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Chinese Higher Education: “ aimed at serving modernization, reform, and economic development since the late 1970s. ” Kathleen Baird and Alana Ovsepian.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese Higher Education: “ aimed at serving modernization, reform, and economic development since the late 1970s. ” Kathleen Baird and Alana Ovsepian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese Higher Education: “ aimed at serving modernization, reform, and economic development since the late 1970s. ” Kathleen Baird and Alana Ovsepian

2 General Information Basic Structure Availability of Higher Education Goals of Education 1) Acquire skills 2) Socialization 3) Info about the employee

3 Background Info Before Mao Mao’s legacy –General contributions –Great Leap Forward –Cultural Revolution

4 Current Components Regular Higher Education - undergraduate/graduate -industry specialized college -short cycle specialized, w/out degree -vocational universities Adult Higher Education -training/upgrading employees -management training colleges -school teachers/ administration training



7 Since the 1970s Improving higher education becomes a priority. Government creates policies for: 1) expansion 2) diversity 3) study abroad programs 4) increasing the number of private universities


9 Continuing Reform Restructuring the system Trend toward decentralization - five areas of reform Basic Objectives 1) expand enrollment 2) improve quality and efficiency

10 Recent Changes Increased participation 1) females 2) ethnic minorities 3) peasant/worker backgrounds Change in occupational prospects - “two-way selection” process


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