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Human Lower Body Muscles

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1 Human Lower Body Muscles

2 Muscles of Abdominal Wall
Group III Human:

3 Abdominal Wall Muscles
Name of the Muscle Action/s Rectus abdominis Flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen External oblique abdominis Compresses abdomen, lateral trunk rotation Internal oblique abdominis Transversus abdominis


5 Muscles of Abdominal Wall
Group III Muscles of Abdominal Wall External oblique Rectus abdominis Linea alba Internal oblique Transversus abdominis Inguinal ligament

6 Pay attention to the direction the muscle fibers run
External oblique O: Ribs I: Iliac crest of ilium and linea alba Internal oblique O: Iliac crest of ilium I: Lower ribs Transversus Abdominis O: Iliac crest of ilium and lower ribs I: Linea alba and pubis

7 Serratus anterior Linea alba Rectus abdominus External oblique Internal oblique

8 Transversus abdominis

9 Six Pack Ab’s

10 Muscles of the Gluteal Region
Name of the Muscle Action/s Gluteus maximus Extends and rotates thigh laterally Gluteus medius Abducts and rotates thigh medially Gluteus minimus Tensor fasciae latae

11 Muscles of the Gluteal Region


13 Tensor Fascia Latae Gluteus Medius Gluteus Maximus

14 Gluteus Medius Piriformis Sciatic Nerve

15 Gluteus Medius Piriformis Sciatic Nerve


17 Psoas major Iliacus

18 Extensors (Quadriceps)
Name of the Muscle Action/s Rectus femoris Extend leg, and flex thigh Vastus medialis Extend leg Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius

19 Extensors (Quadriceps)

20 Rectus femoris (vastus intermedius is deep to this)
Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

21 Thigh, Deep Anterior view
Group X Thigh, Deep Anterior view Human:

22 Group X Thigh, Anterior view Human:

23 Flexors (Hamstrings) Name of the Muscle Action/s Gracilis
Flexes leg and adducts thigh Sartorius Flexes leg and thigh, and abducts and rotates thigh Biceps femoris Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh Semimembranosus Flexes leg and extends and adducts thigh, medially rotates thigh Semitendinosus

24 Flexors (Hamstrings)

25 Hamstrings: Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus

26 Group X Thigh, Posterior view Human:

27 Thigh, Deep Posterior view
Group X Thigh, Deep Posterior view Human:

28 Posterior thigh Gluteus maximus Adductor magnus Semitendinosus
Biceps femoris Semimembranosus Iliotibial band Gracilis Lateral head of gastrocnemius

29 Adductors Name of the Muscle Action/s Adductor longus
Flexes, adducts, and rotates thigh medially Adductor brevis Flexes, adducts, and rotates thigh Adductor magnus

30 Adductors

31 Pectineus Adductor longus Adductor magnus Sartorius Gracilis

32 Thigh, Deep Anterior view
Group X Thigh, Deep Anterior view Human:

33 Anteriomedial thigh Femoral artery and vein Pectineus Adductor brevis
Tensor fascia lata Adductor longus Gracilis Iliotibial band Sartorius Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

34 Anteriomedial thigh Iliopsoas Inguinal ligament Tensor fascia lata
Spermatic cord Rectus femoris Pectineus Vastus lateralis Adductor longus Quadriceps tendon Gracilis Patella Vastus medialis Sartorius

35 Tensor fascia latae Sartorius

36 Group X Thigh, Lateral view Human:

37 Muscles that move the foot
Name of the Muscle Action/s Gastrocnemius Planter flexes foot Soleus Peroneus longus Planter flexes and everts Peroneus brevis Peroneus tertius Dorsiflexes and everts Tibialis anterior Dorsiflexes and inverts

38 Muscles that move the foot


40 Muscles that move the toes
Name of the Muscle Action/s Flexor digitorum longus Flexes the toes Extensor digitorum longus Extends the toes

41 Muscles that move the Toes

42 Lower Leg, Posterior view
Group XI Lower Leg, Posterior view Human:

43 Lower Leg, Deep Posterior view
Group XI Lower Leg, Deep Posterior view Human:

44 Gastrocnemius Soleus (deep to Gastrocnemius) Achilles tendon

45 Gastrocnemius Soleus

46 Tibialis anterior

47 Peroneus longus

48 Peroneus longus

49 Lower Leg, Deep Lateral view
Group XI Lower Leg, Deep Lateral view Human:

50 Lower Leg, Deep Lateral view
Group XI Lower Leg, Deep Lateral view Human:

51 Lateral compartment of leg
Head of fibula Gastrocnemius Tibialis anterior Soleus Fibularis longus Fibularis brevis Extensor digitorum longus Fibularis tertius

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