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ECE559VV – Fall07 Course Project Presented by Guanfeng Liang Distributed Power Control and Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE559VV – Fall07 Course Project Presented by Guanfeng Liang Distributed Power Control and Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE559VV – Fall07 Course Project Presented by Guanfeng Liang Distributed Power Control and Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks

2 Outline Background Power control Spectrum sharing Conclusion

3 Background Interference is the key factor that limits the performance of wireless networks To handle interference, can optimize by means of Frequency allocation: Power control: Or, jointly - spectrum sharing: f f f

4 Power Control N users, M base stations, single channel, uplink P j - transmit power of user j h kj - gain from user j to BS k z k – variance of independent noise at BS k

5 General Interference Constraints Fixed Assignment: BS a j is assigned to user j Minimum Power Assignment: each user is assigned to the BS that maximizes its SIR Limited Diversity: BS’s in K j are assigned to user j

6 Standard Interference function Definition: Interference function I(p) is standard if for all p≥0, the following properties are satisfied. Positivity - I(p) ≥0 Monotonicity - If p ≥ p’, then I(p) ≥ I(p’). Scalability – For all a>1, aI(p)>I(ap). I FA, I MPA, I LD are standard. For standard interference functions, minimized total power can be achieved by updating p(t+1)=I(p(t)) in a distributed fashion, asynchronously. (Yates’95)

7 Spectrum Sharing Power is uniformly allocated across bandwidth W Transmission rate is not considered What should we do if power is allowed to be allocated unevenly? Can “rate” optimality be achieved in a distributed manner?

8 Settings M fixed 1-to-1 user-BS assignments Noise profile at each BS: N i (f) Random Gaussian codebooks – interference looks like Gaussian noise

9 Rate Region Pareto Optimal Point

10 Optimization Problem Global utility optimization maximization U(R 1,…,R M ) reflects the fairness issue Sum rate: U sum (R 1,…,R M ) = R 1 +…+R M Proportional fairness: U PF (R 1,…,R M ) = log(R 1 )+…+log(R M ) In general, U is component-wise monotonically increasing => optimal allocation must occur on the boundary R *

11 Examples

12 Infinite Dimension Theorem 1: Any point in the achievable rate region R can be obtained with M power allocations that are piecewise constant in the intervals [0,w 1 ), [w 1,w 2 ),…,[w 2M-1,W], for some choice of {w i } i=1. 2M-1. Theorem 2: Let (R 1,…,R M ) be a Pareto efficient rate vector achieved with power allocations {p i (f)} i=1,…,M. If h i,j h j,i >h i,i h j,j then p i (f)p j (f)=0 for all f [0,W].

13 Non-Cooperative Scenarios Non-convex capacity expression -> rate region not easy to compute Another approach: view the interference channel as a non- cooperative game among the competing users -> competitive optimal Assumptions: Selfish users user i tries to maximize U i (R i ) -> maximize R i

14 Gaussian Interference Game(GIG) Each user tries to maximize its own rate, assuming other users’ power allocation are known. Well-known Water-filling power allocation

15 Iterative Water-filling (Yu’02)

16 Equilibrium Theorem 3: Under a mild condition, the GIG has a competitive equilibrium. The equilibrium is unique, and it can be reached by iterative water-filling. Nash Equilibrium

17 Is the Equilibrium Optimal? NO! Example: h 1,1 =h 2,2 =1, h 1,2 =h 2,1 =1/4, W=1, N 1 =N 2 =1, P 1 =P 2 =P Water-filling -> flat power allocation: Orthogonal power allocation

18 Repeated Game Utility of user i : Decision made based on complete history Advantage: much richer set of N.E., hence have more flexibility in obtaining a fair and efficient resource allocation

19 Equilibriums of a Repeated Game Fact: frequency-flat power allocations is a N.E. of the repeated game with AWGN. Theorem 4: The rate R i FS achieved by frequency-flat power spread is the reservation utility of player i in the GIG. Result: If the desired operating point (R 1,…,R M ) is component-wise greater than (R 1 FS,…,R M FS ), there is no performance loss due to lack of cooperation. (Tse’07)

20 Results

21 Summary Performance optimization of wireless networks 1-D: power = power control Distributed power control with constant power allocation 2-D: power + frequency = spectrum sharing One shot GIG – iterative water-filling Repeated game 3-D: power + frequency + time Cognitive radio

22 Thank you and Questions?

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