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Fission and Dissipation Studies via Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energy Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon  Innovative Reaction Mechanism  Relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Fission and Dissipation Studies via Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energy Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon  Innovative Reaction Mechanism  Relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fission and Dissipation Studies via Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions at Relativistic Energy Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon  Innovative Reaction Mechanism  Relevant Experimental Signatures Collaboration IPN Lyon – GSI Darmstadt CHARMS group Origin? Origin? interaction/collisions nucleon-moving system (1 body) individual nucleon-nucleon collisions (2 body) Motivations: - fundamental interest - applications - applications nuclide production for secondary beam facilities super heavy element synthesis enhancement of SD and HD bands population Collective degrees of freedom Intrinsic degrees of freedom dissipation

2 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Our schedule: How does dissipation influence the evolution of the system ? How does dissipation influence the evolution of the system ? - theoretical aspects - experimental observables Optimal conditions for bringing dissipation to light Optimal conditions for bringing dissipation to light - reaction mechanism -> relativistic heavy-ion collisions - pertinent signatures -> saddle-point clock or thermometer Set-Up Set-Up - about 60 RIB’s ranging from At up to U at disposal - devoted to in-flight fission fragment detection Analysis and dynamical ABRABLA calculations Analysis and dynamical ABRABLA calculations Data vs. calculations: what can we learn about dissipation ? Data vs. calculations: what can we learn about dissipation ? - strength  and transient delay  trans Explanation for some previous reported contradictions Explanation for some previous reported contradictions Conclusion and Outlooks Conclusion and Outlooks

3 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon How does dissipation influence the evolution of the system ? 1. Theoretical aspects energy CN Saddle point deformation Scission  Langevin equation of motion: individual trajectory step by step individual trajectory step by step (NB: coupling to particle evaporation)   Dissipation slows the nucleus down: 2 effects:  Dissipation slows the nucleus down: 2 effects:  Kramers reduction of the stationary fission decay width :  K = K.  BW <  BW  Kramers reduction of the stationary fission decay width :  K = K.  BW <  BW  Transient effects: fission is delayed by a time lapse of ~  trans  Transient effects: fission is delayed by a time lapse of ~  trans -> crucial for experimental data analysis ! -> crucial for experimental data analysis !   f (t)

4 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon How does dissipation influence the evolution of the system ? 2. Experimental point of view Dissipation   trans transient delay  more particles emitted cooling down of the decaying nucleus cooling down of the decaying nucleus change of the fission properties: B f, Z 2 /A… change of the fission properties: B f, Z 2 /A… Experimental signatures used to estimate the dissipation strength  : fission and evaporation residue cross sections fission and evaporation residue cross sections n, LCP and  -rays pre-scission multiplicities n, LCP and  -rays pre-scission multiplicities powerful Particle Clock to study dynamics Results: …. rather unclear in fact … Results: …. rather unclear in fact … difficult to discriminate the pre- and post- saddle point stages difficult to discriminate the pre- and post- saddle point stages still unknown deformation, T, Z 2 /A dependence of  and  trans still unknown deformation, T, Z 2 /A dependence of  and  trans complex side effects inherent to fusion-fission (L, initial conditions?) complex side effects inherent to fusion-fission (L, initial conditions?)

5 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon How to go further ?  Restriction to the pre-saddle region: track down dissipation at small deformation track down dissipation at small deformation via the transient time  trans via the transient time  trans  trans  M pre saddle  E * saddle what allows the translation clock  thermometer  saddle   saddle E * saddle  signature of E * saddle :  Z 2 = = width of the fission fragment Z distribution T saddle ___ C Z  (E * saddle /a) _____ C Z  part  trans  fast clock to ensure  part ~  trans : high excitation energies  well defined initial conditions far from quasi-equilibrium   Request :   Solution : peripheral heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energy  small distortion relative to the projectile deformation  high initial excitation energy  small angular momenta (less complex side effects)

6 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Set-Up : secondary beam experiment: 60 p-rich actinide beams ( 205 At up to 234 U) at disposal 1 rst stage: production, separation and beam identification (thanks to the FRS) 2 nd stage: detection and Z identification of both FF (thanks to the kinematics and DIC)  Z ~ 0.4 See K.-H.Schmidt et al., NPA(2000) for detail

7 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon How do our data look like ? Pertinence of the (Z 1, Z 2 ) measurement: Z 1 +Z 2  fissioning element Z fiss  prefragment Z prf  initial E * prf low post-scission LCP low pre-scission LCP ‘Raw Data’: fission fragment Z distributions  Extraction of the  Z widths Analogy with fusion-fission: Z prf  Z CN and E * prf  E * CN

8 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon How do our data look like ? Pertinence of the (Z 1, Z 2 ) measurement: Z 1 +Z 2  fissioning element Z fiss  prefragment Z prf  initial E * prf low post-scission LCP low pre-scission LCP With decreasing (Z 1 +Z 2 ) (further away from the projectile):  E * prf increases   Z increases

9 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon ABRABLA Reaction Code Prefragment Equilibrated nucleus Fission Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collision at Relativistic Energy as a 3 step-process  Abrasion: participation of the projectile/target overlaping zone only  ~ 27MeV of E* induced by nucleon abraded  conserved  Simultaneous break up for T after abrasion > 5MeV (~T freeze out )  emission of LCP’s and clusters down to 5MeV  Competition evaporation-fission : equivalent to a dynamical treatment!  Weiskopf theory for particle decay widths  n,p, ,d,t,…  time-dependent fission decay width  f (t) to account for transient effects

10 Analytical approximation of the time-dependent fission decay width  f (t)  Fastly calculable realistic expression which can be expression which can be easily plugged in an easily plugged in an evaporation code evaporation code B.Jurado, K.-H.Schmidt, Ch.Schmitt, NPA 747(2004) 14 Basis of the derivation: exact numerical Langevin or Fokker-Planck solution

11 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Are actually (tiny) transient effects observable ? Relevant probe: comparison between -  K -type calculations (no  trans ) -  f (t)-type calculations (with  trans )  Kramers-type calculations fail when moving further away when moving further away from the projectile from the projectile   fingerprint of transient effects ‘observability’ at high enough E* (  150MeV)

12 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Data vs. calculations Extraction of the dissipation strength  Filters used to sort the data: -Z 1 +Z 2 allows to select  E* (function of the projectile)  E* (function of the projectile)  fissility Z fiss 2 /A fiss (roughly)  fissility Z fiss 2 /A fiss (roughly) -  Z = Z proj – (Z 1 +Z 2 ) allows to select  E* (independently of the projectile)  E* (independently of the projectile) Examples: Z 1 +Z 2 =84  E*~400MeV for 224 Th (Z proj =90) E*~200MeV for 217 Fr (Z proj =87) E*~200MeV for 217 Fr (Z proj =87)  Z=4  E*~270MeV for all beams

13 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Data vs. calculations Extraction of the dissipation strength  Data best described with  f (t) and  = (4.5  0.5). 10 21 s -1

14 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Data vs. calculations Extraction of the dissipation strength  Overview for all beams (~ 1/10 of the whole data set)  = (4.5  0.5 ). 10 21 s -1 for beams  = (4.5  0.5 ). 10 21 s -1 for beams from At up to Th from At up to Th remaining discrepancy for remaining discrepancy for the heaviest U and Pa beams the heaviest U and Pa beams Impressive description over an uncommonly broad range ! Reliability of the physical arguments in ABRABLA (from the early collision down to the fragments de-excitation) 

15 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Data vs. calculations Peculiaritiy of the heaviest actinide beams Nuclei with N  134 are sizeably deformed (  2 ~0.2-0.3)  initial (pre-fragment) configuration closer to the saddle point  initial (pre-fragment) configuration closer to the saddle point  smaller transient time  smaller transient time U, Pa At up to Th Langevin calculations:  trans (  2 =0.25)   trans (  2 =0.) / (2-3) Pavel Nadtochy Pavel Nadtochy   = (4.5  0.5 ). 10 21 s -1 is required for U and Pa as well, but  trans is reduced due to the onset of large g.s. deformation above N  134 Inclusion of initial deformation in  f (t) in progress (A. Kelic, K.-H. Schmidt)

16 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Extraction of the transient time  trans Nearly spherical beams: Nearly spherical beams: Deformed U and Pa beams:  trans ~ ((1.1-1.7)  0.4 ). 10 -21 s roughly Deformed U and Pa beams:  trans ~ ((1.1-1.7)  0.4 ). 10 -21 s roughly  trans = (3.4  0.7 ). 10 -21 s No clear evidence on nor a fissility, neither an excitation energy influence According to the fragmentation process used to induce fission According to the fragmentation process used to induce fission and to the set-up: still crude E * and Z 2 /A selections and to the set-up: still crude E * and Z 2 /A selections  To track down weak effects might need dedicated  To track down weak effects might need dedicated experiment for which E * and Z 2 /A are well defined experiment for which E * and Z 2 /A are well defined

17 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Comparison with previous work At day, we know for sure that :   [0.5 - 10]. 10 21 s -1  trans  [~ 0 - 30]. 10 -21 s  trans  [~ 0 - 30]. 10 -21 s Present conclusions in agreement ! Present conclusions in agreement !  … the contrary would have been surprising … A few comments about fair comparison and data (mis)interpretation :  fusion-fission (   [2-10]. 10 21 s -1 and  trans  [5-30]. 10 -21 s 1 ) :  fusion-fission (   [2-10]. 10 21 s -1 and  trans  [5-30]. 10 -21 s 1 ) : usually E *  150-200 MeV : do we have an effect of E * ? usually E *  150-200 MeV : do we have an effect of E * ? what about the influence of L ? what about the influence of L ? well defined initial CN conditions / influence of fusion dynamics ? well defined initial CN conditions / influence of fusion dynamics ? contribution from incomplete fusion and/or quasi-fission ? contribution from incomplete fusion and/or quasi-fission ?  energetic p and p induced fission : at variance since P f (E*) gives  trans ~ 0 s !  energetic p and p induced fission : at variance since P f (E*) gives  trans ~ 0 s !  crucial importance of realistic input parameters:  crucial importance of realistic input parameters: e.g. - a f /a n =1 combined to  trans ~ 0 s can mock up a f /a n |Ignatyuk combined to  trans  0 s e.g. - a f /a n =1 combined to  trans ~ 0 s can mock up a f /a n |Ignatyuk combined to  trans  0 s - reliable  f (t) in-growth function mandatory ! - reliable  f (t) in-growth function mandatory !  danger of comparing experiments done under various conditions  danger of comparing experiments done under various conditions –

18 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Input parameter uncertainty – a f /a n  Spallation at GSI : J. Benlliure et al. (USC Spain), T.Enqvist, J.Taieb, M.Bernas et al. (IPN Orsay), S.Leray, A.Boudard et al. (DAPNIA-SPhN/Saclay), K.-H.Schmidt, A.Kelic, M.V.Ricciardi, P.Armbruster.  Residue cross sections :  BW coupled to a f /a n = 1 can mock up  f (t) coupled to a f /a n |Ignatyuk  BW coupled to a f /a n = 1 can mock up  f (t) coupled to a f /a n |Ignatyuk  New fission fragment  Z signature :  BW coupled to a f /a n = 1 definitely ruled out  BW coupled to a f /a n = 1 definitely ruled out only  f (t) coupled to a f /a n |Ignatyuk works ! only  f (t) coupled to a f /a n |Ignatyuk works !

19 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Conclusions 1.Saddle clock concept to study dissipation at small deformation  Transient effects delay the fission process  Establish a thermometer-clock at the barrier to track down  trans 2. Optimal conditions  Peripheral heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energy  high excitation energy, low angular momentum, small shape distortion  high excitation energy, low angular momentum, small shape distortion  no quasi-fission, incomplete fusion-fission, transfer induced fission contribution  no quasi-fission, incomplete fusion-fission, transfer induced fission contribution  Charge distribution of the fission fragments as a pertinent signature  Elaborate ABRABLA reaction code  realistic dissipation modelling is crucial  realistic dissipation modelling is crucial 3. Confrontation data-calculations  Over the whole range  = (4.5  0.5 ). 10 21 s -1 at small deformation  While  trans depends on initial deformation:   trans = (3.4  0.7 ). 10 -21 s for nearly spherical systems   trans = (3.4  0.7 ). 10 -21 s for nearly spherical systems   trans reduced by about a factor of 2-3 for  2 ~0.2-0.3 deformed systems   trans reduced by about a factor of 2-3 for  2 ~0.2-0.3 deformed systems Effects revealed thanks to the uncommon size of the data set !

20 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Outlooks Meticulous investigation of the E * and Z 2 /A dependence of dissipation First option: at GSI via fragmentation:  Many species with various E* and Z 2 /A are produced simultaneously !  Many species with various E* and Z 2 /A are produced simultaneously !  Experimental observables that allow an univocal selection of either E* or Z 2 /A  Experimental observables that allow an univocal selection of either E* or Z 2 /A  Measure of the FF charge and mass to reconstruct E*  Measure of the FF charge and mass to reconstruct E*  Large acceptance spectrometer at the FRS exit  Large acceptance spectrometer at the FRS exit - ALADIN? combined to the Neutron Wall? - ALADIN? combined to the Neutron Wall? - FAIR project - FAIR project Second option: at Ganil/SPIRAL2 via fusion:  Long isotopic chains and great energy range available !  Long isotopic chains and great energy range available !  The beam itself allows to vary independently either E* or Z 2 /A  The beam itself allows to vary independently either E* or Z 2 /A  Measure of the FF charge to determine  Z  Measure of the FF charge to determine  Z  Large acceptance spectrometer  Large acceptance spectrometer

21 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Thanks to: Karl-Heinz Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt Aleksandra Kelic, GSI Darmstadt Andreas Heinz, Yale University Beatriz Jurado, CENBG Pavel Nadotchy, GSI – Omsk José Benlliure, Santiago del Compostella and many others …

22 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Sorting of the data – Experimental filters  Pertinence of the Z 1 +Z 2 selection (or equivalently,  Z) Correlation Z 1 +Z 2 - Z fiss - Z prf – E * prf : Correlation  Z - E * prf ABRABLA calculations

23 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Progressive showing up of transient effects   K progressively fails as  Z increases i.e. E * prf increases

24 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Dissipation strength  versus Transient time  trans trans = 1/ . ln(10B f /T) for  < 2  g (under-damped)  trans = 1/ . ln(10B f /T) for  < 2  g (under-damped)  trans =  /2  g 2. ln(10B f /T) for  > 2  g (over-damped)  = (4.5  0.5 ). 10 21 s -1 ~ (3.4  0.7 ). 10 -21 s ~ (3.4  0.7 ). 10 -21 s

25 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Dissipation as revealed in spallation nuclei between U and Pb do not survive due to high fissility the U curve joins the Pb curve for larger mass losses  clear proof that fission is hindered at high E*

26 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Dynamical versus Statistical limits Langevin calculations (Pavel Nadtochy, GSI-Omsk)   Z stat at saddle   Z stat at scission  Z dyn

27 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Dissipation strength : variety of the theoretical predictions

28 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Transition State Model The probability related to a given (exit) channel is governed by the available phase space single-particle degrees and collective degrees of freedom are treated in the same way Energy Deformation Z,N-1Z,N Neutron evaporation Fission

29 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon D. Hilscher, Ann. Phys. Fr. 17 (1992) 471 Influence of dissipation on the evolution of the system: delay !

30 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Neutron Clock Tool - final angular momentum - initial angular momentum - final excitation energy - particle spin - particle kinetic energy - transmission coefficient - level density - particle binding energy - particle orbital angular momentum Pre-scission time:  The non-linearity of neutron emission times with E* calls for high enough E* times with E* calls for high enough E* to observe an effect to observe an effect

31 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Experiment First stage: separation and event-by-event (A,Z) beam identification

32 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Nuclear vs. Electromagnetic induced processes In the plastic: only nuclear-induced fission In the Pb target : nuclear and electromagnetic-induced fission

33 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Nuclear vs. Electromagnetic induced processes

34 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Partial Fission Cross Sections Similar amount of data ----> a talk on its own!

35 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon The future : R 3 B  Charge and Mass of (both?) fission fragments  Neutrons  Gammas

36 Ch. SCHMITT, IPNLyon Excitation energy and/or fissility influence ?

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