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Rave Alert Emergency Notification System at CSU Pat Burns Colorado State University CHECO September 18, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Rave Alert Emergency Notification System at CSU Pat Burns Colorado State University CHECO September 18, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rave Alert Emergency Notification System at CSU Pat Burns Colorado State University CHECO September 18, 2007

2 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 2 Theme “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” – Mark Twain “Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.” – Mark Twain

3 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 3 Findings after Virginia Tech Email notification  Takes over an hour to complete delivery  Does not reach many students on campus  Does not reach students in transit University of Central Florida study and CSU student focus groups  Students prefer to be notified by text messages  Notification is almost immediate

4 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 4 Parameters Criteria  Require text messages (SMS – Short Message Service) injected directly into the cellular network Must handle > 10,000/min  No sendmail into the cellular network Spam filtering Long delays otherwise, too  Flexibility to respond to changing situations What  Rave Alert, a hosted service

5 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 5 Approach Purely opt-in programs seem to attract 25- 30% participation CSU wants to “own the customer” to increase participation  We want to be the ones collecting emergency contact information, including cellular number and other emergency contact information

6 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 6 Implementation  Therefore, we collect cellular numbers from our users, and store them in our SIS, along with other emergency contact information  We are doing uploads into the Rave Alert hosted service nightly, from our databases at CSU  SMS notification of registration from Rave “turned off”  Now, Rave Alert can accommodate only a single number per user Multiple numbers in development

7 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 7 Participation Mandatory participation for devices purchased by the University  Database pre-load Opt-in program for students, we collect cell phone numbers for students as follows  Now, via a self-subscription, opt-in web page  Also during pre-registration (hope to obtain > 70% penetration)

8 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 8 Policy – On the Subscription Web Page System will be used only for emergency life and safety situations, and testing once per semester  “Trust, but verify” – essential Will not be used for other communications, even “official University communications”  Students regard this as spam  Very strong negative reaction from student focus groups

9 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 9 Sending an Alert Administrative “single sign in” to Rave web page, grants permissions to a small number of senders Currently, about half a dozen  Me, Jose Valdes (Assoc. Director of Telecom)  Two co-chairs of our Emergency Management Team, and their administrative assistants

10 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 10 Rave Alert Features 6¢ per individual SMS message  Anticipate sending no more than 20k per semester ($1,200), except in the event of an emergency when cost will not be an issue  To receive, must be enabled in the cellular program, with an associated cost Does have groups that we will define, and feed via email (included in annual subscription cost)  Warnings most important  Also meals, athletics, etc. Notifications from BlackBoard CE6

11 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 11 Rave Notification (Resolved at 9:38 PM) From: on behalf of Vladimir Vuksan [] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:21 PM To: Subject: [Notifications] SMS message delays and undelivered messages We are currently experiencing connectivity issues connecting to our SMS aggregator Verisign mQube. As a result SMS messages are being delayed or are undelivered. We have opened a case with Verisign and will update you once the issue is resolved. Thank you for you patience. -- Vladimir Vuksan Director of Technical Operations Rave Wireless

12 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 12 Emergency Communication Strategy “All of the Above” EMT assembles, and triggers:  Text messages  Bulk email We use our internal system, as it gets to virtually 100% of constituents, rather than just those with a mobile device who have subscribed to the service  Campus web page  Emergency announcements – 491-SNOW  R-911  Pre-set conference calls to principals  CSU Police with bull horns

13 Sep. 18, 2007 CHECO - ENS at CSU 13 Questions Are most welcome.

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