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It Rained Last Night *The streets and sidewalks have puddles of water *The cars are still wet or streaked. *Someone had an event last night that was cancelled.

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Presentation on theme: "It Rained Last Night *The streets and sidewalks have puddles of water *The cars are still wet or streaked. *Someone had an event last night that was cancelled."— Presentation transcript:

1 It Rained Last Night *The streets and sidewalks have puddles of water *The cars are still wet or streaked. *Someone had an event last night that was cancelled because of the rain. *Your shoes you left outside are soaked. *There is a certain smell in the air (creosote in AZ) *It is humid and cloudy What evidence can you come up with to support this statement?

2 It’s a theory….. An accepted scientific theory is a statement based on observation and experiment. It is repeatedly tested and confirmed through experiment and observation. It is a widely accepted statement based on scientific evidence that helps explain a group of facts. Theory of Evolution Germ Theory The Theory of Gravity

3 The Theory of Evolution makes two bold claims -All living things on Earth are related. Have evolved from a common ancestor. -The evolution of living things is powered by natural process that can be observed and understood. Extraordinary claims require evidence What is the evidence for evolution?

4 Independent Lines of Evidence *Comparative Anatomy *Embryology and Development *Fossil Records *DNA Comparison Cetaceans (or whales) evolved from a four legged, land walking ancestor.

5 Comparative Anatomy Whales are mammals… *Have placenta and give live births *Feed milk to their young *Are warm blooded *Do not have gills but breathe with lungs *Have hair *Have blow holes, but are nasal passages when looking at the skull. Evolved from four legged, land walking mammals….

6 Comparative anatomy Whales have arm, wrist, hand and finger bones…similar to cats, bats, hippos and people. Homologous Structures (Same) Homologous Structure: is an organ or bone that appears in different animals, showing commonalities demonstrating descent from a common ancestor. *In other words, it's when very different animals have bones that appear very similar in form or function and seem to be related. Same structure, but different function.

7 Back legs!? Not actually functional legs, but there are bones there that don’t serve a purpose. *Hip bone (Ball and socket joint) Thigh and shin bone. WHY? Vestigial Organs: Physical structures that were fully developed and functional in an ancestral group but are reduced and unused in the later species. These bones do not serve a function or purpose but they do provide some evidence of the claim.

8 Embryology and Development Compare Embryos of different species at different stages of development. Spotted Dolphin 5 weeks These two lines of evidence tell the same story. lets look at another line of evidence to confirm that ancestors of whales where four legged land walkers.

9 What does the fossil record show? We should be able to see stages of development. Or intermediate fossils. Basilosaurus 30-40 MYA Fully formed back legs (hip, thigh, ankle, toes) Was small and not very strong. Likely was not very useful.

10 Maiacetus 50 MYA *Legs sturdy enough to walk on. *Found among marine fossils *Same teeth and ear bone structure as basilosaurus and modern whale. Artist depiction

11 Maiacetus: Nasal passage at the end Basilosaurus: Nasal passage in the middle. Modern Dolphin: Nasal passage on top.

12 DNA Comparison -Compare DNA code of different organisms to find out who is most closely related to who. -When Whale DNA is compared to other animals we find that the closest genetic match is to the hippopotamus. *Does NOT mean that they evolved from hippos, but that they both evolved from some common ancestor Hippos and Whales: -Maiacetus have specially shaped ankle bones found only in hippos. -Hippos give birth and nurse underwater -Both have multi chambered stomachs -Both missing coat of fur

13 Homologous Structure: Very different animals have bones that appear to be the same in form and function. Are the same in structure, but may not perform the same function. Analogous Structure: Body part in different species that is similar in function but not in structure that evolved in response to a similar environmental challenge. Different structure, but same function (Flying) Same structure, but does not function the same (walking, swimming)

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