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Human Structure and Development 212

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1 Human Structure and Development 212
Abdomen 2 Abdomen – 2 Human Structure and Development 212 Week 7 – 2005 Avinash Bharadwaj 212-Wk6 L1 - avb 2005

2 Liver Peritoneal connections Diaphragmatic surface
Falciform ligament Lesser omentum Diaphragmatic surface “Visceral” surface Details of relations not necessary Ligamentum teres Obliterated umbilical vein Umbilical vein – blood from the placenta Ligamentum venosum Obliterated ductus venosus Ductus venosus – shunt between portal vein and IVC

3 Portal Vein IMV  Splenic SMV + Splenic  Portal vein
Joined by smaller veins from stomach etc

4 Portasystemic anastomoses
Junctional regions Oesophagus  systemic veins to thorax, stomach  portal vein Anal canal (terminal part  systemic) Other regions “Bare area” of liver Around the umbilicus Around retroperitoneal organs Liver disease especially “cirrhosis” Portal hypertension  “varicosity”.

5 Posterior Abdominal Structures
Retroperitoneal structures Secondary – duodenum, pancreas, colon* Primary Kidneys and ureters, suprarenal glands Aorta, inferior vena cava and other vessels Posterior abdominal wall

6 Adrenal (L) IVC Kidney (L) Kidney (R) Aorta QL Psoas major Hip Bone

7 Kidneys Shape, size, position Blood vessels and ureter
Hilum Internal Structure Cortex, medulla (pyramids) Calyces Pelvis*  ureter

8 Kidney – Internal Structure

9 Kidneys – “Relations” Different – Left and Right
Overlap with diaphragm

10 Abdominal Aorta Midline structure Branches Anterior unpaired  GIT
Entry at T12 Divides at L4 Branches Anterior unpaired  GIT Lateral paired Kidneys, adrenals, gonads To body wall – paired (except one!)

11 Inferior Vena Cava No tributaries from GIT!
Hepatic veins Pattern of renal, gonadal and adrenal veins. Complex developmental origins.

12 Posterior Wall Vertebral column Posterior muscles Anterior muscles
Psoas major Quadratus lumborum Fascial layers Thoracolumbar fascia Nerves and Blood vessels

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