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Mutual evaluation of regulated professions 1. Regulated professions - EU 28 2.

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1 Mutual evaluation of regulated professions 1

2 Regulated professions - EU 28 2

3 Context Conclusions of the European Council (2 March 2012) Reduce the number of regulated professions and remove unjustified regulatory barriers Article 59 of the revised Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications: transparency and mutual evaluation Notification of all regulated professions Assess whether requirements restricting the access to a profession or its pursuit to the holders of a specific professional qualification are justified and comply with the principle of proportionality Communication on evaluating national regulations on access to professions, 2.10.2013 – work plan for the mutual evaluation exercise

4 Objectives Modernise, simplify and improve access to professions across MSs to: Ensure that the regulation of professional services in Member States is fit for purpose - Promote mobility and encourage cross border service development - Improve competitiveness and employment in professional services - Maintain the best interests of consumers A better regulation exercise, not a deregulation exercise Complementarity between the evaluation processes under the PQD and the SD

5 Process - Transparency Notification by Member States of all regulated professions - over 6,000 professions notified European map of regulated professions European map of regulated professions published in May 2014 Type of regulation National and/or EU legal basis Recognition Description of activities Reserves of activities where applicable Type of regulation National and/or EU legal basis Recognition Description of activities Reserves of activities where applicable Information on:

6 Process - Screening Overview of all restrictions affecting professional activities in regulated professions Basis for assessment of cumulative effect Overview of all restrictions affecting professional activities in regulated professions Basis for assessment of cumulative effect Information on methods to obtain qualification Existence of other additional restrictions Registration in professional body/ quantitative/territorial restrictions Restrictions on corporate form, shareholding structure Restrictions on joint practices, professional indemnity insurance Information on methods to obtain qualification Existence of other additional restrictions Registration in professional body/ quantitative/territorial restrictions Restrictions on corporate form, shareholding structure Restrictions on joint practices, professional indemnity insurance Objectives

7 Process - Proportionality Case-by-case examination of professional access restrictions in Member States: Entry barriers must be justified/proportionate to protect public interest (public policy, public health, consumer protection) Consider impact on mobility, quality, prices, costs to consumers innovation, employment & economic growth Entry barriers must be justified/proportionate to protect public interest (public policy, public health, consumer protection) Consider impact on mobility, quality, prices, costs to consumers innovation, employment & economic growth Overriding reasons of public interest Information on concrete effects of the measures Reserves of activities Assessment of cumulative effect Overriding reasons of public interest Information on concrete effects of the measures Reserves of activities Assessment of cumulative effect Objectives

8 Mutual evaluation meetings Cluster 1 Real estate agent Driving instructor Civil engineer Architect Optician Electrician Cluster 1 Real estate agent Driving instructor Civil engineer Architect Optician Electrician Cluster 2 Physiotherapist Psychologist Hairdresser/aesthetician Dental hygienist Sports instructor Tourist guide/ travel agent Cluster 2 Physiotherapist Psychologist Hairdresser/aesthetician Dental hygienist Sports instructor Tourist guide/ travel agent Selected professions to serve as examples for sectors Discussions in small groups, government officials and/or appointed expert Sector reports prepared by each country Objectives: exchange practices, stimulate discussions

9 Next steps End of proportionality cluster 1 professions National action plans cluster 1 COM assessment of action plans cluster 1 Similar process for cluster 2 professions Dec 2014 April 2015 June 2015 2015-2016 Assessment of sectors/professions to be reviewed Concrete measures and timetable To be articulated with National Reform Programmes

10 Thank you for your attention! 10

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