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2 District Testing Hierarchy 2 District 99 District Test Coordinator High School 1 Associate Coordinator (building) Proctor Certified Teacher Proctor Certified Teacher High School 2 Associate Coordinator (building) Proctor Certified Teacher

3 Who takes the HSGQE Retest? 3 1. an enrolled student who has failed to pass the entire HSGQE, 2. an enrolled student who is a junior or senior who has never taken the HSGQE, 3. an enrolled and returning 10 th grader who has failed to pass the entire HSGQE, and 4. a returning person with a Certificate of Achievement

4 High School Graduation Qualifying Examination (HSGQE) 4 Secure test – all testing personnel must sign test security agreements All proctors must be certified teachers Three subtests administered in this order October 5 – Reading October 6 – Writing October 7 – Mathematics Organize the student roster in advance – know the subtests to be taken for each student

5 Test Security 5 1. District Test Coordinator Security Agreement EED will require a signed copy 2. Associate Test Coordinator Security Agreement Keep at district office Distribute before testing Collect before testing and check for accuracy Store for reference in case of testing violation 3. Test Security Agreement for all testing personnel Keep at district office Distribute before testing Collect before testing and check for accuracy Store for reference in case of testing violation

6 6 Check for existing sites Apply for site approval Secure Test Centers All schools are secure testing centers Alternate test centers (ATC) must be approved by EED in advance Requirements for ATCs (4AAC 06.755)

7 7 Training of all Personnel 1. Key Dates Communicated (refer to DTC Manual) DTCs must communicate to the district the dates of the assessment. Any testing outside of the dates is subject to invalidation. 2. Delegate to the Associate Test Coordinator DTCs must delineate and delegate responsibilities at each building 3. Prepare the HSGQE test proctors DTCs must prepare proctors to follow directions and test security procedures when administering the assessment to students

8 8 Delivery Verification FormFax to 763-268-2979 Materials due by means this is the last day you may receive your materials based on location and logistics. Please include the number of boxes that your district receives in your initial shipment of materials. Receiving Materials

9 9 Inventory Test Materials Set aside the Return Materials Instruction Packet for later reference Confirm the total number of district and school boxes received Contact the Alaska Project Team immediately if: Any boxes are missing You receive boxes that should have been delivered to another district Look for the School Box Range Sheet in the box labeled District Materials Enclosed

10 10 Inventory Test Materials (cont) Verify the contents of the district overage boxes Compare ranges of security numbers on: 1. security range sheets, 2. district security checklist, and 3. district packing list. The district packing list is found in the box labeled District Materials Enclosed

11 11 Inventory Test Materials (cont) Do not open packages of secure shrink-wrapped materials that will not be used (these should be returned unopen) Associate coordinators are trained to inventory school materials in the same manner as district overage materials Notify DRC immediately via email, and copy EED, if any inventories (school and/or district) reveal discrepancies Missing materials Extra materials not listed Do not wait until the first day of testing to complete an inventory of any type

12 12 Accommodated Materials Materials for students receiving accommodations were ordered through the Online Enrollment System 1. Large Print 2. Braille 3. Audio CD (audio tapes are no longer available) 4. Sign Language DVD These materials can also be requested using the Additional Materials Request Form located in DTCM Braille and Large Print accommodated materials require transcription of responses into a Form E Standard Test Book (procedures for transcription are in the Test Administration Directions) IMPORTANT: Reading Audio CD consists of 2 volumes (2 separate discs). Ensure both discs are provided to students during testing.

13 13 DVDs now contain advanced programming, which includes chapters to locate specific groups of test questions. Audio CDs now have a jewel case insert, which provides the track number for each test question. Detailed instructions for administering the Audio CDs and Sign Language DVDs can be found in your Test Administration Directions. Accommodated Materials (cont)

14 14 Complete the Secure Materials Transfer Form and fax it to the Alaska Project Team. Keep the form for your records. NOTE: When training associate (building) test coordinators and/or proctors, emphasize the need to contact the DTC when additional materials are needed. Resolving Material Shortages District overage materials will cover shortages at schools Extra materials can be transferred between schools For security reasons, DRC must be kept aware of all material transfers - Secure Materials Transfer Form

15 15 If there is not enough district overage or more school-specific materials are needed, complete and fax the Additional Materials Request Form to DRC. LAST DAY TO ORDER ADDITIONAL MATERIALS IS: September 23, 2010 Procedures are in the DTCM Additional Materials

16 16 Precode LabelDistrict/School Label Test Book Labels All test books must have either a precode label or a district/school label Test books returned without a label will be considered unused and WILL NOT BE SCORED

17 17 Precode Label A precode label is created as a result of the file submitted to the DRC Online Precode System in August The precode label saves proctors time and eliminates error in student identification If a precode label is used, the bubbles on the front cover of the test remain blank In cases where students fill in bubbles – the label overrides any marks (no need to erase the bubbles)

18 Precode Label 18 Note the label includes the HSGQE subtests to be taken It is a quick reference for proctors to use If only the subtest is inaccurate, the label may still be used – it will not impact any data collection

19 19 District/School Labels District/school labels are used in place of a precode label It will assign the student to the correct district and school for reporting test scores When a precode label contains incorrect student-identifying information, replace it with the district/school label When a district/school label is applied, all bubbles on the test book cover must be completed Notice no student-identifying data is present – also use the bubbles

20 20 Do Not use a Do Not Score label if there is a bubble marked in the Teacher Use Only field on the front cover Do Not Score Labels All test books must be secure and tracked Use Do Not Score labels under the following circumstances: 1. A label is not positioned correctly on the test book (redo with another test book and district/school label) 2. A precode label was placed on the test book but the student did not show up for testing 3. An inappropriate label was placed on the test book (may need to transcribe student answers) 4. Test should not be scored

21 21 Return Materials Locate the Return Materials Instruction Packet found in the district box to prepare for shipping materials Materials must be returned via Assessment Distribution Services (ADS) on or before October 14, 2010 Boxes from schools are sent to the DTC Associate test coordinators should have reviewed the school check lists and confirmed all secure test items prior to returning them to the DTC Use the school and or district security checklists to check off test materials to be shipped (all secure materials must be confirmed) Tests for students who tested in your district but belong to another district will be returned with your district materials Place a copy of all security checklists in a single box of materials being returned to DRC

22 22 If you need additional return shipping labels, contact the Alaska Project Team at 1-866-339-6390. Shipping Use the Orange return shipping labels Follow instruction as directed in the DTC manual Best practice: label boxes, Box # of #

23 23 Complete and fax the Return Materials Verification Form to DRC once Assessment Distribution Systems (ADS) picks up the materials. Deadline: October 14, 2010. Return Materials

24 Missing Materials Once all materials are inventoried at DRC, a missing materials report is submitted to EED DTCs are asked to investigate 1. Transfer Materials Form 2. School Packing List 3. School Security Checklist 4. School/Classroom Daily Check In-Check Out Form 5. Interview personnel 6. Materials for discard/retain (e.g., DTCM, TAD, rulers, scratch paper) 24

25 25 Report Dates: HSGQE Retest Online Reports Available: Friday, December 3, 2010 HSGQE Retest Paper Copy Reports in Districts: On or before Friday, December 10, 2010 Rescore Dates: HSGQE Retest Rescore Requests due to EED: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 HSGQE Retest Rescore Results available to Districts: Friday, February 4, 2011 Reports and Rescores

26 26 Questions

27 27 DRC Alaska Project Team Contact Info Phone:1-866-339-6390 Fax:763-268-2979 EED Contact Info Kari:; 465-8436 Janet:; 465-8431 Erik:; 465-8686


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