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Ch. 12 Food Resources APES
Fig. 12.1, p. 261
How Food is Produced 14 plants and 9 animal species feed 90% of the world. This big three: wheat, rice, and corn Which are annuals that need to be planted each year Beef, chicken & pork (includes milk, eggs & cheese) 2/3’s of the world relies on these grains and meat products. 2/3’s of the world does not eat meat Fish and seafood 7%
Food Production Croplands: supply 77% of the world’s food -mostly produce grains using 11% of the world’s land area Rangelands: produce meat from grazing livestock, supply 16% of world’s food on 29% of the world’s land area Fisheries and aquaculture: Supply 7% of world’s food
Types of Agricultural Systems
Industrialized (high input): agriculture uses large amounts of energy (fossil fuels) and energy, water, commercial fertilizers and pesticides to produce huge quantities of: a single crop or livestock, produces four/fifths of world’s food. An increasing number of animals are raised in densely populated feedlots, where animals are fattened up for about 5 weeks to four months and then slaughtered. They eat corn and never see sunlight. Produces water and air pollution.
Food Production in the USA
Industrialized “agribusiness” controlled by large multinational corporations. No more “mom and Pop” farms. 18% of our gross national product, bigger than automotive, steel and housing combined. Since 1950 we have doubled yield without cultivating more land.
U.S. Agriculture Biggest industry in the U.S. – 18% of the GNP and 19% of all jobs in the private sector. 0.3% of the worlds farm labor force produces 25% of the world’s food and : U.S. residents spend only 10-12% of their income on food, while 18% is spent in Japan and 40 – 70 % in developing countries. Cost: 10 units of nonrenewable fossil fuel for every 1 unit of food : energy
Plantation agriculture: primarily in tropical developing countries
Plantation agriculture: primarily in tropical developing countries. Cash crops such as: coffee, bananas, and cocoa. Large areas of rainforests are cleared for this.
Industrialized agriculture Plantation agriculture
Intensive traditional agriculture Shifting cultivation Nomadic herding No agriculture Fig. 12.2, p. 263
Industrialized agriculture in developed countries
Land Labor Capital Fossil fuel energy Industrialized agriculture in developed countries Land Labor Capital Fossil fuel energy Fig. 12.3a, p. 264 Intensive traditional agriculture in developing countries
Shifting cultivation in tropical forests in developing countries
Land Labor Capital Shifting cultivation in tropical forests in developing countries Land Labor Capital Nomadic herding in Developing countries Fig. 12.3b, p. 264
Traditional Agriculture
Traditional (2.7 billion people in developing countries, provides one fifth of the world’s food) traditional subsistence farming: raising only enough crops and livestock for the family farm – shifting cultivation Traditional intensive agriculture: increased labor, fertilizer & water for the family and enough left over which can be sold for income.
Green Revolution Green Revolution: Change in agriculture, which lead to increased yield per unit of area. (before, increased yield came from expanding the cultivated area) 1. Planting monocultures of selectively bred or genetically engineered high yield key crops with emphasis on shifting from plant growth to seeds. 2. Using fertilizers, pesticides, & water to produce high yields. 3. Increases intensity and frequency of cropping.
First green revolution (developed countries) Second green revolution
(developing countries) Major International agricultural Research centers and seed banks Fig. 12.4, p. 265
2nd Green Revolution: Fast growing dwarf varieties of rice and wheat bred for tropical and sub tropical climates introduced in developing countries. The yields are 2 –5 times the traditional methods and it allows multiple cropping which: Protects biodiversity Saves land from destruction Needs fertile soil, water, & extensive fossil fuels to run machinery to produce and apply ample inorganic fertilizers & pesticides.
Cropland Forest Irrigated farm land Barren land Rangeland Wetland
Pasture Urban area Fig. 12.6, p. 266
Food distribution and preparation
17% of total commercial energy use 4% 2% 6% 5% Crops Livestock Food processing Food distribution and preparation Food production Fig. 12.7, p. 267
Livestock: Raising animals like cattle, horses, oxen, sheep, chicken & pigs to provide food, clothing, fertilizer, fuel, and transportation.
Livestock 20% of the world’s land is used for: grazing cattle and sheep. Cattle used for meat and meat products return fertilizer to land and graze on fallow fields. World meat production has increased 4 times, while per capita production rose by 29%
Livestock 12 – 15% of the methane in the atmosphere comes from cattle.
Nitrogen in commercial fertilizer is converted to NO, a greenhouse gas. Nitrogen in manure escapes into the air as NH3, which contributes to acid deposition. Livestock produce 21 times more waste than humans and only ½ is recycled into the soil.
Traditional Agriculture:
Interplanting which is growing several crops on the same plot (crop diversity). Polyvarietal: several varieties of the same crop. Intercropping: 2 or more different crops that are grown at the same time. These crops “help” one another. Agroforestry: crops and trees are planted together. Roots are at different depths Year around plant coverage protects soil from erosion Different insects for each crop cut down on the use of insecticides. Weeds have trouble growing. Higher yields for each crop are produced.
World Food Problems How much has food production increased?
World grain production between has tripled. Per capita production has increased by 36% Average food prices dropped by 25% Amount of food traded quadrupled Population growth is outdoing food production & distribution
Total World Grain Production
2,000 1,500 1,000 500 Grain production (millions of tons) 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Total World Grain Production Fig. 12.8a, p. 268
Per capita grain production (kilograms per person)
400 350 Per capita grain production (kilograms per person) 300 250 200 150 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 World Grain Production per Capita Fig. 12.8b, p. 268
Reasons for the slowdown in growth of per capita grain production.
Population 1.2%/yr Increased affluence which increases demand Degradation and loss of cropland (due to erosion, industrialization, and urbanization) Little growth in irrigation since 1980 10% decline in global fertilizer use Population growth 8 billion by 2025 (6 billion in 1999) This requires doubling the food production or 2% grain production increase per year compared to a 1.1-% growth between 1990 – This is IF people have a meatless diet 2% per year growth between 1950 to 1990, .5% increase between 2000 and 2004
How many people can the world support? It depends upon:
Quality of life or cultural carrying capacity per person. Whether food production can be increased Length of food chain with grain and meat eaters.
Food and Sub Saharan Africa
Per capita food production dropped by 30% between 1960 – 1994. Malnutrition and hunger related illnesses cause death for thousands each day. ½ of the population doesn’t have access to safe drinking water (cholera and dysentery result). Infectious diseases cause ½ of the deaths per year. Rapid population growth (1 million every 3 weeks 2.9% increase). This creates a young age structure pyramid.
Feedback loop Poverty Malnutrition Decreased resistance to disease
High death rate for children energy ability to learn to work Shortened life expectancy Feedback loop Fig. 12.9, p. 269
Food and Sub Saharan Africa
Tsetse fly blocks development of agriculture (fatal disease in livestock and incurable sleeping sickness in humans). Severe soil erosion, nutrient poor soils, lack of water for irrigation, increasing desertification and deforestation. Political turmoil and wars cause reduced agricultural production and cause food storage and distribution system problems.
Undernutrition, malnutrition, and over nutrition
Under nutrition: people who can’t grow or buy enough food for their basic needs. Less than 90% of the daily calories needed: chronically under nourished. Less than 80% of the calories needed: seriously under nourished. This causes mental retardation and stunted growth. This makes people susceptible to disease and affects 25% of children.
Malnutrition: low amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, & minerals. (Usually a low protein, high carbohydrate diets). Some people suffer from undernutrition and malnutrition. (most live in Asia) Diets low in iron cause anemia and this condition is found most often in Asia, Africa and Latin America Diets low in zinc and iron cause diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia. Diets low in iodine (seafood & soil) affects the thyroid gland, which controls metabolic rate.
Overnutrition: an excessive intake of food (especially fats).
This accounts for two thirds of the deaths in the U.S. per year.
Producing enough food to feed the world.
Enough food is produced, but it is not equally distributed due to differences in soil, climate, and political and economic power. The principal cause of hunger and malnutrition is poverty. Food Aid does not work because of corruption in the system, the food does not get to where it needs to go, also the people become dependent on it and fail to farm their own food and it increases their birth rate.
Environmental effects of producing food.
Agriculture has a greater harmful impact on air, water, soil, and biodiversity than any other human activity. Degradation of irrigated and rain fed croplands and rangelands costs 42 billion$ in lost crop and livestock output. Soil erosion, desertification, salinization and water logging irrigated lands will limit producing more food Loss of water due to droughts means a loss of wild species that provide genetic resources for new foods and improve existing foods
Biodiversity Loss Soil
Loss and degradation of habitat from clearing grasslands and forests and draining wetland Fish kills from pesticide runoff Killing of wild predators to protect Livestock Loss of genetic diversity from replacing thousands of wild crop Strains with a few monoculture strains Erosion Loss of fertility Salinization Waterlogging Desertification Fig a, p. 271
Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil Fuel issue
Air Pollution Water Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil Fuel issue Other air pollutants from fossil fuel use Killing of wild predators to protect Livestock Pollution form pesticide sprays Aquifer depletion Increased runoff and flooding form land cleared to grow crops Sediment pollution from erosion Fish kills from pesticide runoff Surface and groundwater pollution form pesticides and fertilizers Overfertilization of lakes And slow-moving rivers From runoff of nitrates and Phosphates from Fertilizers, livestock Wastes, and food processing wastes Fig b, p. 271
Nitrates in drinking water Pesticides residues in drinking water,
Human Health Nitrates in drinking water Pesticides residues in drinking water, food, and air Contamination of drinking and swimming water with disease organisms from livestock wastes Bacterial contamination of meat Fig c, p. 271
Increasing world food production
Increase crop yield? Improve strains of plants and expand green revolution technology to new parts of the world. Raise “harvest index” by increasing the photosynthetic product to go into seed instead of stems and leaves for wheat, rice and corn. The physiological limit is at 60%.
Increasing world food production
Crossbreeding: selective breeding between plants to increase their size or yield. Limited to DNA that is available in that type of plant. (Like dog breeding) Genetic Engineering: Splicing a gene from one organisms (not limited to plants) and inserting it into a new plant to create new qualities The gene revolution: use of genetically engineered foods that are resistant to insects and disease, thrive on less fertilizer, make their own nitrogen fertilizer, do well in slightly salty soils, withstand drought, & use solar energy more efficiently. Usually crops need ample water, good soil, favorable weather, favorable temperatures, solar intensity, and day length. We can create crops that don’t this.
The Gene Controversy Advantages Disadvantages Less fertilizer
Less water Resistant to disease, insects, drought Grow faster Can grow in salty soil Less spoilage Better flavor Less pesticide Higher yield Irreversible and unpredictable effects Harmful toxins and allergens in food possible Lower nutrition Can harm beneficial insects Lower genetic diversity Can create herbicide and pesticide resistant insects and plants
Problems with the Gene Revolution
Large corporations patent the GMO seeds so farmers cannot reuse their seeds from year to year. This has high costs that cannot be paid in developing countries. Yields may drop due to soil erosion, loss of fertility, increased salinity, becoming waterlogged, polluted from pesticides, nitrates from fertilizers and rapidly breeding pests that become resistant to pesticides.
Loss of genetic diversity and crop yields
Crop varieties have decreased (97% in the U.S. from the 1940’s). Genetic uniformity increased the vulnerability of food crops to pests, diseases and harsh weather. Wild varieties usually reduce the need for yearly plowing and sowing which reduces soil erosion, which saves water and energy. Usually wild varieties are resistant to viruses and grow in colder and damper habitats. Storing seeds in seed banks are risky: seeds die and cannot be reintroduced because habitats have changed.
New foods? Winged bean and microlivestock (insects) are potential sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Rely more on perennial crops, which are better adapted to regional soil and climate conditions than animal food crops. Use of perennials reduces energy use, water, soil erosion, and sediment water pollution. This would reduce profits of agribusiness due to the sale of annual seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.
Cultivating more land? 30% of the world’s land is cropland.
Clearing tropical rainforests and irrigating arid land- both of which could have disastrous ecological consequences. Would reduce wildlife habitats, biodiversity & ecological integrity Nutrient poor soils cannot support crop growth for more than a few years Irrigation of arid land would require expensive dam projects, large inputs of fossil fuels to pump water long distances, depletion of groundwater supplies, expensive maintenance to prevent erosion, groundwater contamination, salinization and water logging Could accelerate global warming by increasing methane emissions due to the production of rice and cutting down trees.
Producing More Meat Disadvantages of Feedlots Advantages of Feedlots
Need large inputs of fossil fuels, grain, fish meal, and water Concentrated animal wastes that can pollute water Antibiotics can increase bacterial resistance in humans Added Hormones can make humans sick Inhumane to the animals Increased meat production Higher profits Less land use Reduced overgrazing Reduced soil erosion Help protect biodiversity
Catching or raising more fish?
Two thirds of fish from fisheries One third from aquaculture (fish farming and ranching) There has been a sevenfold increase in the number of fish caught from 1950 to It has been declining ever since due to depleted fish stocks. 75% of the world’s major fisheries are fished above the sustainable yield. The fish industry is heavily subsidized by the government allowing overfishing
Aquaculture: fish and shellfish raised for food.
Aquaculture supplies 20% of the world’s commercial fish harvest. Aquaculture has increased 3.3 fold between 1984 and 1996, and is still increasing. Types of aquaculture Fish farming – cultivating fish in a controlled environment (pond or tank) Fish ranching:holding anadromous species in captivity for the first few years, releasing them and then harvesting the adults when they return to spawn. (carp, tilapia, milkfish, clams, oysters)
Sustainable fishery management
Owners should show that their harvests are sustainable before they can continue to operate. Monitor and enforce quotas for fisheries that are set below maximum sustainable yields. Establish and divide up fish quotas based on fairness, local needs and conditions. Reduce fishing subsidies to shrink the size of global fishing fleets, etc.
Government Food Policies
Control prices: to keep consumers happy, but then farmers cannot make a living. Provide subsidies: $279 billion in 2004, if weather is good this causes a glut of food which depresses prices and puts farmers in developing countries out of business Market Forces: Eliminate subsidies, let the market decide prices and provide the poor with help buying the food.
Agricultural Policy, Food Aid and Land Reform
* Farming is a risky, difficult proposition. Weather, crop prices, crop pests and diseases, interest rates and the global market affect farming. Giving farmers subsidies to keep them in business increases food production, the problem is it leads to waste and over taxation and only corn, soy and wheat get big subsidies, things like broccoli do not. This makes vegetables expensive and corn products cheap. Eliminating price controls and subsidies would affect the poor and low middle class. Reward those farmers who protect soil, conserve water, reforest, protect and restore wetlands and conserve wildlife.
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