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RCSD Human Resources Department 1 Report to Board of Education October 2007 Moving the Superintendent’s Goal of Diversity Forward.

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Presentation on theme: "RCSD Human Resources Department 1 Report to Board of Education October 2007 Moving the Superintendent’s Goal of Diversity Forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCSD Human Resources Department 1 Report to Board of Education October 2007 Moving the Superintendent’s Goal of Diversity Forward

2 RCSD Human Resources Department 2 RTA Workforce Total: 3,428 RTA New Hires 06-07: 372 RTA New Hires 07-08: 245 Increase of 4% Decrease of 2% Remained Stable 2,64825816548263 41 212 4036

3 RCSD Human Resources Department 3 Decrease of 1% Remained Stable Decrease of 1% ASAR Workforce Total: 282 ASAR New hires 06-07: 39 ASAR New Hires 07-08: 25 1701912881492053

4 RCSD Human Resources Department 4 Increase of 5% Increase of 17% Decrease of 4% ASAR (CS) Workforce Total: 83 ASAR (CS) New Hires 06-07: 6 ASAR (CS) New Hires 07-08: 8 632310 24 4 11

5 RCSD Human Resources Department 5 Increase of 4% Increase of 19% BENTE Workforce Total: 1,429BENTE New Hires 06-07: 90 BENTE New Hires 07-08: 84 Decrease of 9% 62123 3842329192342426

6 RCSD Human Resources Department 6 Decrease of 1% Increase of 17% Decrease of 10% RAP Workforce Total: 693RAP New Hires 06-07: 104 RAP New Hires 07-08: 156 1793755 35235791082420

7 RCSD Human Resources Department 7 Recruitment Efforts 2007-2008 Created a Recruitment Team of 32 members. Membership consists of administrators and teachers who are representative of our diversity initiative. All members of the Recruitment Team were trained in the Haberman Interview Process for the identification of STAR teachers for urban teaching. Expanding advertising for RCSD in the following publications: Teachers of Color, The Black Collegian, Career Opportunities for Minority College Graduates 2007, About Time Magazine, Democrat and Chronicle Special Editions Black History Month and City Living. Continued to identify area colleges and colleges throughout the country focusing on those with education programs with a high representation of students of diverse backgrounds Establishing relationships with colleges visited for the purpose of recruiting highly qualified candidates in all tenure and shortage areas. Recruitment and hiring is an on going process for all HR Directors. Out of town recruitment included: Buffalo, Boston, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and New York City

8 RCSD Human Resources Department 8 Recruitment Efforts Continued… Partnerships that support the Diversity Initiative include: Urban Teachers of Tomorrow with Roberts Wesleyan and Empire State College, Urban Teacher Leadership with University of Rochester, Teacher Opportunity Corps of Nazareth College, CIMP with SUNY Brockport a one year Masters program in urban education. Think About Teacher Consortium with area High Schools and colleges to encourage diversity student to pursue a career in education. Continued to analyze teacher diversity by school and by subject New contractual language on the teacher transfer process allows for earlier recruitment and hiring Early identification of leave of absences, resignation, retirements, also allows for early recruitment and hiring Building administrators complete STAR teacher recommendations annually. Student teacher recruitment orientations held in December, January and March. Review of applications with the purpose of identifying diverse candidates is also an on going process Held second annual RCSD In-District Job Placement Fair which facilitated the early placement process for new probationary teachers. The early identification of new hires allowed for both early activation of mentors and back filling of vacancies in a timely manner.

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