database
Indicator 20 For more information go to Karens breakout this afternoon
Yellow District Folder Contains: Contains: Important information on all indicators Important information on all indicators Technical Assistance documents Technical Assistance documents Copies of forms Copies of forms PLEASE DO NOT LOSE THIS FOLDER! PLEASE DO NOT LOSE THIS FOLDER! PLEASE BE FAMILIAR WITH WHAT IS IN THIS FOLDER! PLEASE BE FAMILIAR WITH WHAT IS IN THIS FOLDER!
Public Reporting IDEA requires the Department to report annually to the public on the performance of each School District located in the State of Alaska on the targets in the States performance plan. IDEA requires the Department to report annually to the public on the performance of each School District located in the State of Alaska on the targets in the States performance plan. This information is available at: This information is available at: A copy of your District Special Education Data Profile is in your yellow District folder A copy of your District Special Education Data Profile is in your yellow District folder
Determinations Stakeholder group met in August Stakeholder group met in August Developed the Alaska Determination Criteria Developed the Alaska Determination Criteria District Determination Form District Determination Form Criteria for determining whether data are Valid, Reliable and Timely Criteria for determining whether data are Valid, Reliable and Timely Local Determinations rubric Local Determinations rubric A copy of the all of the determination info. is in the District yellow folder A copy of the all of the determination info. is in the District yellow folder
Determinations Determinations for each district will be sent out by the end of October. Where will our your district BE: Meets requirements Needs Assistance Needs Intervention Needs Substantial Intervention
Alaska Meets Requirements
SO BE Students Making Meaningful Achievements Regarding Requirements Takes Teamwork
Contact info. related to the indicators themselves, please contact Sharon Schumacher at 465-2824 or email related to the indicators themselves, please contact Sharon Schumacher at 465-2824 or email about how to report your data, contact Karen Lipson at 465-8684 or email at about how to report your data, contact Karen Lipson at 465-8684 or email at
I Know, Im Ready Bring It On I Know, Im Ready Bring It On
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