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 If you had the opportunity to buy a cabin in the mountains that you could rent to other people, would you buy it?  How could the cabin benefit you?

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Presentation on theme: " If you had the opportunity to buy a cabin in the mountains that you could rent to other people, would you buy it?  How could the cabin benefit you?"— Presentation transcript:


2  If you had the opportunity to buy a cabin in the mountains that you could rent to other people, would you buy it?  How could the cabin benefit you?  What problems could it cause?

3  401(k) plan › is a tax-deferred retirement plan that some employers offer to their employees.  IRA plans › individual retirement account  a savings plan with special tax benefits.

4  Real estate › Your home is an investment › Renting › Real estate risk and responsibilities  Find renters  You must pay the loan whether you are renting or not  You have to fix or find someone to fix things that go wrong  Real estate doesn’t always increase in value

5  Collectibles › Antiques › Never take big risks with money you’re not willing or able to lose.

6  What does it mean to be a good sport? › Choose a professional athlete who displays this quality. › Write a magazine article that focuses on the athlete’s good sportsmanship.

7  Page 321 #9, 10, 12

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