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T HE P OWER OF P ARTNERSHIPS James Pillar Associate Vice President Student Services Monmouth University.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE P OWER OF P ARTNERSHIPS James Pillar Associate Vice President Student Services Monmouth University."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE P OWER OF P ARTNERSHIPS James Pillar Associate Vice President Student Services Monmouth University

2  The Audience  Today’s Program  MU’s Definition of Partnering  The End Result – MU’s Concept of an Integrated & Caring Community Welcome

3  Why Partner? – Partnering is powerful and impacts:  Student Affairs Professionals  Our students  The entire campus community  The Importance of Partnering – Collaborative solution of complex issues – Early identification of students “at risk” – Can minimize critical incidents – Community collaboration reduces “silo” mentality – $$$$

4  Commonalities – The Students – Frequency of existing contacts on and off campus  Who do you speak with on a regular basis and why?  What departments address which issues? – Specific Mental Health Partnerships  Crisis response policies and procedures  Crisis prevention on campus  Suicide Prevention Considerations in Identifying Partners

5 – Identify Key People – Invite key persons to discuss  Why you work together  Common concerns  How to encourage staff “buy in”  Shared and individual responsibilities of partners  Boundaries and expectations – Begin a pilot program or programs with your partners – Review and redefine periodically – Meet regularly and document everything – Make partnerships visible Getting Started - On Campus

6 – Identify Key Agencies – Providers – Organizations – Identify “go to” people – Visit and ‘sell’ your idea and discuss:  Benefits of working together  Specific responsibilities, boundaries and expectations  Who/when/how to pilot the partnership – Pilot the partnership – Meet regularly and document – Review and redefine periodically – Be visible – GET out of your office Getting Started - Off Campus

7  Procedural Understandings with off-campus agencies – Local Hospitals – Agencies  Collaboration with off-campus providers for students in need of referral  Working relationships with human services agencies  Court Appointed Advocates  Other Colleges and Universities Off-Campus Agencies

8  Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) – Brief History – Model for Collaboration – Members – Format – Ground Rules – Observable Behaviors Existing Campus-Wide Partnerships at Monmouth

9 – Monthly meetings on campus – CPS/CES/DS/Athletics etc… – Weekly meetings on campus  Case Management  Building Management  SGA Basic Residential Life Partnerships - Informal

10 – CETL  Behaviors of Concern & View From Here – Academic Foundations (FY Seminar)  Diversity Programs  First Year Instruction in Halls – Center for Student Success – General Education  RA Staff Training – CDHW  RA Programming Partnering with Academic Affairs

11  Judicial Affairs in the Classroom  In-Hall Programs (CPS – CSS) – SCREAM (Partnered with Rutgers University) – Walk a Mile/White Ribbon  Alternative Spring Break  Diversity Initiatives – American Conference on Diversity – Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office Programmatic Endeavors

12  Psycho-Educational Programming – SAB – SGA – Student Clubs and Organizations – Peer Leaders – Student Staff – Athletic Mentorship Program Partnerships with Student Groups

13  Success we have experienced  Obstacles we have faced  Future Expansion  Questions  Contact Info: – Conclusions


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