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ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 1 Restructuring System Cost Accounts and Algorithms L. Waganer 12-13 December 2007 ARIES Project.

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Presentation on theme: "ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 1 Restructuring System Cost Accounts and Algorithms L. Waganer 12-13 December 2007 ARIES Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 1 Restructuring System Cost Accounts and Algorithms L. Waganer 12-13 December 2007 ARIES Project Meeting at GT Atlanta, GA

2 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 2 Applicability of Cost Accounts The Cost Accounts we are defining should apply both to the Demo plant as well as be generic enough to apply to future commercial tokamak fusion power plants. We are trying to be more detailed to convey and describe the design details, especially those associated with our recommended design approach. But we also would like to be general enough encompass all future design options that might be considered. It is primarily aligned with the Tokamak confinement concept, but with minor adjustments, it should be applicable to other magnetic and inertial confinement concepts.

3 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 3 Previous Cost Account Rework In the June meeting, I presented: Revised Land and Land Rights, Accounts 20 Structures and Site Facilities, Accounts 21 In the September meeting, I presented a more detailed breakdown of the remainder of the Plant Accounts 22-26, essentially a more detailed and complete description of the traditional fusion plant accounts It was recommended that the Reactor Plant accounts be reorganized to reduce the number of sub-accounts and group accounts more functionally. After several iterations with Laila El-Guebaly and other subsystem experts, we have developed a more functional breakdown of the Power Core Plant Equipment (was Reactor Plant Equipment). TraditionalTraditional Accounting Scheme NewNew Accounting Scheme I will be opening the spreadsheet (new recommended cost accountsRevC.xls), but the presentation will show the areas discussed. ITER WBS ITER WBS Scheme, Proposed

4 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 4 Summary of High Level Accounts Main changes were to elevate some power core accounts and regroup or separate others TraditionalRecommended 22 sub-accounts

5 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 5 Details of Revised Accounts (1) Changed Reactor Plant Equipment to Power Core Plant Equipment Reactor Equipment changed to Neutronic Conversion and Capture, which includes all neutron capture and shielding (primary) subsystems May want to provide costing algorithms for all the subaccounts

6 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 6 Details of Revised Accounts (1) Changed Reactor Plant Equipment to Power Core Plant Equipment Reactor Equipment changed to Neutronic Conversion and Capture, which includes all neutron capture and shielding (primary) subsystems May want to provide costing algorithms for all the subaccounts

7 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 7 Details of Revised Accounts (2) Elevated Magnet systems and converted to functional title Grouped Plasma Heating, Current Drive, Startup, Stability Control and Fueling – These options are thought to be representative of those needed for these functions

8 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 8 Details of Revised Accounts (3) Elevated the Power Core Vacuum system and separated it from all other vacuum subsystems for ancillary functions Primary Structure and Support is representative of the Tokamak system as defined

9 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 9 Details of Revised Accounts (4) Created a Power Supply account for all major power core systems – there may be some minor Power Core PS subsystems that need to be added On the Main Heat Transfer and Transport, two types of accounts are identified, based on liquid or gaseous transport media. If the chosen design is Dual Coolant, both accounts will be required to describe the complete system.

10 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 10 Details of Revised Accounts (5) Created a Cryogenic Cooling account for magnet systems – other plant systems may need dedicated cryogenic systems The Radioactive Materials Treatment and Management off-line processes all liquid, gaseous, and solid materials The Fuel Handling and Storage is the on-line processing of the power core gases and liquids as well as the atmospheric tritium recovery in the Power Core, Hot Cell, and Fuel Handling Buildings

11 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 11 Details of Revised Accounts (6) There are three categories of Maintenance Equipment, In-Vessel, Hot Cell, and other remote maintenance equipment (ECH, vacuum pumps, transport equipment, cranes, etc) Instrumentation and Control includes all instrumentation, control, monitoring, data acquisition, communication, diagnostics, and health monitoring/prediction

12 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 12 More Definition on Power Core Algorithms Refined the ARIES Material Cost Database - Used the most relevant cost estimate from prior studies to develop a 2007 cost baseline for commercial studies - For the Demo, we will need to increase the cost basis to account for 1 st of a kind and development costs Applied that cost data to current power core subsystem materials selection (DC blanket and divertor) for baseline unit cost development input into Systems Code - Unit costs are developed for Power Core and Primary Structure including Vacuum Vessel and CryostatMaterial Cost Databasebaseline unit cost development

13 ARIES Project Meeting, L. M. Waganer, 12-13 Dec 2007 Page 13 Next Actions Continue to work with Subsystem experts to create and verify costing algorithms for each subsystem and major component – Plan to assign an Responsible Person to each account Determine number of identical subsystems and major components necessary for the selected design (including EPR, subsystem demonstrations, DEMO, initial prototypes, and initial power reactors leading to the 10 th of a kind power plant, including spares Assess the learning curve associated with the subsystem and major components

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