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RECOMMEND Part II Presentation of the RIP Roadmap by Partners: EE, IT, UK & BG 25th Oct. 2013, 4th WS in Poland 25th Oct 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "RECOMMEND Part II Presentation of the RIP Roadmap by Partners: EE, IT, UK & BG 25th Oct. 2013, 4th WS in Poland 25th Oct 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECOMMEND Part II Presentation of the RIP Roadmap by Partners: EE, IT, UK & BG 25th Oct. 2013, 4th WS in Poland 25th Oct 2013

2 THE RIP Road Map General information about the RIP:  Each partner will create an individual RIP for his region  The RIP will consist of 2 independent parts Roadmap for the RIP- Regional Implementation Plan -  The Roadmap focuses on the WHY a special good practice or new idea was chosen and WHO and HOW it will be implemented within the partner region  Target of the Road Map presentation at the WS 4: informing the partners about your selected action for the RIP the reasons / back ground info for your selection Which stakeholders will implement your RIP 25th Oct 20132

3 RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Tartu Regional Energy Agency Martin Kikas 24th Oct 2013 Torun / PL 25th Oct 2013

4 Overview: now - then 4 Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx our solution Acknowledgement of the businesses to rise motivation and awareness about the eco-management and eco- innovation Please state only key words which describes your best practice example:e.g. establishing a new funding system; establishing a new cluster etc… Our current situation Please state key words describing the kind of situation you have to face in your region which hinders eco friendly actions and which will be addressed by your RIP. E.g.lack of funding systems, lack of networking… Our proposal Different stakeholders (public and private) have low awareness of eco-innovation and eco-management. Insufficient motivation to implement eco-management systems and eco-innovation tools as it is not seen as a profitable for business. 25th Oct 2013

5 More info about your planned action 5 Name / Key Words of your selected action you want to implement Key words as answers are enough…. What is it about To encourage private and public organsations to develop and implement environmental and climate friendly measures What do you expect to achieve? We expect to see the public and private sectors awareness and motivation to rise and increase the implementation of environmental management systems Indicators you expect to achieve? Number of participants, complete evaluation procedure Has someone already tested the practice / idea? If yes, who & where & when? It was tested at Lower-Austria region Is it easy to implement? Please explain why or why not We believe it is achievable because there is a recognition events in Tartu but not about eco- management or eco-innovation 25th Oct 2013

6 My stakeholders 6 Stakeholder A Raimond Tamm, City of Tartu, Deputy Mayor Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Governance City of Tartu Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. Tartu City development plan 2014-2020 Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP 60:40 STAKEHOLDER A 25th Oct 2013

7 My stakeholders 7 STAKEHOLDER B Stakeholder B Toomas Noorem, Tartu Science Park, Managing Director, Memeber of the Board Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Tartu Science Park is the oldest science park in the Baltics. For almost 20 years, they have supported business innovation activities in the region by networking with universities, public and private sector. Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. The vision of Tartu Science Park is to be a originator of new things, to bring different parts together and create synergy Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP 60:40 25th Oct 2013

8 My stakeholders 8 STAKEHOLDER C Stakeholder C Karin Kilk, Estonian Association for Environmental Management, Coordinating Secretary Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation The main objective of the Association is to bring together enterprises, organisations and individuals, who need help, support and information related to corporate environmental management for solving environmental problems, reducing impact to the environment and ensuring sustainable development of the society Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. Estonian Association for Environmental Management is eco-management promoter and distributor Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP 70:30 25th Oct 2013

9 Realisation of RIP 9 Yellow circles: support Red circles: obstacles Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. 25th Oct 2013

10 Promotion possibilities for RIP 10 HOW the RIP & his supporters can be promoted On regional level Conference, meeting with stakeholders, press releases On national level Conference, Articles, press releases On international level Conference (Field Mission) Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 25th Oct 2013

11 TO DO List for the next months 11 MONTH 2013TO DOsWho October WS in Poland Martin, Neeme, Tanel NovemberPreparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel DecemberPreparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel MONTH 2014 JanuaryPreparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel FebruaryPilot Acton seminar nr.2 Martin, Neeme, Tanel MarchPreparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel April Preparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel MayPreparation activities for RIP and negotiations with stakeholders Martin, Neeme, Tanel JuneFinalising RIP and identification of sources of financing Martin, Neeme, Tanel September - Oktober Field Mission, Workshop, Conference Martin, Neeme, Tanel 25th Oct 2013

12 RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Province of Ascoli Piceno (IT) Claudio Carducci 24th Oct 2013 Torun / PL 25th Oct 2013

13 Overview: now - then 13 Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx our solution To improve an already existing funding system; To uniform system for public funds to eco-innovation; To raise the awareness of SMEs in using eco-innovation (in term of benefits): To inform people about eco- innovation benefits and opportunities in their territory Our current situation Low investment in innovation; Public funds related to eco- innovation fragmented; Current know-how comes from traditional sectors; Difficulties for SMEs to clearly identify eco-innovation improvement measures; Still relatively low consciousness of the potential importance of investing in eco- innovation; Low level of communication/dissemination of innovative activities. Our proposal 25th Oct 2013

14 More info about your planned action (1/2) 14 ITACA PROTOCOLKey words as answers are enough…. What is it about System for the evaluation of environmental sustainability of buildings to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and energy consumption. Each building evaluated receive a score able to identify its eco-energy efficiency. What do you expect to achieve? To create a regional system for the evaluation and certification of environmental sustainability of buildings in the territory. Indicators you expect to achieve? n/a Has someone already tested the practice / idea? If yes, who & where & when? The ITACA protocol is in force in Italy since 2004 although the process to uniform the evaluation system has been started in 2012. Only 11 of the 21 Italian Regional Authorities ratified the protocol. Is it easy to implement? Please explain why or why not Yes it is easy because the evaluation system already exist. 25th Oct 2013

15 More info about your planned action (2/2) 15 Eco-Management Vouchers Key words as answers are enough…. What is it about Funding scheme to develop and implement environmental and climate friendly measures among private and public organisations. What do you expect to achieve? To foster the implementation of environmental and eco- friendly measures in the sector of energy efficient buildings Indicators you expect to achieve? n/a Has someone already tested the practice / idea? If yes, who & where & when? The Eco-Management Vouchers have been already experimented in the Lower Austrian Region. Is it easy to implement? Please explain why or why not Yes it is, because the idea is adaptable to different sectors and territories. The strength points are: the possibility to apply for small funding; the fluent administration management; the progressive funding system. 25th Oct 2013

16 My stakeholders 16 Stakeholder A Mr. Minetti Antonio Head of the “Environment and Territory Department” of the Marche Regional Authority Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Territorial and economic development; Management of relevant policies/initiatives at local level Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. To include good practices in the “Energetic and Environmental Regional Plan” To foster eco-innovation in order to improve territorial development To communicate to citizens and local SME’s and to other relevant actors (as researchers, entrepreneurs, etc.) eco-innovation benefits. Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Low political priority; Capacity to adopt Eco- innovation policies and initiatives at local level; Ability to communicate to local citizens and SME’s and other relevant actors-researchers, entrepreneurs, etc. STAKEHOLDER A 25th Oct 2013

17 My stakeholders 17 STAKEHOLDER B Stakeholder B Mr. Michele Santucci Referent for “TecnoMarche” Science and Technology Park of Marche Region Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Development of strategies and projects to promote innovation in the territory; Dissemination of innovation, providing enterprises with information, services and grants (e.g. environmental and quality certification). Technical Assistance and technology transfer, advanced services. Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. To cooperate with local SMEs to implement the good practice; To provide training in eco-innovation and management; To explore future business opportunities. Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Lack of interest in the priority; Extensive networks of partners and local actors; Extensive knowledge of the territorial productive system and sector analysis; Dissemination of project results. 25th Oct 2013

18 My stakeholders 18 STAKEHOLDER C Stakeholder C Mr. Fabio Polonara Ordinary Professor at the “Energetic Department” of the University of Ancona Mr. Marco Sotte Professor Assistant Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Higher education Institute focused on research in technologies and Innovation. Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. To use eco-innovation in term of knowledge exchange, new researches, etc. To influence students and young researchers – future generation of innovators Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Lack of interest in the priority; Experience in relevant R&D sector; Ensure on-going dialogue between academic research and the productive system. Capacity to disseminate project results and influence students and young researchers 25th Oct 2013

19 Realisation of RIP 19 Using of already existing public funds RIP promoted by a Public Authority Enhanced relationship with local stakeholders Low level of participation Economic benefits not identified Yellow circles: support Red circles: obstacles Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Low participation private sector 25th Oct 2013

20 Promotion possibilities for RIP 20 HOW the RIP & his supporters can be promoted On regional level Press conferences for the approval of RIP; Round tables with local stakeholders; Info days for public awareness; On national level n/a On international level Participating in international events shared among RECOMMEND project partners (e.g. Open Days) Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 25th Oct 2013

21 TO DO List for the next months 21 MONTH 2013TO DOsWho OctoberUpdating of the „Energetic and Environmental Provincial Plan“ version 2013 (the RIP is included in this documents) Province of Ascoli Piceno NovemberConcertation among political authoritiesProvince of Ascoli Piceno DecemberFinal adaptation of the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) with administrative formal act Province of Ascoli Piceno MONTH 2014 JanuaryEEPP presentation to the territorial public and stakeholders Province of Ascoli Piceno and stakeholders interested in EEPP activities FebruaryImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities MarchImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities AprilImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities MayImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities JuneImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities JulyImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities AugustImplementation of projects and activities scheduled in the EEPP (the RIP is included in this document) Province of Ascoli Piceno and SMEs/organisations involved in activities 25th Oct 2013

22 RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Opportunity Peterborough Gareth Jones and Rod Gilchrist 24th October 2013 Torun / PL 25th Oct 2013

23 Overview: now - then 23 Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx Lack of networking Low take up of EMS Little training available to help companies reduce environment footprint and gain economic benefits our solution EMS cluster Club Improved networking, advice, support and training for key sectors and Fengate geographical cluster Reduced environment footprint Improved EMS take up Our current situationOur proposal 25th Oct 2013

24 More info about your planned action 24 Name / Key Words of your selected action you want to implement Key words as answers are enough…. What is it about Grow economy and reduce environmental footprint What do you expect to achieve? Growth,companies more efficient, increased EMS use. Contribute to Environment capital goal Indicators you expect to achieve? Increase in number of companies using EMS, reduction in environment footprint and sustainable cluster club with increased membershipo Has someone already tested the practice / idea? If yes, who & where & when? Idea new, builds on Cluster and Investors in Environment programme and Recommend activity Is it easy to implement? Please explain why or why not Realistic challenge Peterborough aim to be Home of Environmental Capital 25th Oct 2013

25 My stakeholders 25 Stakeholder A Kim Coley Business and Environment Officer Peterborough Environment City Trust Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Help create cleaner, greener and healthier Peterborough Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. Environment Management systems and Greener City Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Low risk to hinder. Strong support STAKEHOLDER A 25th Oct 2013

26 My stakeholders 26 STAKEHOLDER B Stakeholder B Antony Gough Renewables East Director Projects and Business Development Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Resource Efficiency and Renewable Energy Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. Resource efficiency EMS Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Low risk to hinder Strong support as activity fits organisation priorities 25th Oct 2013

27 My stakeholders 27 STAKEHOLDER C Stakeholder C Charlotte Palmer Peterborough City Council Environment and Community partnerships Officer Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation Public Authority Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. Improved local environment and economy Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP Low risk to hinder Strong support as project fits with Peterborough City Council priorities 25th Oct 2013

28 Realisation of RIP 28 Good capacity and project management Strong key partners Realistic objectives and good fit with local strategies Business has no time to implement Business resistance to change Yellow circles: support Red circles: obstacles Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Poor company engagement 25th Oct 2013

29 Promotion possibilities for RIP 29 HOW the RIP & his supporters can be promoted On regional level Launch with key large local company to champion activity Press release Stakeholder event On national level Share activity on a regular basis with Department for Business via local representative and Local Enterprise Partnership On international level Brussels Open Days. Field mission for partners Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 25th Oct 2013

30 TO DO List for the next months 30 MONTH 2013TO DOsWho October Finalsie RIP Rod and Gareth November Create and develop clusters Rod, Gareth and external experts December Data gathering Rod, Gareth and external experts MONTH 2014 January Launch event Rod, Gareth and external experts February Training Rod, Gareth and external experts March Training Rod, Gareth and external experts April Training Rod, Gareth and external experts May Training Rod, Gareth and external experts June Complete training Rod, Gareth and external experts July Evaluation and report Rod, Gareth and external experts August Evaluation and report Rod, Gareth and external experts 25th Oct 2013

31 THE RIP Road Map General information about the RIP:  Each partner will create an individual RIP for his region  The RIP will consist of 2 independent parts Roadmap for the RIP- Regional Implementation Plan -  The Roadmap focuses on the WHY a special good practice or new idea was chosen and WHO and HOW it will be implemented within the partner region  Target of your Road Map presentation: informing the partners about your selected action for the RIP the reasons / back ground info for your selection Which stakeholders will implement your RIP 3125th Oct 2013

32 RECOMMEND RIP Road Map UBBSLA Mariana Ivanova 24th Oct 2013 Torun / PL 25th Oct 2013

33 Overview: now - then 33 Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx our solution -Establishing a new finding system ( Energy efficiency vouchers) -Secure fresh funds for energy efficiency in households -Expected results with very high efficiency -Potential to attract and involve high number of citizens -Potential to replicate in any other region, town, etc. -Attract and involve local authorities -Opportunity for the owner to take decision by his own -Opportunity to involve local utility companies Our current situation -Low standartd of living -High energy intesity of households ( old fashiopn panel concrete buidlings without insolation, hing energy consumption, high bills, low living comfort ) -Many owners in one building, actually each apartment have one or more owners -Difficulties to take a comon decision for any solution, incl. retrofitting of the building -Low trust in EU programs Our proposal 25th Oct 2013

34 More info about your planned action 34 Name / Key Words of your selected action you want to implement Key words as answers are enough…. What is it about Promoting Energy Efficiency Voucher scheme in Varna What do you expect to achieve? Testing a model with high social impact Indicators you expect to achieve?...... tonns saved CO2 (carbon emmisions) Has someone already tested the practice / idea? If yes, who & where & when? No, it will be the pilot test of a very promising idea Is it easy to implement? Please explain why or why not It is a pilot model and our hope is to get the support of every important stakeholder, so that to avoid any potential difficulties 25th Oct 2013

35 My stakeholders 35 Stakeholder A please state his / her name, name of organisation, his / her function *) The Mayor of Varna *) District Mayors of Varna *) City councillors of Varna Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation *) Secure finding of 80 000 EUR for 20 vouchers, each of 4000 EUR *) Implementation of Information campaign *) Promotion of sustainable energy solutions Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. *) Reduce energy bills *) Increase living comfort Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP *) Lack of funding recourses *) Lack of understanding of such priority from the desicion makers STAKEHOLDER A 25th Oct 2013

36 My stakeholders 36 STAKEHOLDER B Stakeholder B please state his / her name, name of organisation, his / her function *) Local utility companies Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation *) Providing electricity, heat, gas, water supply Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. *) To implement the energy efficiency goals, according to the 20-20-20 Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP *) The correlation CO2 emissions/penalties to be paid to the Government in case of no investment in energy efficiency measures *) The Government to not verify the saved CO2 emissions 25th Oct 2013

37 My stakeholders 37 STAKEHOLDER C Stakeholder C please state his / her name, name of organisation, his / her function / *) Local building companies Main fields of activities of stakeholder organisation *) Retrofitting and reconstruction of buildings Priorities and interests of stakeholder in relation to the selected good practice/idea. *) Interrelation with the main business Risk & chance of this stakeholder to support or to hinder my RIP *) Lack of resources and lack of capacity to implement the measures in high quality according to the applicable standards 25th Oct 2013

38 Realisation of RIP 38 Secured funds from the city budget dedicated to the action Good understanding from the local decision makers Expected high support from the society Low interest and lack of trust from the beneficieries Lack of financial sources from the city budget Yellow circles: support Red circles: obstacles Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Lack of understanding of the entire idea 25th Oct 2013

39 Promotion possibilities for RIP 39 HOW the RIP & his supporters can be promoted Presentation during the final project Conference, Presentation in any other event with similar topic On regional level Presentation and pressconference On national level Presentation and pressconference On international level Presentation and pressconference Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 25th Oct 2013

40 TO DO List for the next months 40 MONTH 2013TO DOsWho October worikng meeting with Varna Mayor UBBSLA team November working meeting with Varna district Mayors UBBSLA team December pressconference to announce the pilot action UBBSLA team MONTH 2014 January secure funding of 80 000 euro in Varna city budget City councillors February preparation of the action and promotion UBBSLA team March promoton of the pilot action and announce UBBSLA team, city administration April promotion of the pilot action and announce UBBSLA team, city administration May selection of 20 proposal for actions UBBSLA team, city administration June Implementing of actions Building companies July Implementing of action Building companies August announcing the results, pressconference UBBSLA team, city administration 25th Oct 2013

41 4125th Oct 2013

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