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Muscluar triangles of ……………….the neck

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1 Muscluar triangles of ……………….the neck

2 POSTERIOR TRIANGLE BOUNDARIES Trapezius muscle Sternomastoid muscle

3 POSTERIOR TRIANGLE Boundaries: - In front → Posterior border of sternomastoid m. - Behind → Anterior border of trapezius m. - Apex → Middle ⅓ of superior nuchal line. - Base → Middle ⅓ of the clavicle. Roof - Skin. - Superficial fascia. - Deep (investing) fascia of the neck. The superficial fascia of the posterior triangle contains the following : (1) Platysma m. : (a subcutaneous m.) (2) External Jugular vein (3)The cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus Floor: From below upwards: a) Scalenus medius. b) Levator scapulae. c) Splenius capitis.

4 Contents: Arteries 1- Third part of subclavian a. 2- Suprascapular a. 3- Superficial (or transverse) cervical a. 4- Occipital a. (near the apex). Veins 5- Subclavian v., receiving its only tributary, the external jugular v. Nerves 6- Roots and trunks of brachial plexus. 7- Spinal accessory n. (runs on levator scapulae). L.Ns. 8- Occipital L.N. (at the apex with the occipital a.). 9- Supraclavicular L.N. (at base with the subclavian a.). Ms. 10- Inferior belly of omohyoid .


Occipital triangle Supra clavicular


8 ANTERIOR TRIANGLE □ Boundaries : • Anteriorly → Middle line of the neck. • Posteriorly → Ant. border of sternomastoid. • Base (above) → Lower border of mandible. • Apex (below) → Suprasternal notch. □ Roof: 1- Skin. 2- Superficial fascia (+ its contents). 3- Investing ( deep ) fascia. Contents of the Superficial Fascia of the Roof: a- Platysma muscle. b- Transverse cervical n. c- Anterior jugular v. : It is formed by the union of the submental veins → descends in the superficial fascia near the middle line → pierces the deep fascia above the sternum → passes deep to the sternomastoid → ends in the external jugular v. The deep parts of both anterior jugular veins are connected together by jugular arch. □ Subdivisions : 3 ½ triangles . See the table .


10 Suddivisions of ANTERIOR TRIANGLE

11 Suprahyoid muscles 1-MYLOHYOID MUSCLE Mylohyoid line

12 2- stylohyoid muscles 3- geniohyoid
Inferior mental spine


14 Recall of relevant structures
The suprahyoid muscles the muscles of the floor of the mouth

15 Infrahyoid muscles


17 Important topics

18 Enumerate main contents of submandibular triangule and give short account on one of them
Muscles: suprahyoid muscles (mylohyoid muscle), geniohyoid, stylohyoid, digastric and hyoglossus muscles Glands: submandibular salivary glands & L.N. Nerves: nerve to mylo-hyoid muscle, hypoglossal nerves and Submandibular ganglion Vessels: facial artery& vein

19 Enumerate main contents of submandibular region and give short account on one of them
Muscles: 1:suprahyoid muscles (mylohyoid muscle), geniohyoid, stylohyoid, digastric and hyoglossus muscles 2:genioglossus Glands: submandibular salivary glands & L.N. Sublingual salivary gland Nerves: nerve to mylo-hyoid muscle, hypoglossal nerves and Submandibular ganglion Lingual nerve Vessels: lingual & facial vessels

20 Facial vessels Submandibular ganglion Lingual nerve Sublingual salivary gland Hypoglossal nerve Lingual vessels Nerve to mylohyoid muscle Submandibular salivary gland

21 suprahyoid muscles Muscle Origine Insertion Nerve supply action
Digastric muscle post. belly: Mastoid process of temporal bone ant. belly: Body of mandible Intermediate tendon is held to hyoid by fascial sling post. belly: facial nerve ant belly: nerve to mylohyoid Depresses mandible or elevates hyoid bone Mylohyoid muscle Mylohyoid line of body of mandible Body of hyoid bone and fibrous raphe Inferior alveolar nerve Elevates floor of mouth and hyoid bone or depresses mandible Hyoglossus muscle Hyoid bone Post. ½ of the side of the tongue Hypoglossal nerve Draw the tongue downwards and help suckling Geniohyoid Genial tubercle of the mandible Body of hyoid bone Styloyoid Styloid process Facial nerve with post. Belly of digastric Elevate hyoid bone

22 Enumerate main contents of carotid triangule and give short account on one of them
Carotid sheath: CCA, ICA, IJV and vagus nerve External carotid artery Hypoglossal nerve Ansa cervicalis Accessory nerve Sympathetic trunk


24 ANSA CERVICALIS • It is a nervous loop situated in front of the carotid sheath. • It is formed by union of 2 limbs : A) Superior limb : Descending from the hypoglossal n. and containing fibers of C1 spinal nerve . B) Inferior limb : From C2 and C3 spinal nerves . • Branches : arise from the tip → supply all infrahyoid muscles (near their lower ends) except thyrohyoid.


26 Enumerate main contents of muscular triangule and give short account on one of them
Infra hyoid muscles


28 Enumerate main contents of submental triangule and give short account on one of them
Submental LN Anterior jugular vein


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