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Christopher Columbus Pgs. 130-135. Just the Facts Columbus had been a sailor almost all of his life. He was born and raised in Italy. He had sailed all.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Columbus Pgs. 130-135. Just the Facts Columbus had been a sailor almost all of his life. He was born and raised in Italy. He had sailed all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Columbus Pgs. 130-135

2 Just the Facts Columbus had been a sailor almost all of his life. He was born and raised in Italy. He had sailed all over the known world. He had read The Travels of Marco Polo and was fascinated by the stories he had heard about the wealth of Asia, especially the Indies.

3 A Westward Route to the East Columbus thought he could reach Asia by sailing west instead of going around Africa. He believed that sailing west was a quicker and more direct route. He asked Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to support his plan. It would be years before they would lend their support.


5 The First Voyage Ferdinand and Isabella agreed to pay for the first voyage in April of 1492. Columbus’s first expedition consisted of three ships and 89 men. The Santa Maria was about 100’ long. The Pinta and the Nina were about 50’ long. Columbus set sail on August 3, 1492.

6 The First Voyage - 1492

7 Grumbling and Complaining Columbus had been at sea for almost two months with no land in site. His crew grumbled and complained. Some of the crew thought about throwing him overboard then turning the ships around to head for home. He told the crew he planned to find the Indies and would continue until he did.

8 Land Spotted On October 11, 1492, Columbus spotted the Caribbean Islands off southeastern North America. They landed on an island called Guanahani, but Columbus later renamed it San Salvador. They were met by the local Taino Indians. Columbus thought he had made it to Asia, and called this area the Indies, and called its inhabitants Indians.



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