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Private Pension Options A Quick Comparison. PENSION –An income from retirement until the death of the recipient. (plus add-ons for dependents) SOLUTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Private Pension Options A Quick Comparison. PENSION –An income from retirement until the death of the recipient. (plus add-ons for dependents) SOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Private Pension Options A Quick Comparison

2 PENSION –An income from retirement until the death of the recipient. (plus add-ons for dependents) SOLUTION –Save and draw down during retirement –Save, and then buy an annuity –Save collectively and “pool” the longevity risk The Pension Problem

3 Solution 1: Save a lot and draw down Advantages: Works well for those with lots of assets (who don’t need a pension per se) Disadvantages: –You don’t know how long you will live. Either you need to save a lot, or you might run out of money. If you want to be 95% sure you will have enough you need to save 83% more [Almeida and Fornia] 25% of those retiring early in Australia have run out of private pension savings by the time they are 70

4 Solution 2; Buy an Annuity Advantages: Annuity gives a dependable pension Disadvantages: –They are costly. Government statistics suggest indexed annuities cost 20-25pence in the pound. –Promised annuities need to be invested in bonds; the wrong investment? –Variable annuities difficult to regulate –Create timing risk.

5 Solution 3: Diversify, or collectivise the longevity risk (CDC) Advantages: Higher and more predictable pensions. >30% higher than annuity; 83% higher than drawdown (though inheritors lose out) Disadvantages: –How can you be sure the plan will be Managed on your behalf Remain solvent Be fair

6 …Add Ons To any solution, and outsider can add on –Defined Benefit: Guarantees pension –Defined Contribution: Guarantee what saving is worth; but not the pension itself –Defined Ambition: ???

7 Who might benefit from CDC? Savers in a DC plan Savers whose DB plan is about to be closed Anyone who needs a reliable retirement income, and knows annuities are too expensive –“decumulation CDC”

8 Who could provide CDC Any large DB pension plan But wouldn’t a large industry or national supplier be better? –Larger, so lower costs, greater expertise And what role might Trade Unions play?

9 Some Caveats CDC is not as good as DB Governance arrangements are critical Actuarial oversight essential. But perfectly possible Communication, Communication, Communication

10 A Gamechanging Opportunity Enormous economic benefit. Cost of pensions. Investment in economy. Broad support Spectators of Players?

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