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Emergency Preparedness. Lecture aim To decide on a system on DU so can give good emergency care.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Preparedness. Lecture aim To decide on a system on DU so can give good emergency care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Preparedness

2 Lecture aim To decide on a system on DU so can give good emergency care

3 What is needed on the DU to be prepared for emergencies?

4 Nurses trained and refreshed in emergency care Doctors on-call who can come quickly in emergency Communication System to doctors / to ICU / to anaesthetist Checklists, protocols Resus Trolley – Emergency Drugs – Emergency Equipment

5 Training – how to ensure?

6 Communication System – To doctors – to ICU / to anaesthetist


8 What should be in the Resus Trolley?

9 A Oro-pharyngeal airways Suction catheters (Suction Machine) ETT size 6, 7, 8 (paediatric?) Cuff syringe 10ml tape

10 B Oxygen masks Oxygen nasal prongs (Oxygen cylinder or concentrator) Bag-and-mask

11 C IV Cannulae Syringes Giving Sets Tape Gloves

12 RL/NS Glucose Adrenaline Atropine Hydralazine Diazepam Morphine Salbutamol Nitroglycerine Furosemide Newspaper Intubation drugs? Drugs

13 How to ensure the equipment & drugs are always there? Named person responsible for daily / Every shift?

14 Summary To be prepared for emergencies the DU needs a well stocked resus trolley The resus trolley needs to be checked systematically Preparedness saves lives

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