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ADD/ADHD October 18, 2007 ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD: Attention.

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Presentation on theme: "ADD/ADHD October 18, 2007 ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD: Attention."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADD/ADHD October 18, 2007 ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Presented by: Alicia Jackson Jancyne Dulemba Leighanne Massey

2 Teaching Students in Inclusive Settings Article: *This article defines inclusion and provides multiple perspectives on it, including court cases that seek to define the ‘least restrictive environment.’ Under IDEA, the 2004 amendment does not require inclusion. Rather, it seeks to place students in the ‘least restrictive environment’ to meet their ‘unique needs.’ The placement usually begins in the regular classroom. *WEAC stands for Wisconsin Education Association Council. Their website contains information essentially for educators. They have several articles related to educational issues and topics that are prevalent and important today. There is a lot of support for teachers, especially those that are new. WEAC provides a link to the National Education Association which also provides a lot of information directly related to teaching.

3 Resource for Parents Website: For_Parents For_Parents *A non-profit organization that serves those affected by ADD/ADHD and their families. Its goal is to raise awareness about ADD and ADHD in order to facilitate understanding and acceptance for individuals who have these disorders. It also lists information on local places where parents can find other people who suffer from the same disorders. *CHADD stands for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

4 Informative Websites Websites: *This website offers a vast amount of information on ADHD, including the different types, recent studies and articles, different kinds of medications as well as tests and treatments. also offers information about ADD and has been providing information since 1995 when they first developed the site. The site is updated regularly and offers recent news related to these disorders. Dr. Douglas Cowan is the clinical director and editor of the information on the site and also is a semi-retired Family Therapist, writer, hospital program administrator, and researcher who has helped thousands of children and their families who are affected by ADHD.

5 Informative Websites (Continued) *This website offers a balance of information about ADD and ADHD. It also has new information which contains a General Adult A.D.D. Symptom Checklist. There are also many resources to find out how to treat the disorders as well as specific dietary regimens and medications that can be used.

6 Websites Used for Teaching Strategies (K-12) Websites: s.htm s.htm *This website is a non-profit organization that offers an array of topics from ADD/ADHD to Diet & Nutrition. In one article titled, ADD/ADHD in the Classroom, it offers tips for teachers and parents to help their children become more successful with their learning. methods/10503.html methods/10503.html *TeacherVision is in partnership with The Council for Exceptional Children and offers information on lesson plans, class management, professional development, and much more. In one of their articles titled, Teaching Strategies for Students with ADD, they offer several suggestions for meeting the needs of the students in the classroom.

7 Teaching Strategy (K-4) Website: adhd/teaching-methods-and- management/10425.html?detoured=1 adhd/teaching-methods-and- management/10425.html?detoured=1 *Use meaningful materials and manipulatives *Vary the tone of your voice and model enthusiasm

8 Teaching Strategy (5-8) Website: adhd/teaching-methods-and- management/10425.html?detoured=1 adhd/teaching-methods-and- management/10425.html?detoured=1 *Encourage collaboration among students *Prompt for student answers after allowing at least five seconds of wait time

9 Teaching Strategies (9-12) Websites: s.htm s.htm methods-and-management/10425.html?detoured=1 methods-and-management/10425.html?detoured=1 *List the activities of the lesson on the board *Keep instructions simple and structured *Summarize key points *Do not sit students with ADD/ADHD near windows or doors/best place is in front of the classroom *Check to make sure all assignments are written down in a planner/folder/calendar

10 Additional Informative Websites

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