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Ch. 5: Population Structure and Changes. Population Models 4) Transition matrix models Life history stages + matrix algebra Fig. 5.6.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 5: Population Structure and Changes. Population Models 4) Transition matrix models Life history stages + matrix algebra Fig. 5.6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 5: Population Structure and Changes

2 Population Models 4) Transition matrix models Life history stages + matrix algebra Fig. 5.6

3 Population Models Matrix algebra Matrix: numbers rows/columns –Rules (adding, multiplying, etc.)

4 Population Models Ex: Column matrix (vector) = pop’n status: population vector Life history stages: s=seeds, r=rosettes, f=flowering 140 16 10 # seeds # rosettes # flowering Lab 2: who am I? Rosette forming perennial

5 Population Models Transition matrix: probability transition b/w 1 census & next

6 Population Models Ex: teasel (Dipsacus sylvaticus) Perennial pasture/roadside weed.

7 Population Models Transition matrix: teasel (Dipsacus sylvaticus) Note columns don’t always sum to 1.0: accounts for mortality

8 Population Models Model: pop’n vector X transition matrix New matrix: pop’n structure next time

9 Population Models Ex: 3 stages. Seed, rosette, flowering Pop’n vector 140 20 10 # seeds # rosettes # flowering

10 Population Models Ex: 3 stages. Seed, rosette, flowering Transition matrix 0.5 0.2 0 seed rosetteflowering seed rosette flowering year 1 year 2 0 0.2 0.5 20 0.2 0.1 Note: columns not summing to 1.0 includes mortality

11 Population Models Ex: 3 stages. Seed, rosette, flowering Next year’s pop’n.? Multiply. 0.5 0.2 0 0.2 0.5 20 0.2 0.1 140 20 10 X srfl = s r

12 Population Models Ex: 3 stages. Seed, rosette, flowering Next year’s pop’n.? Multiply. 0.5 0.2 0 0.2 0.5 20 0.2 0.1 140 20 10 X srfl = s r 70 + 0 + 200 28 + 4 + 2 0 + 10 + 1 = 270 34 11 New Pop’n Vector

13 Model Summary 1) Explore changes (seedling survival, etc.) 2) Future managed pop’ns PVA

14 Model Ex: Florida Torreya Rare conifer (Torreya taxifolia) Steep ravines: Apalachicola River

15 Florida Torreya Population viability analysis (PVA) –Models predict

16 Ch. 6: Evolutionary Processes/Outcomes

17 Plants and Environment Plant/environment interactions 1) Liebig (1840) –German agriculturist –Discovered mineral fertilizer

18 Plants and Environment 1) Liebig (1840) –Law of the Minimum: Growth/distribution depends on A Festive MoB CuMnZn Clapping Nicely

19 Plants and Environment 1) Liebig (1840) –Australia legumes (soil deficient Mo) –13 oz/acre every 5-10 years increased yield 600-700%

20 Plants and Environment 2) Shelford (American: early 1900s)

21 Plants and Environment 2) Shelford (American: early 1900s) –Upper limits for factors –Proposed “Theory of Tolerance”

22 Plants and Environment 2) Shelford (American: early 1900s) –Upper limits for factors –Proposed “Theory of Tolerance” –Abiotic factors define “potential range”

23 Plants and Environment 2) Shelford (American: early 1900s) –“Physiological” or “potential” optimum: best point

24 Plants and Environment 2) Shelford (American: early 1900s) –Biotic factors: give actual (ecological) range and optimum –Ex, add sp. Y

25 Plants and Environment –Ex: Klamath weed (Hypericum perforatum) from Europe –Cattle avoid (chemicals cause sunburn)

26 Plants and Environment –Chrysolina beetle (biocontrol)

27 Plants and Environment –Chrysolina beetle (biocontrol) –Grows only in

28 Plants and Environment Phenotype: Genotype: Phenotype: determined by

29 Plants and Environment Equation: V p = V g + V e V p = total phenotypic variation V g = variation due to V e = variation due to Focus V g

30 Plants and the Environment Adaptation: What is an adaptation?

31 Plants and the Environment Adaptation: –1) Genetically –2) With How determine trait adaptation? Hard! Genetic importance

32 Plants and the Environment Genetic basis: Heritability (h 2 ): resemblance b/w relatives h 2 = V g / V p –V g = variation due –V p = total phenotypic

33 Plants and the Environment 1 approach: slope regression line (r 2 ) y = mx + b; r 2 =0 r 2 =0.52 r 2 =1

34 Plants and the Environment Plant height ex. Fig. 6.3 (r 2 )=0.21 (21%) (h 2 )=0.21 (21%)

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